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Year Gains Now Past 12%

You will excuse my decision not to chime in on the Ukraine nonsense. You see, it didn’t affect me. My account was up yesterday.

In the past week, I’m up another 2%, putting my YTD gains north of 12%. CCJ is hammering down on her detractors, zeroing in on $25. Next stop is $30.

Once more, Obama is getting lucky as shit, being saved by the Russians. Last time it was “Russia saves Obama from Syria.” This time it’s, “Russia saves Obama from Russia.” Same story, really. President makes idiotic speech, has no game plan – people laugh at him – our enemies accidentally trip and save the day.

This is Mr. Magoo strategy. The terribleness of it is matched only by those of you vehemently arguing that it’s somehow masterful chess on display.

At least they keep getting to the right answer – for now. Or covering up the fallout. But it’s just a matter of time before someone’s myopic, knee jerk carelessness causes the sort of trouble that doesn’t just fix itself.

I will breathe a sigh of relief come 2016, when we no longer have the whit of a 15 year old steering a country along.

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The South Is Weak

The Southern Confederacy is bracing for what promises to be a catastrophic blizzard – one that will go down in southern lore next to Gettysburg and the Great Biscuit Shortage of ’92.

Look you stupid patsies, quit bitching to me about the cold. While you’re preparing rations over a bit of ice, Cain Hammond Thaler has been digging himself out of snow rifts piled five feet high for almost three months.

His knees are cold and my blood is hot.

You want to know the real reason the South lost the war? It’s because their blood is too thin. It slows you down. Small paper cuts result in emergency room visits. You run a saber through a Northerner, you know what happens? They just clot. Right there on the spot.

And it makes you lazy. Do you know I once ventured into an IHOP in Alabama and waited 21 minutes to be served? Actually that has nothing to do with the temperature. I just wanted to point out Southerners are obnoxiously slow.

At any rate, if you could stop broadcasting in real time the number of jackass rednecks who go off the road (from lack of skill in driving, have no doubt) over a small dusting or a little ice, those of us who drove through four inches of snow with iced over vehicles to get to work last week would probably appreciate it.

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Welcome To 245 Kelvin

The north is frozen solid. Between ice storms that knocked us out for a week, encasing our properties in liquid glass, then below zero temperatures and three foot snow banks encasing our doorways, I’m having the most difficult problem of figuring out why I should get up in the morning.

My account is back up today, but it doesn’t feel like a run yet. Maybe that’s how you know it’s going to turn into one? I don’t know, this market is less trustworthy than a Russian laundromat owner who just bought out his cousin – cash.

And like the mob, I’m putting my chips behind this pony until I get the first “courtesy shoot up”. Then I’ll split, but why jump the gun?

Maybe because I won’t have time to split, that’s why. So really this post was just to confuse this market…shake it off my tail a bit. Maybe, I grab my bags the second before I walk out the door tomorrow and hit the first flight to Brazil to hide out.

I don’t know yet, and I’m not telling you either. Sheisty cheats will give me up in exchange for leniency at the first sign of trouble. You can pay your own debts, thank you very much.

Now, I’m going to return to the roaring fire, cleanly out of the view of any major windows, and get back to my paranoia…in peace.

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Welcome January 2014

From the warmth of the 9th floor, the hearth putting out the low crackle of burning logs, I wish you the happiest in the the new year. Your night of celebration brought you much cheer, I trust. You probably cannot read this now, as you doze in the arms of a plush chair by the windowsill; beyond which the dusting of powdered snow creates a picturesque tapestry of natures glory.

But when the time arrives and you welcome yourself again to my hallowed halls, know that I thought kindly for you. May our new year bring fresh blessings and renew old ones. May our disagreements be few and readily surmountable.

And may the riches pile ever higher.

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Check Out Which Stock Just Delivered Me A New Year Blessing

HCLP is up 5% in today’s tape. Since I started accumulating the position in August at $23.99 a share, the partnership is up 59%.

HCLP collects royalties on the special composition of sand used in advanced well services – like natural gas fracking.

HCLP alone accounts for 8% of my now 28% gains this year.

Much of the rest was from the RGR trade earlier this year, and profitable trading around core positions.

My biggest loser for 2013 was hands down physical silver.

I’m still only performing with the markets for 2013, but at least the last few days closed the gap between myself and the S&P a little more.

My underperformance is easy to identify. Greater than 25% of my net assets are tied up in the uranium sector, of which 95% is just CCJ common stock. I have been investing in the fuel for nuclear power for almost three years now.

So long as uranium remains passive, it will be a monumental feat for me to keep pace with the markets. Keep that in perspective – I only performed with the stock market this year, but I did so with my largest position going nowhere; one hand tied behind my back.

I was able to keep up with the pack by having big hits in my smaller positions, such as buying the bottom of the firearms market via RGR after the Sandyhook massacre last December.

But should my confidence in the uranium market be proven correct (this year?…) then I am quite sure that I will be leaving the averages in the dust. Word from the miners and the nuclear sector has me very interested still. Things remain bleak on the surface, but beneath the waves, in the depths, something stirs…

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Embrace Santa

My return to Michigan was greeted by torrential ice-rain (you do not know what this truly is, if you have never seen it), and the several inches of snow that signaled our departure was beaten down into mounds of slush and frozen pellets.

Yet, this horrible weather is part of my home; in a sense, I greeted it like an old friend.

The trip was most superb and well needed. We positioned ourselves in the mountains of the southwestern United States. The dessert got into the low eighties, with the cool fifties marking the night. We spent the days by the pools, eating fresh fruit and drinking. At night, we wrapped ourselves in flannels and grilled out by fires.

Given how mentally and physically exhausting this year was, I’ve decided to take the remainder of the year off. I’ll spend the time at home with light activities, including cooking, reading, and writing for this site.

I checked in periodically last week, just to make sure I wouldn’t vacation through a catastrophe. The big winner of course was BALT – my late decision to follow the Fly paid off well.

My own positions are quieter. HCLP is still in a monster run up. But the rest has cooled off.

CCJ is sputtering to keep the run up. But I remain committed. The uranium resurgence will occur and when it does, this position will with the grace of hindsight be one of the best I have ever taken. I do not hesitate saying that.

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