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Former CEO of Twitter, Dick Costolo, Suppressed Negative Comments Towards Obama With Algorithm

The great illusion this great steak’d nation purports on a regular basis is adherence to the constitutional rights this nation was founded upon. Naturally, these rights have been ignored and violated over the years, since man is a sinful, evil, creature. But, thanks to technology, never in modern times has the dialogue been so controlled than it is now–thanks to the emergence of the digital city halls of Facebook and Twitter.

Buzzfeed is out with a scathing report that whistle blows on the former CEO of Twitter, @Dick, and his fascist ways.

In 2015, then-Twitter CEO Dick Costolo secretly ordered employees to filter out abusive and hateful replies to President Barack Obama during a Q&A session, sources tell BuzzFeed News.

According to these sources, the May 2015 #AskPOTUS town hall came out of Twitter senior leadership’s frustration with the fact that platforms like Reddit had become home to celebrity Q&As.

According to a former senior Twitter employee, Costolo ordered employees to deploy an algorithm (which was built in-house by feeding it thousands of examples of abuse and harassing tweets) that would filter out abusive language directed at Obama. Another source said the media partnerships team also manually censored tweets, noting that Twitter’s public quality-filtering algorithms were inconsistent. Two sources told BuzzFeed News that this decision was kept from senior company employees for fear they would object to the decision.

He is the President of the United States, after all. However, Twitter has been doing this shit for a long time, most recently with the #DNCLEAKS saga.

In response to the report, Costolo danced around the allegations with a comment laced with fuckery.

“Total nonsense and laughably false as anybody who would speak on the record would tell you. Absurd,”

“Shows a lack of understanding of the very basics of how trust and safety works at Twitter. Sensationalist nonsense.”

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  1. uglyflint

    You should buy Twitter Fly. Just wait a while longer and it should come into your price range. Think of the possibilities for Ibankcoin.

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  2. freebie

    Trump today: “Look, all I do is tell the truth,” he said. “I’m a truth-teller. All I do is tell the truth”

    Here is the truth folks:

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  3. djps

    A Snopes article is the top result on the #hillaryshealth Twitter tag now. This a totally organic occurrence and not #rigged at all.


    Snopes says -“UNPROVEN” (Howver, the article ridicules the claims as “fringe” “conspiracy theories”.)

    Sole source for Snopes – “Weigel, David. “Armed with Junk Science and Old Photos, Critics Question #HillarysHealth.” Washington Post. 8 August 2016.

    Apparently if a Washington Post columnist says there is nothing to see, it’s good enough for Snopes and Twitter.

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