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Markets Barely Lower Post Brussels Attack

This has the feel of a rally in the making. A culmination of horrible events taking place in a major European city has take less than 0.4% from our broadest index. Moreover, French markets are down less than 1%. This tells me markets wants higher.


CAC down 0.8% and Belgium is off by only 0.25%. Pfffff.



Crude down a smidge. Everyone loves crude again, with exception to the crude companies. They fucking hate the stuff. Unprofitable business.


Risk off? A little gold rally to make the panic look genuine.


Treasuries are up because they were down so much yesterday. Plus, money managers feel obliged to buy them today, or at a minimum not sell them. Who knows what other terror lurks in the balance?


Markets are taking today’s horrible events stridently. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Nasdaq higher by the day’s end.

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  1. fryguy15

    Just watched the Orban speech you posted. Heavy, heavy stuff.

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  2. lplongo

    Meanwhile, Obama is in Cuba – hey 1962, our President is black and visiting Cuba. Discuss.

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    • frog

      It’s good that Obama is visiting Cuba. Despite our differences, there are clearly plenty of good reasons for the U.S. to have trade and tourism with Cuba, including medical tourism.

      I am sure the Right Wing media will see this differently though. As usual, they will assume that Obama is weak, and that Obama is the Anti-Christ, and will look at everything he does, including the visit to Cuba, as a way of proving those assumptions. Someone else will have to give that point of view, since I don’t buy it.

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  3. frog

    Let’s remember what happened here.

    Obama wanted to take out Assad after he “crossed the red line” of using chemical weapons against his own people. But the GOP dominated Congress refused to back him up and made him look weak and like a fool, so he could not take out Assad. As a result, one fifth of the population of Syria fled for their lives and became immigrants, mostly to Europe, with incidents like the one in Brussels as a result.

    Then Putin goes in and props up Assad while he keeps creating more and more immigrants and violence. What does the GOP do? Cradles his balls and talks about how Putin is strong and a “real leader”, not a weak one like we have.

    See? There’s a slight difference in how the Right Wing and other “news sources” report what is going on. Obama or Hillary does or tries to do something aggressive about terrorism? Right Wing media finds something terrible and wrong with it. Right Wing politician wants to do something aggressive about terrorism? Great. Strong leader. Putin props up Assad and thus helps him to fill Europe with millions of Syrians fleeing for their lives after Assad used chemical weapons against his people? Great. Strong leader. Wish our leader was like him instead of a weakling.

    Something is wrong with this picture.

    But it works perfectly. It’s a divide and conquer program. The Right hates the Left and thinks they are incompetent, regardless of what they do. Everything they do is put through the “How does this prove the Left is the Anti-Christ?” filter. Who wins? Not the common people, not the nation as a whole. That’s for sure.

    If Trump supporters and Bernie supporters ever found out how many desires and goals they have in common, that would make for some major change in the U.S. for the better. Won’t happen any time soon though. Divide and conquer program works perfectly.

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    • frog

      BTW, this is relevant to the current situation, regardless of whether the bombing in Belgium were done by Syrians or not. Because all of the discussions on the news about it end up being discussions about immigration to Europe and the U.S. from the M.E. And most immigration from the M.E. right now is from Syria, for obvious reasons.

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    • it is showtime

      Seymour Hersh Links Turkey to Benghazi, Syria and Sarin May 6, 2014
      The case seemed cut and dry: American intelligence confirmed that Assad was guilty of chemical warfare, putting him in violation of international law. But that case, according to Hersh, was made through a “deliberate manipulation of intelligence.” That a deadly gas had been used was unquestionable, but a biased narrative was “cherry picked” from the available evidence to cast the Assad regime as the perpetrator.


      Seymour Hersh’s News Report Banned in U.S., Is Finally Confirmed in Turkey
      Posted on October 30, 2015

      OCTOBER 23, 2015
      Hersh Vindicated? Turkish Whistleblowers Corroborate Story on False Flag Sarin Attack in Syria

      Obama On The Red Line And On The Rat Line

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      • frog

        Hersh may have his own ax to grind. He’s been criticized for using untrustworthy anonymous sources. And in the Middle East you can always find people fighting each other: Sunni vs. Shia etc. Depending on which side of the argument you want to confirm, you can easily go to the side that will say what you prefer to hear.


        I guess it is possible that Assad did use weapons that technically are not considered chemical weapons. What is not in dispute at all is that he has brutally slaughtered huge numbers of his own people, resulting in millions of survivors fleeing for their lives– and resulting in the current huge European refugee crisis.

        So even if Hersh is totally correct, the basics of the story of Syria, Obama, Putin, and the European refugee crisis, are exactly as I have stated them above.

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