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Report: Obamacare Heading For Disastrous Failure in 2017

You can’t keep your own doctor, apparently.

According to a new report by Avalere Health, more than 1/3rd of the nation will have 1 or fewer plans in 2017, up from 4%–as insurers say “fuck this shit, we’re out” and opt out of the egregiously ineffective government mandated health insurance scheme.

“Lower-than-expected enrollment, a high cost population, and troubled risk mitigation programs have led to decreased plan participation for 2017,” said Dan Mendelson, president of Avalere. “Congress and the Administration can choose to stabilize these markets and re-establish competition—but only through a consensus process that brings in a broader swath of the uninsured.”

This is how it might play out, per state.




The solution is very simple, obviously. Family plans for middle class folks run anywhere from $1,200 to $1,900 per mo. With that number set to explode higher, thanks to millions of less fortunate people now sucking off the government tit, it’ll likely force many of those middled class families to become naked and without health insurance. The landscape will change dramatically, over time, as the pool of paying Obamacare people shrink. The disheveled will ingratiate themselves with world class leading healthcare, while the slaves of the middled class die from the flu, as they’ll be unable to afford simple visits to the doctor for basic care.

In order to avoid all of this headache, the global elite inside the healthcare-government complex should REWRITE Obamacare and change it to the Clinton plan, once Hillary is elected. The new plan should MANDATE all citizens to become enveloped by this health insurance plan, through onerous taxes levied against them in the same method social security is funded now.

Also, there should be a one time tax of 50% on all assets being held in cash by people with a net worth of $100 million or more, in order to fund this great experiment that will make America healthy again. If you’re unable to find places to invest your cash in this glorious nation of 325 million people, the government will find a place to invest it for you.

Thank you very much. Have a nice day.

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  1. ripper

    Fly, what’s your opinion on the BOP’s decision to cut down on private prisons?

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  2. vandamme

    Lol, good luck pinning down the net worths of HNW people, let alone collecting that tax. They didn’t become wealthy by sticking their necks out like that.

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  3. bushwacker2

    Fuck that “once Hillary is elected” bullshit. She wears a Folry catheter under her $11,000 Armani pantsuit to pee in a bag and she exhibits symptoms of early stage Parkinson’s. And, she fucking lies to parents of fallen heroes.

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  4. cascadia

    This whole trope of ‘paying for those sucking on the gov’t teet’ needs to die.

    If you operate under the delusion that you’re not paying for their health care already, you’ve got your head in the sand.

    Look at the dollars written off every year by insurance companies and hospitals due to people’s inability to pay. Do you really think that hospitals and health insurance companies are going to give up their lunch money so those people were cared for?

    No. They pass along the cost to the subscribers and hospital-goers in higher charges.
    How about $1500/mo for insurance and a $400 advil, anyone? Anyone?

    So, you can pretend you’re not paying for it and continue this idiotic system where employers choose the health plans for their employees (even though they don’t want to, but feel compelled to)-

    or you could free employers from spending countless hours and dollars administering health care for their employees. Let individuals choose the best product for themselves when given an open market of health care options.

    Fund the ACA, free employers from being a giant HR department, and let people take control of their own health care.

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