Stock advice in actual English.
Joined Sep 2, 2009
1,224 Blog Posts

Alright, Let’s Talk Some Fucking Gun Control

My twitter stream lit up with NRA criticism today, which was then mostly accentuated by a combination of political pundits, network anchors, and, for some unknowable reason, finance types.

You railed endlessly against the NRA position that, maybe, the real problem is that we filter our kids into defenseless buildings with 25:1 ratios of adolescents to adult supervision. You called them heartless murdering bastards for not recommending the preferred solution to gun violence in America: a magic wand that makes all guns go away.

And what was the one constant attribute you all seem to possess?

You’re all living in New York, NY.

Has it ever dawned on you that you are making recommendations of gun control while literally living on an island? And not just any island, I would add. You live on the most fucking reinforced, police monitored island on the goddamn planet.

Every day, all commuters pass through a handful of highly monitored access points. Every day, one of the most vigilant police forces in the country (who operate not just in NY, but now in secret safe houses across America) performs hundreds of random channel checks on you or people like you without anyone realizing it.

I’m guessing that plays a huge part in New York City’s relatively safe streets; likely more than New York State’s ridiculously unreasonable gun laws do.

With 300 million some odd weapons in circulation, where else in the US do you plan on implementing these awesome gun control policies? I’d be very interested to hear the answer to that; particularly from Mayor Bloomberg.

You could use New York City’s variety of gun control in one other state, maybe…Florida. Build a fucking wall of security and box it off. Possibly Michigan, I guess, if you promise we can double the wall as a precaution to keep those asshole Ohioans out.

And one other thing; explain to me how any of the suggestions I’ve heard about limiting gun sales and taking guns off the market changes the fact that there are 300 million weapons in circulation today.

If you banned all the semi-automatic weapons in America, this 20 year old psycopath’s mom still would have had one. He still would have taken it and shot her. And the school would still have been completely unguarded for him to waltz in and snuff those 20 defenseless kids out at near-point blank range.

The teachers, completely restricted from carrying any form of personal protection (don’t give me that bullshit about handing guns to kids, there are no CCL permits available to anyone that young), would still have been shot to death.

So I ask you; what are we supposed to do between banning new sales of these weapons (which is the ONLY suggestion, even coming from Feinstein) and the time when the last of those that are in circulation finally breaks down?

Don’t worry, these shootings will stop after we hit the gun manufacturers. In just a hundred years or so…

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Stocks Are Going Higher

Alright, it’s almost 11 am. I’ve been patient; checking elements of the market, getting a feel for things, looking at the state of affairs.

The Christmas Rally ™ is happening. We’re going higher.

I don’t care about the fiscal cliff. Frankly, I wish the media outlets that coined this term would start printing bumper stickers and selling them next to “Shit Happens” “WWJD” and “Kerry/Edwards”. Fuck the fiscal cliff.

Uncle Ben Bernanke is dropping $100 billion this December, making sure present’s rain from the skies. Santa and his breaking-and-entering ways are being sponsored by the Federal Reserve this year kids. And when you open that new iPhone, preloaded with Fed Spending-and-Tracking software, you’re going to be so stoked, I promise you’ll forget all about the $200 bucks you’re about to lose in annual taxes.

Who are you fucking kidding, buddy? Every one of us knows you’re a drunk who was going to spend more than that in bars. I bet you piss more than that away racing your fucking Harley around the countryside every summer. Or that speedboat.

I know you, my fellow Americans. Don’t play coy with me. I grew up surrounded by union, blue collar relatives. You play broke, bitch about everyone, then finish up your lectures as you walk out the door to go pack before your latest cruise to God-knows-where.

We’re going over the fiscal cliff. And it’s not going to change a thing. The only difference is your $20,000 a year jackass is going to have to surrender dreams of buying up to that Cadillac SRX Crossover, continuing instead to drive around the older, less awesome Cadillac Luxury SUV, because he won’t have enough after factoring in food stamps and low income housing to push up his loan payments any more. He’ll just have to continue sinking his entire paycheck into a lavish, secret lifestyle, and maybe – “God forbid” – buy down.

Ben is dropping $1 trillion into markets this year. And I don’t believe for a second the middle class can’t afford an extra few hundred bucks a year. I’ve seen the frivolous shit they buy, to this very day.

We’re going higher, until Europe derails us again.

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BOOM! Uranium Spot Price Recovery Continues

I just managed to get around to checking the weekly U308 numbers. The price recovery continues, germs.

Spot prices are up another 1%+ this week, now nearing the $45 /lb price. Long term prices remain pegged at $60.

This is your last warning. All who oppose uranium are about to be offered up for slaughter. Your weregild is cheap, and CCJ will offer no quarter.

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AEC and CLP are ramping.

BAS is ramping.

RGR is making the turn.

Alright, so silver is getting crushed. But I can live with that. It’s a buying opportunity if I’ve ever seen one.

My Christmas rally is here. Santa Clause has delivered.

Ho Ho Ho

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If Mayans Can See The Future, Why Didn’t They See The Spanish Coming?

Seriously, shut up about the damn Mayans already. Last I checked, they were a culture of people so ‘advanced’ they were enslaved by the first people to interact with them that possessed gun powder.

Didn’t see that one coming, did they?

Here’s the only thing you need know about tomorrow. Tomorrow will look much like today. I’ll be lounging in a chair in my 9th floor office, getting rich as hell taking the stocks you are selling so terrified.

“The US is gone.” “Deepwater drilling is done.” “Nuclear energy is over.” “Iran is gonna destroy trade.” “Guns will be banished.” “The world is ending.”

Jesus Christ…shut the fuck up already.

Do you realize my brand new RGR position is up 12% in two days?

How is that fair? But it’s all possible because you squeamish clowns can’t hold your composure.

Get a grip already.

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Bought RGR For $40.49

I added a full position in RGR for $40.49 – 10% of net positions. I offset this purchase somewhat with small sales of CCJ, scaling out the profits from the latest recovery.

I read Feinstein’s position on guns, and it is what one could call “purely political bullshit.”

She’s made clear there will be a full grandfather clause. The rushed purchases being made right now are here to stay. No guns are going to be confiscated. And even if they don’t move to implement gun control, this event has sewn distrust amongst the population. The rush to obtain as many firearms as possible will be kicking into high gear; no one trusts Obama, the Democrats, or even the Republicans.

And the NRA has not even gotten in their say yet. Oh, yeah, absolutely, the world is just a different place now…

The NRA is going to steamclean the antigun crowd, with a torrent of statistics from Australia, Norway, and Sweden. They’ll wash it down with images from Chicago for good measure. The secluded college professors who have heretofore been given free control of the microphone won’t know what collided with the sides of their fat, pasty heads.

To say I am a gun ideologue is most likely accurate. But, this is also what I see developing – guns will be given a pass. There is much talk of reforming mental healthcare in the US, and posting marshals at schools, which will absorb much of the blows. And what assaults against firearms are coming, like Feinstein’s, are, as we say, ‘weak sauce’.

So my ideology and the real world should collide nicely, in cooperation and profits. Far too many emotional fools are forcing the hands of the calm and collected – such as The Fly’s relationship to his jackass client accounts.

I am very eager to pick up the pieces their effusive financing is so determined to leave strewn about the place.

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