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US 2Yr Rises to Highest Yields Since June, Because You’re All Fucking Crazy

Hang on, let me guess why yields are rising.

  1. Bond bubble of an unprecedented scale.
  2. The Fed is gonna hike rates.


You’re fucking nuts.


As I write this, US 2yr notes are yielding 0.77%, based off some fucking inane assumption that we’re in a bond bubble and the Fed is sick and tired of low borrowing rates for the government and are fixing to jack carrying costs for the nation, in order to apply fiscal fuckery onto this great steak’d land, just because.

Now that I got that off my chest, answer the following questions.

How can we be in a bubble when all of Europe and Japan are purposely controlling their bond yields? For those of you who say it’s a conspiracy to say the market is rigged, I entreat you to study the QE programmes of both Europe and Japan. Understand, that without QE, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Irish and even French yields would be through the fucking roof. It’s absurd to think that Italy or Spain should be able to borrow at lower rates than America. But that’s what’s happening. Also, it’s positively insane to believe the Japanese markets would be even close to where it is now, if not for their complete control of their stock market, via stock and ETF purchases.

So, with that in mind, global markets are 100% rigged. Period, end of story.

To that point, and using the same logic, we can’t be in a traditional ‘bond bubble’ if the fucking market isn’t natural and is being controlled by central bank printing presses. In my opinion, bonds will continue to outperform, providing there are buyers out there who are fucking mandated, by law, to buy and control the market.

With regard to the Fed hiking rates, come on son. Do we really need to get into this monetary land of fantasy, one that would bring forth an undeniable nightmare for the corrupt and soulless ghouls who depend on fiscal chicanery to gain reelections?

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  1. it is showtime

    And I called out every night (hyperbole) in 2013 the Stupid Spain-bonds Impotent Italy Piss Portugal Greece yields clearly being suppressed every single night for those SHOWTIME DISSENTERS.
    “Oh you’re just bitter & bipolar, showtime”
    Fly’s a little late on his ‘rigged’ summary
    but all in the file cabinet of “how we got here”

    You fuckheads feeling the plot-twist-wrath yet?

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  2. billiejones

    HAHAHA. You can see literally see Showtime getting drunker throughout the day via his comments. Occasionally he comments early in the day and his comments are generally coherent. Then as night approaches; the hooch really begins to take hold and the beligerance and faux confidence kick in as he claims victory for every yet to occur, eventuality. On occasion he writes a late night comment, those typically read like they have been written by an ESL student.

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