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Here is Why Uncle Sam is Afraid of #OWS

There actually is an agenda; that seems to not have gotten out to the public. This agenda likely caused the federal government to advise and participate in how states and  cities can deal with protests.

A funny thing occurred to me; if the media is “liberal” then why did this message not get out there ? Could it be that the “liberal” media is controlled by a handful of conservative corporations that dictate the news via opinion and teleprompters ?

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  1. yesman

    you do know that the guardian is THE Marxist newspaper of record, don’t you?

    here is a list [with links!] with over 300 criminal incidences including really serious stuff like rape that happened in occupy controlled areas:
    (Israel must die!!! and anti semitism on is commonplace on any occupy site. banker is just slang for Jews in socialist circles)


    the mainstream media is protecting OWS. it has been censoring almost every dirty detail about this crowd.

    only after too many things got out into the public eye, politicians shut some sites down to keep the movement from harming itself by showing its true colors to the public.

    Uncle Sam, by which you seem to mean Obama, is not afraid of the OWS movement. He is afraid of it being too obvious.

    too obviously socialist, too obviously anti semitic, too obviously violent too obviously dominated by freeloaders and Apple groupies who have never worked a day in their life.

    Obama was all in support of this movement and still is. He is just afraid it will show the socialists true face to the public before he has completely enslaved the middle class.

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    • drummerboy

      these are his peeps,and this is exactly what this guy wants.he owns this shit. this guy is playing a game, a game he will not win,nor will his buddy van jones, or pos bill aires…….what,you didnt think shit was gonna come from this…..

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  2. yesman

    but I must be a banker to criticize the OWS crowd, right?

    like the bankers who gave them the lobby in the Deutsche Bank building on Wall Street for meetings to discuss OWS business?


    even the lefty Jon Stewart got sick of these tools

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  3. pistilstamen

    Nevertheless, I don’t see how any citizen of this country could possibly oppose those three demands? Fuck, lets nix 1 and 2…number 3 is all we need. This charade has carried on long enough, open the books and roll out some guillotines.

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    • yesman

      the occupy movement has been funded by the same people that funded the Obama campaign.

      that should tell the average person how fraudulent this movement is.

      that it took them 3 months to come up with these 3 demands while the tea party started with similar demands on day one and was blasted for it by the guardian and the left wing media should tell the dumbest moron that something is fishy here.

      their real demands can be seen here:


      this is just an attempt of the msm to bolster public opinion of OWS, just like the fake “police violence” clips and stories.

      just do some 5 second research about the pepper spray incident, for example:

      when you learn that demonstrators were in fact the ones threatening the police, not allowing them to leave, that these “peaceful” demonstrators attacked non participating students and the police warning these morons that they would be pepper sprayed if they would not relent, you’ll see this as the propaganda that it is

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      • pistilstamen

        I don’t give a flying fuck about Occupy _____.

        I do, however, give a flying fuck about the people who are making the rules, then breaking said rules without fear of any consequences.

        That seems like, I dunno, fucking horseshit?

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  4. yesman


    proud and official supporters of OWS:
    (with proof in articles in e.g. the guardian an others)

    the american nazi party

    Iran’s religious leader

    North Korea

    american communist party

    and so on….

    this is not about bankers. this is about evil Jews, evil capitalism and the evil US of A

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  5. Ultramarine1

    Keep in mind this article is purely an opinion piece, and reads more like conspiracy theory.

    The author writes she solicited answers online about the OWS agenda, but it sounds like she decided which three were the top ranked, as everyone knows OWS agenda varies depending on who you talk to.

    The author also conjectured that Congress used the DHS to coordinate the nationwide crackdowns against OWS, since Congress wants to protect it’s own financial interests.

    That sounds ridiculous, as not every member of Congress has been doing insider-trading.

    It’s more likely the major cities governments and police forces have been learning from the OWS movement, and also coordinating their police activities using the internet and social media, much like OWS coordinates their activities. Perhaps they went to DHS for some guidance.

    Also, to compare OWS protestors to the Tahir Square protestors? Haha, apples and oranges.

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  6. Woodshedder

    That is a big bunch of speculation. Well-written, so as to disguise opinion as fact, but speculation, nonetheless. Throw in a dash of conspiracy theory and you have a hit with the leftists.

    This movement has been part and parcel of the Obama campaign, from the get-go. Remember Van Jones’s promise to be in the streets, in September?

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  7. Anton

    Good Lord. Please read this actual piece of journalism about the origin, organization and demands of OWS along with who’s making them:


    It’s well researched and written, even though the author never had Naomi Wolf’s genius idea of sending a fucking query out into the internet and then extrapolating a cogent list of demands — “demands the media elite don’t want you to know” — that seem miraculously close to her own political predisposition.

    Naomi fucking Wolf, Cronk? C’mon, man.

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