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Can Jack Save Twitter?

Some believe Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter, is the second coming of Marissa Mayer. Others believe he’s a tech and marketing genius, biding his time, waiting to strike the market with a white hot number that will send Twitter spiraling higher. Very recently, Jack’s good name was maligned for a sundry of free speech concerns. However, speech isn’t necessarily free, as the very apparatus by which this freedom is used is to serve money.

Let’s see if Jack can make some money for his shareholders.

Earnings pending.

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  1. RampCapitalLLC

    No, he is a hipster worried about grooming his beard.

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  2. zuul2

    Twitter is the greatest information-sharing service available. That @jack hasn’t been able to harness its power speaks to his incompetence. Look at that beard – total distraction. Do not trust this man. He is weak. Just look at that beard.

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  3. Marc David


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  4. the dude

    I’ll go with Merissa Mayer with a beard. He is not the salvation of Twitter because he does not truly grasp what Twitter has become. There are times when a founder stays too long. This is one of those times. Twitter will eventually be acquired and Jack will ride away on a unicycle carrying a messenger bag of money.

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