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Popular Trump Advocate, Mike Cernovich, Reduces 60 Minutes Interviewer to a Stuttering Mess

Mike Cernovich is a popular e-celeb on Twitter — keeping his handle replete with news and information regarding Trump, his agenda, and world events. He’s a major fucking pain in the ass for leftards who shill around all day displaying emotional instability — broken people unable to deal with actual truths and instead live in a fantasyland where unicorns horn them in the ass all day long, at their behest.

The segment that 60 minutes was doing during their ‘discussion’ with Cernovich covered FAKE NEWS — attempting to label him as such due to his belief that Hillary ‘God Damn’ Clinton secretly suffers from Parkinson’s.

Here’s the money exchange.

Mike periscoped the airing of the segment, live on his periscope account, which was later uploaded to Youtube.

This whole ordeal was rather embarrassing for 60 minutes, further demonstrating, even by their own attestation, that their reach is infinitesimal compared to his Twitter account.

And then they tried to posit some cock-eyed theory that Mike was getting impressions using bots, or at least insinuating such — only to get BTFO shortly thereafter.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Like seriously. Who’s watching 60min anymore? Gullible seniors in Florida? I didnt even know the show was still on.

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