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Calling All Reaganomics Worshipers

Despite the title is is only fair to point out that both sides of the aisle are responsible for the outcome….

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One comment

  1. Weirdo Jay

    Look up some videos on Milton Friedman later in life on the federal reserve, his initial policy was a steady growth between 3 and 5% that would be known and NGDP targeting. Later in life he opposed the fed.

    Reagan was right on limited government, and so was Milton Friedman who is often misunderstood. The government has grown significantly since the Reagan days, the national debt has gone up. That means bigger government, not smaller. Reagan’s policy of borrow and spend is what grew the government. Our GDP is mostly a result of the debt.

    The government gets bigger, and the lobbyists make sure all your tax dollars go to the special interests and big businesses. The whole “tax the rich” philosophy is really saying “give the government more control over where the money goes, and give the big corrupted businesses more control over how much they get, and screw all the small private enterprises responsible for growth”.

    And it’s not the income gap that is important it is economic liberty and equality without interference. If you want the income gap to shrink you are saying you would rather have the rich make a lot less, even if the poor make less so as long as the gap closes. If we all make zero income and there is no trade, there is no gap, just rampant poverty. Is that what you want? The separation between the rich and the poor is created by the government through it’s taxing, borrowing, spending and corruption. There are no liberals and republicans only big business and big government which both compliment each other quite well in this corrupt system towards helping the other side.

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