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Sen. Graham Says Those Who Oppose Trump’s Surge Will Own ‘Next 9/11’

Why was this man so happy last night? Anytime war or potential for war is announced, Sen. Graham jumps on the teevee to ejaculate his exuberance for the President’s decision(s). On the contrary, whenever the President isn’t towing the ‘establishment’ line, he’s very very stern and critical.

Am I missing something here or is this man insane?

In summary, if you vote against sending more Americans into a meat grinder of nothingness in Afghanistan, you will own the next 9/11.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Sen. Graham, MIC’s public relations rep.

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  2. ferd

    They wanted troops kept in the region …so that’s nice for them. But the neocon/Israeli expansionist concern remains Syria …and their stated longer-term prize: Iran. What else has Trump caved on? Where else will he piss-away American lives and treasure?

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    • sarcrilege

      Baby steps, baby steps….Trump needs to get his base of Trumpsters on board. Trump’s decent into neocon land follows the trend line of a series of successive lower highs and lower lows,….a bit of hope followed by a chunk of disappointment; that’s how you boil a bunch of Trumpy frogs.

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  3. derp

    He gives off a creepy ” I like pizza ” vibe.

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  4. Cricket

    There is a larger picture to consider here. ISIS is a result of Sunni Jihad ideology originating in Saudi Arabia that exploded into the Levant region with support from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

    It has taken the combined actions of American, Russia, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia to contain it and then wipe it out. But there are also major changes to long standing US policies and related diplomatic manoeuvres.

    I believe that the reason Trump and his team immediately visited Saudi Arabia was to carry the message that the United States and it’s Intelligence Services will no longer tolerate Radical Islam as Obama and those before have done – this tacit support dates all the way back to Franklin Roosevelt and WW2, and has a significant impact on Afghanistan.

    Immediately following Trump’s visit there was a restructuring of the Royal power elite in Saudi Arabia and a blockade of Qatar was implemented. Such instability has not been witnessed since King Faisal was assassinated in the 1970s. It signals a major change of direction.

    So the Jihadis have no option but to retreat to a safe base. That base is Afghanistan.

    It is likely that Trump and the Pentagon have decided to seal off and finish off the Islamic Radicals there and to then stabilize the country. Considering that Saudi Arabia is on board and Qatar has been sealed off, it might just work this time.

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    • ferd

      So many folks still trying to project a pro-American-interests narrative onto the clueless buffoonary we’re witnessing.

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      • Cricket

        Ferd is there anything wrong in what is written above? Discuss.

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        • ferd

          First off, the radicals target us because we support dictators that they hate and because we support Israeli expansionists. Our sending uniforms to the mid-east, our having Trump rub orbs with Saudi princes, our arrogant bluster, only strengthens the nut-bag fringe and draws more head-bangers to their legions.

          Next, you have to know that ISIS arose as a force to be reckoned with because we overthrew a secular, but Sunni-friendly, leader in Iraq and installed Shiite leaders and empowered Sunni-killing Shiite militias. Disenfranchised Sunnis were in a fuck-it mood. WE did this.

          Yes, we, and the Brits before us, have been not giving a shit about whatever religious drugs the Gulf princes had wanted to use to control their populations …as long as the crude keep flowing. This does not mean that we supported head choppers – – we simply did not give a shit.

          Does Trump and the generals who have been participating in this mess for 15 years have some brilliant master plan? I hope so …but your suppositions smack of wishful thinking.

          The first reason that Trump mentioned in his speech as to why we were recommitting in Afghanistan is likely the sole reason for this blunder ‘he didn’t want the sacrifices made by troops to have been made in vain.’ …read: “I do not want the political heat for having the inevitable happen on my watch.”

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          • Cricket

            1. First. I agree that Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria have been disasters. We should never have intervened. But Trump has inherited this problem; he’s trying to deal with the aftermath.

            2. “the radicals target us because we support dictators that they hate and because we support Israeli expansionists”

            I agree that Israel has exacerbated issues for certain elements of the Arab world and that the US/West are seen as culpable. But Saudi Arabia and Israel have common interests and are allied; their common enemy being Iran.

            In fact, the radical Jihad is about all non-Muslims, or unbelievers (kuffar). ISIS comes from a long established form of radical Islam dating back to the mid-1700’s called Wahhabism that is closely aligned with Salafism.


            Within Islam there is also Takfirism which is Muslim against Muslim – where a Takfiri may declare another Muslim impure. Takfiri Sunni Muslims believe this about Shia Muslims, for example.

            Russia has a large Muslim population, and their primary concern is Takfirism, particularly in Chechnya. The Tsarnaev brothers were from Chechnya.

            This is what is behind ISIS, AL Qaeda, the Taliban and others. They all emerged from this same ultra-radical ideology.

            Saudi Arabia, as the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, is the critical element of any solution.

            3. President Roosevelt met with King Abdul Aziz Al Saud for 3 days on his way back from Yalta in 1943, I believe. The relationship between the USA and KSA has been a strong one since that time with one exception.

            There was a brief break in the relationship during the oil crisis of 1973 created by King Faisal. He was soon assassinated – go figure.

            Now you see why Trump and his team have visited Saudi Arabia so urgently and why Saudi Arabia have moved to reorganize their leadership.

            4, There is a master plan. ISIS, after terrorising the planet for 4 years, is almost gone, as will be all the various other Jihadi groups of that region.

            This is being co-ordinated closely with Russia on a military level. We are hardly hearing of it from the press.

            Considering that Trump has had more success in 6 months than Obama had for 8 years, he, and the Generals, must be doing something right.

            5. I wouldn’t read too much into what Trump said. He knew he was breaking a promise to his base, however, and that’s why he felt the need to make a pubic announcement.

            6. If there were something to worry about, it would be Asia, The US is pivoting away from the Arabian/Persian Gulf towards Asia and North Korea is the pressure point. Afghanistan could play a role in this pivot. It borders China, I believe.

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  5. gappingandyapping

    WE MUST START MOAR WARS! Gotta feed that war machine.

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