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The House of Saud Issues Letter, Declaring Their Displeasure With Some of Hillary Clinton’s Remarks

Both the Kingdom of Kuwait and the House of Saud have issued separate letters, expressing their dismay with Hillary, over recent comments that imply they have something to do with fomenting terrorism around the world.

Naturally, her statements were probably pre approved by her Saudi rulers, who have donated upwards of $25 million to the Clinton foundation. Nevertheless, the hall of mirrors and the pageantry of this faux anger is somewhat amusing to me.

Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have piled on outrage after Hillary Clinton condemned the weekend slaughter in Orlando and directly linked the oil-rich monarchies to the funding of terrorism.
In separate letters to Fairfax Media, the embassies for both countries in Canberra took exception to reporting of Mrs Clinton’s call to “stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world”.

“Accusations levelled against the Kingdom of being lax or of supporting extremism fails to recognise the Kingdom’s leadership role in combating terrorism,” the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia wrote.

Kuwait’s embassy said it “wishes to convey its disapproval of the criticism and allegations stated by the presumptive candidate Ms. Hillary Clinton”.

Fun facts: In Saudi Arabia, homosexuality is punishable by death. How are the guilty executed? By stoning, naturally. Also, women aren’t allowed to drive, visit cemeteries or try on clothing in clothing stores. Moreover, a woman isn’t permitted to travel anywhere without a chaperone.

Alas, Hillary, the champion for gay and women’s rights, gladly and gleefully doing business with these barbarous savages of the first order.

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  1. zheeeem

    And, on the other side, Prince Alwaleed bailed out Trump, twice. The numbers were what, a billion or so? How deep in the Saudi pocket is too deep?

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  2. roundwego

    Amazing how revealing that this election is. The rigging is in plain sight cus the elite have captured the system entirely, that there is no decent in side the system. So they have no referece for their corruption cus everybody is convinced absolutely that are doing the “right” thing and they are just in their war. The danger of being smart is thinking everybody is stupid and insisting your doing it for the greater good. But in reality, its just justifcation to exert the will of your ego. Ego is the motivator for the self rightous. Greed of pride.

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  3. fryguy15

    The Saudis will also execute people for… get this… sorcery, witchcraft, fornication and atheism. Da Fuq! Sometimes they kill people just because they feel like it.

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  4. stockslueth

    I’m sure this was all done for show. Don’t you wish you really knew what is going on?

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