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T. Boone Pickens: Trump is the Best Candidate for Energy

Truth be told, it never occurred to me that a Trump presidency might spell a renaissance in American energy production, hitting all areas of coal, natty and oil. Unlike Obama and Hillary, who want to put a fucking windmill on every household in America, Trump is a fervent believer in being energy independent. Additionally, and more importantly, he thinks the EPA are filled with a bunch of tree hugging assholes, more interested in the habitat of pigeons than the American economy.

Perhaps the recent respite in coal, up 47% over the past 3 months, is a reflection of the surge in Trump’s popularity, signaling a new era of American energy production–helped in large part by hard men drilling and mining, toiling away, using gender neutral restrooms during their lunch breaks.


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One comment

  1. brotherbill

    You are a hoot! Always bring a smile to my face.

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