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Observe the Only Sane Person on the Federal Reserve, Sole Dissenter, Neel Kashkari

The Fed hiked by 25bps, laying waste to any economic model that calls for easy Fed policy when the economy is shit.

Here is the insane Yellen ‘dot plot.’

And here is the statement.

Neel Kashkari was the only dissenter on the Fed, opting to not vote in favor of stupid Fed hikes.

I realize there are many who believe the Fed should hike — because MUH inflation. But those people are wrong. The issue here is debt and growth. Without resolving those issues, nothing will improve. What the Fed is doing now is merely provoking catastrophe to prove their relevance.

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  1. chuck bennett

    He will take her chair. Sooner or later

    Good friend of OURs


    Chuck Bennett

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  2. aj

    he has Jeff Bezos eyes

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  3. og

    Has CLF finally bottomed? Hmmm.

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  4. longview

    How would you take care of the debt?

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  5. the dude

    Fed is still well below the average target for inflation and has been since 2008. And GDP Q1 = 0.8%! There is plenty of runway left. Why is everyone so eager to crash the plane? I’m with Kashkari.

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  6. anjingbauwau

    The older generation who worked hard scrimped and saved with the idea that bonds could be a source of income and wealth preservation might argue differently.


    Why is everyone so eager to crash the plane? I’m with Kashkari…..you call taking the rate from 0.75 to 1.00 crashing the plane…. history repeats because successive generations forget or don’t bother to look back in history to learn from it.


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  7. masteroneass

    Inflation is not inherently bad as long as it is affordable. Its not the amount of jobs it is the quality of jobs. How can an economist not get this? How can they only look at a number when most of the jobs are low paying part time crap jobs. Wasn’t this exactly the opposite of the Bill Clinton Nafta Plan? We were all supposed to be college educated geniuses while the rest of the world toiled in their retardation with mundane jobs and the USA progressed to complete domination of the world through our massively large brains. Problem is paying somebody here more for one hour of work doesn’t work so well when somebody else will work an entire day for the same amount.

    As for tariffs for goods coming into this country? What foreign goods does anybody buy even? They are mostly luxury items. I can’t think of one brand besides Japanese (electronic Playstation – same cost as Xbox) or Korean (cheap phone – good bargain) or German (appliance same price) or Italian (clothing / glasses – jacked up price Luxotica) I actually have purchased in years. The tariffs are initiated by the companies importing the goods in the form of massive mark ups. A $100 dollar pairs of jeans that cost 2 dollars to make? And these retailers thought this was sustainable? The Chinese are not setting those prices- in fact they are actually trying to sell them to us as “counterfeits” for a fraction of the price (not that it is right or anything). What are we going to make a tariff for? Nintendos? Yea that will definitely solve the problem. How about a tariff for immigrants called a higher tax rate. That is how it used to work. Immigration is fine as long as they are willing to pay the price. Why are these people coming here and getting paid better than citizens of this country for just jumping ship? Totally retarded. Way to go .gov. We seriously need to concentrate on internal activities. Not consuming jacked up price stuffs produced by slave labor folks. Oil is a good example. We are enjoying cheap gas now. Just ask Jack Welch about his thoughts on the natural gas boom. He’ll tell you it was the best investment we ever made.

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