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Trick: ABC Tracking Poll Tweaks Methodology to Prevent Trump from Taking Lead

The two way ABC/WAPO tracking poll had Hillary up 12 points last week. Today, the poll shows her up by 2.

These people are morons.

Before you head out to your local DNC party center to celebrate over a few bags of heroin and quinoa salad, just know that the fucking catamites over at ABC deliberately tweaked the poll in order to prevent the great and magnanimous pussy grabbing orange clown from seizing the lead and making Mexico shit in their hats.


This sort of shit should be illegal. But this is America, the land of opportunity to lie and cheat to the top. Had this occurred in Turkey, Erdogan would’ve rounded up the ABC/WAPO motherfuckers and chained them to goats for a period no less than 48 hours, and then executed them.

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  1. hattery

    The last poll before the election is the only poll that pollsters are judged by. So they can manipulate their weighting formulas (totally private) and sampling bias however they want before then and their credibility as pollsters won’t come into question.

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