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The Trump Rally: Welcome to the Most Hated and Beautiful Stock Market Melt Up the World Has Ever Known

For the better part of the past 8 years, markets spiraled upwards under the command of the Federal Reserve, in spite of President Obama’s anti-capitalistic policies. This, my leftarded friends in the swamp, isn’t up for debate. With the highest tax rates amongst developed nations in the world, coupled with a crippling welfare state and socialized healthcare plan, on top of onerous rules and regulations, doing business in America wasn’t easy under Obama. These policies, betwixt with an overall somber mood by a downtrodden and defeated rust belt due to anti-American trade deals, has led us to decades low productivity and the first ever sub 3% GDP showing of any administration in the history of America.

This melancholy produced a true desire for change, which was the primary driver behind the electoral win for the anti-establishment, anti-mulit-lateral trader, anti-EU, anti-status quo candidate, Donald J. Trump.

It was widely believed, since Hillary Clinton was Wall Street’s favorite, being the recipient of all of Wall Street’s money, markets would plunge after a Trump win. On the eve of his victory, markets did plunge, as much as 1,000 points in the futures markets — but ended up rallying fiercely off the lows and they haven’t looked back since.

Stuck with the reality of Trump, business leaders soon recognized that his plans, although orated in an unorthodox way, could be hugely beneficial to growth expectations. The anti-regulatory, anti-high tax rate, pro-infrastructure vision of Trump has led markets higher by 10% since election night — adding more than $2 trillion in market capitalization in a little more than 3 months.

Establishment shills hate it, as they view each Dow gain as a testament to Trump’s successful policies.

So what is the difference between the Obama rally and Trump’s?

Simple. Obama was literally never interested in pro-growth strategies. He was focused on environmental issues, saving the planet from evil coal miners, and creating a moat around big business, via regulations and high tax rates, that insulated them from competition. Trump’s playbook is the exact opposite, as he’s busy cutting regulations, taxes and telling big business to fuck off — fixated to negate all multi-lateral trade deals for the bi-lateral sort.

If the GOP gets off their asses and supports these pro-growth strategies, markets will a true rally with energetic zeal — helping GDP growth to explode to the upside. The BIG “if”, of course, is whether or not Paul Ryan and that turkey necked leader in the Senate, can quit shilling for establishment whores long enough to give these policies a chance at freeing the animal spirits pent up in America.

What do you think?

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  1. mr.wiggles

    My money’s on Trump. Even if they try to cock block him on taxes and infrastructure, he’ll find a way to circumvent them. He’s got too much juice to be stopped.

    If the markets got ugly enough, they’d all cave anyways to save their asses. They’re a bunch of pussies.

    It’s all just noise. The markets going much higher this year.

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  2. clock

    You have to be on a
    special kind of drug
    to be long this market.
    The economy sucks…
    people don’t have
    $500 in cash unless
    they sell something…

    Let me know when the
    DOW gets to below

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  3. joshua

    Obama wasn’t prepared for the new economy, neither is Trump. The left and right need to be honest with the people they claim to serve. The jobs even if they come home won’t be here long. Regulation didn’t ruin the economy , taxes didn’t ruin economy, the need for less humans doing jobs did. We are going to have a major shift in the next 5 years. So while we are all playing 1D chess and thinking we live in 1950, we’re gonna get fucked if we don’t prepare for the future….. On that note, I’m loving the rally.

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  4. ironturd

    This post right here is what bull runs spring forth from.

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