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As the Largest Russian Naval Fleet Steams to Syria, Megyn Kelly Gets Triggered Over Trump’s Groping Allegations

After the debate, I expect Fox to at least cover the substance of the debates, mentioning the policy topics and very serious matters facing all of humanity. Instead, I was entreated to a femi-nazi scorned woman routine, starring M. Kelly. Without question, she prepared this interrogation well before the debate. Without a doubt, Fox is in the tank now for Clinton, save Sean Hannity.

This went on for what seemed like forever, until I had to turn it off upon hearing that Donna Brazile was going to come on the show to tell the American idiot that the things written in the emails, released by Wikileaks, was in fact invalid — since the Russian did it.

Speaking of which, Russia is steaming its largest naval fleet towards Syria since the cold war– in response to the threats the Obama administration have made against them.

We seem very willing and eager to normalize relations with Vietnam, Cuba and Iran, yet for some fucking reason we choose to pick a fight with the country that can blow us up 1,000 times over — literally. Where is the common sense in that?

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  1. i Bergamot

    C’mon son, Russia moving in on Syria to win a war in… Syria.
    They really don’t give a shit about us. Unlike US, where government is bought by a military-industrial complex and enticed to keep a war going so money keeps pouring in, in Russia – government IS the military-industrial complex and must win quickly or go broke.

    They literally laugh at america – sanctions are a best thing that happened to russia in years!

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  2. juice

    Fly nails one of the most important issues in this election. There is no understating this new McCarthyistic Russiaphobic scapegoating.

    The MIC is taking their whole game to another level and way the fuck too far. They are as out of control as their pick to succeed their latest controlled and fully brainwashed victim, resident in the White House and Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama.

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