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Trump Supports Britain’s #BREXIT From EU

Trump is taking the opposite view of Obama and is urging England to exit the EU, something that is up for a vote in mid June.

Naturally, the globalist cabal are freaking out over the specter of Britain’s exit from the EU. It would serve as a major blow to the alliance and might lead to other exits in the future. Greece comes to mind when thinking about who might be next.

“I would say that they’re better off without it, personally, but I’m not making that as a recommendation — just my feeling,” Trump said Thursday in a Fox News interview. “I know Great Britain very well, I know the country very well, I have a lot of investments there. I would say that they’re better off without it, but I want them to make their own decision.”

‘Horrible Thing’

Trump cited immigration as a reason why Britain would be better off outside the EU.

“I think that migration’s been a horrible thing for Europe,” Trump said. “A lot of that was pushed by the EU.”

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  1. dcolella15

    I am just perplexed as to why people would shun this type of rational thinking…

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    • infinitezuul

      Because if you don’t want to accept millions and millions of jobless, tax-sucking, unproductive potential suicide bombers you are racist. Nobody likes being called a racist.

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      • frog

        No one is THAT afraid of being called a racist. There have to be other factors here. I suppose everyone in the world could be called a “potential” suicide bomber, so it’s not fair to label people in that way.

        In the U.S. and Europe, lots of immigrants do lots of productive work and pay taxes, and some even start major companies.

        To have completely open borders is ridiculous. But immigration on the whole is often a constructive influence on a country, if managed well.

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  2. roundwego

    funny how trump turned from crazy dude to this guy actually knows how markets are supposed to work.

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  3. the dude

    I think of the last few S&P days as the Trump Rally.

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  4. frog

    Britain wants Trump to tell them what to do, even less than they want Obama to tell them what to do. So this statement wasn’t for a British audience. It was for Trump’s home audience, just remaining on the same page he’s always been on, on the subject of immigration. Bernie agrees with Trump that we should not have open borders.

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  5. one-eighty

    Just came back from there, visiting family. Of the 10 people I talked to about this, 9 are innies and only one is an outie.
    They like the common market but are not happy with how it has morphed into this super-state, but feel that financially they are better off staying in.

    I hope you posters realize that Trump is a bullshit artist. He can’t be relied upon to even remember what he says from one minute to the next. Only the naive and extremely gullible actually believe him.

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    • roundwego

      what’s the alternative, Killary?

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      • frog

        Hillary Clinton is her name. And it is obvious that she is a highly qualified candidate– unless you have let yourself be brainwashed by Right Wing “news sources” that have been bashing her 24/7/365 for 2 decades now.

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      • el rey de cucamonga
        el rey de cucamonga

        First the Clintons blamed the “vast right wing conspiracy”. Now it is a vast left wing conspiracy.

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    • ottnott

      I hope you posters realize that Trump is a bullshit artist. He can’t be relied upon to even remember what he says from one minute to the next. Only the naive and extremely gullible actually believe him.

      Most posters don’t seem to realize it.

      This became clear when they were nodding in agreement with Trump’s suggested plan to refinance US debt. It was clear that Trump didn’t understand how US debt is financed. Presumably, most people here have some understanding of financial markets, and could see the problems with what he suggested, but, sadly, no.

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  6. wordpoop

    PLATFORM: Things are horrible , just horrible. People love it, they love me. It’s great. Mexicans love me, evangelicals. It’s going to be great. You’ll love it. I know business. I know words and things. END OF PLATFORM

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