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Trump: ‘Our Leaders are Stupid’

Trump weighs in on our leaders following this weekend’s terror attacks.



“Thousands of people are pouring into our country, we have no idea what we are doing,” he said. “Our leaders are, I don’t even say weak, I say stupid.”

Blame Pepe the Frog.


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  1. zerosum

    I’d say “well, he sure knows stupid” except that he has the self-awareness of a fence post and actually believes he was born a genius of all possible topics.

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  2. tha pirate

    Trump is 100% RIGHT ON. If Hillary is elected, it will be the same as giving the Obama administration 4 more to rot away the safety and security of America

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    • TheHarper

      You’re so right. We should definitely elect the man who claimed that he “knows more about ISIS then the Generals.”

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      • Dr. Fly

        Why are these generals immune to criticism? Most of them are politicians in uniforms. As far as I can tell, our generals haven’t been doing a very good job.

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        • rochester

          You might be right in some resppects but we are kicking ISIS’s butt in Iraq now. Even the most crazy Trump supporter has to say he doesn’t know much about the situation there. Always easy for politicians to criticize as an outsider.

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        • tha pirate

          Anyone remember how many generals Obama fired and replaced a few years ago? or is everyone so STUPID that we are led by the nose by the leftist media? By the way, anyone see the BS ‘prss conference’ where a reporter (unidentified of course) asked HRC if she thinks that someone behind these are attacks are from Russians or pro-Trump folks? This outrageous w=question was ignored buyt stiull the job was done to ‘float it out there’. I call BULLSHIT

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        • cascadia

          Point is, Trump only watches himself on CNN, how could he possibly concern himself with the causation and cessation of war in troubled regions?

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      • The Maven

        I could swear I just saw Trump on stage with a rather large group of Generals and Admirals. Obama has overruled almost every military leader we have over policy in Iraq and elsewhere.

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  3. heaterman

    It becomes apparent that NO ONE knows what the flip is going on in Syria, Iraq, Iran and the other sandbox countries with the possible exception of the grunts hoofing it out on the ground there.
    Syria is a morass of the septic varietal. Iran will most definitely have nukes in the near future with some ayatollah holding the “red button” in his hand while blood flow to his brain is restricted by the rag around his head. Iraq will once again descend into the pits of hell as soon as our “advisors” leave. Afghanistan will continue to foment and produce copious quantities of militants bent on the annihilation and destruction of all things connected to the “Great Satan” .
    Their inbred habit of incessantly killing each other, developed over the last couple millennia, will not fade from the value system in place quickly. It’s just what they do.

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    • venter

      15 of 19 of the 9/11 terrorists were from Saudi Arabia, I say nuke the whole middle east and be done with the lot of them.

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      • The Maven

        Iran is probably the most pragmatic country in the whole area. Fear-mongering over their nuclear capabilities is ridiculous especially in light of the recent accords. And there is a ton of discontent among the population and I can see the day where they overthrow their mullah overlords.

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      • fxtradex6

        Great idea. Turn the entire region, not just the troublemakers, into bomb wielding jihadists hell bent on killing US citizens in retaliation for such a thing. Not only that, such a move would turn the majority of the world, and our allies, against us. Not smart at all.

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      • cascadia

        But, what if it destroyed our oil under the ground there?

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