Joined Nov 11, 2007
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Bravo: Politicians Need to Own Their Wars

More than just owning their wars; when we find out they have lied, omitted information, and committed crimes against humanity they should go to jail.

You can not have a 90% casualty rate that consists of civilians.

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  1. Woodshedder

    Numerous problems with that article. First, the chart shows defense spending has increased roughly 50% since 1962, but it does not show this in terms of the percentage of the federal budget spent on defense.

    1. In 1962, Defense spending was 52% of the federal budget. In 2008, it was 25%.
    2. Social Spending was 39% in 1962. In 2008, it was 56%.

    I could go on and on with this. Any article that cites growing military spending as a problem is flawed from the outset as military spending has_actually_been_decreasing as a percentage of the federal budget.

    Finally, the article states that 1 million Iraqi’s have died. I have found the source for that, and is widely believed to have been exaggerated, claims of which have been published in peer-reviewed journals. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ORB_survey_of_Iraq_War_casualties

    While wikipedia is also questionable most of the other estimates are near 100K. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War

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      you may have an argument given percentages, but the point is simple: politicians lead us into unnecessary wars. As each conflict progresses from the 60’s; the dollar amount goes up exponentially and the percentage of civilians goes up.

      As for how many people have died…well that is a guess a may not be known. I’ll bet the over on 110k.

      Lastly, nearly ever conflict entered into since WW1 has been built on the grounds of deception, lies, and subterfuge.

      So if America’s brothers and sisters are going to sacrifice their lives, so to should the politicians or immediate kin. That would potentially allow us as a nation not to enter frivolously into conflict.

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  2. MX2101

    The USA needs obscenely powerful armed forces to continue devaluating the value of the Dollar. If push comes to shove, I have no doubt the USA will make it rain with bombs, if necessary to keep the game going at home.

    Note to the World:

    We can do this the easy way or the hard way…pal.

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  3. Cheesefries

    Hey Cronkite,
    With all of your infinite wisdom lets pretend you are in a position in which you personally responsible for the lives of several million people. Let’s also pretend that your advisors inform you that a government whom has demonstrated barbaric methods of genocide against his fellow countryman is plotting harm to those under your responsibility. How do plan to proceed?
    Do you give a fuck about an idiot blogger who post links about war crimes tribunals in your name in places such as Kuala Lumpur?
    Do you recognize that whatever decision you make the opposing party will demonize you with?

    Are you prepared to let history judge your decisions ot let fuck faces like Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi upset you?

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    • Cheesefries

      If Saddam’ dumps Mustard gas in NYC in 2002 I can guarantee I know what douche bag like you would have said. That’s a fact.

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