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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Goldman Have Become $QCOM Fanboys Now, Adds Them to Conviction Buy List

What a research department, eh? They add the company to their conviction buy list after they report a blow out quarter.

Hey, I’ve got a prediction. I bet you Ted Cruz won’t endorse Trump. How’s that for balls?

Goldman likes the stocks up to $70, at which point they might scowl at the shares and possibly remove them from their list.

“We see Qualcomm as a powerful mean reversion story over the next year,” Goldman’s Simona Jankowski wrote in a note to clients Thursday.

“We expect revenue growth to accelerate into FY17 as Qualcomm’s share gains at Samsung and with Chinese OEMs overcome share loss in the iPhone (at higher ASPs) and its China royalty collections recover. … With several strong new chipset product cycles Qualcomm has regained leadership at the high end.”


The stock has a ways to go before hitting all time highs. This company has been generally regarded as a has been for the better part of the past 3 years. I’m not particularly sure why they’re all the rage now, following just 1 earnings beat. Nonetheless, the stock is off to the races today, in an otherwise listless tape.

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Two Middle Eastern Men Attempt to Kidnap Royal Airforce Serviceman at RAF Base in England

Authorities are investigating as to the meaning of all this. I’m sure they just wanted to know his Fantasy Baseball picks.

Pretty fucked up when a serviceman can’t go for a jog in his own base without two fuckheads trying to abduct him with a knife.

British police said on Thursday they were investigating the attempted abduction of a serviceman at a Royal Air Force base in eastern England, saying they could not discount it being a terrorism incident.

The serviceman, aged in his late 20s, was jogging on Wednesday and not in uniform when he was approached by two men at RAF Marham, one of whom shouted at him and tried to grab him.

He fought off the attacker and the second man, who was armed with a knife, went to help his accomplice at which point the serviceman ran off. He was unhurt.

“I can confirm we are treating this as an attempted abduction and detailed enquiries are being carried out at the scene to establish the full circumstances,” said Detective Superintendent Paul Durham

“The motivation for the attack remains unclear at this time, and whilst we are currently unable to discount terrorism, there are a number of other possible hypotheses.”

The two men were described by police as being aged between 20 and 30 and of Middles Eastern origin in appearance.

RAF Marham is home to Britain’s Tornado GR4 Force which is involved in operations in the Middle East.

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Citi: Economic Sovereignty No Longer Resides in Europe or America, It Lives in Beijing

The head of Asian trading at Citi, Mohammed Apabhai is an insane man. He truly gets what is taking place in the world and I believe his mind has snapped trying to process all of it. Listen to every word this man says. If you’re unable understand what this means for markets, feel free to ask questions.

Look forward to currency wars that China will eventually win. No matter how much they devalue, no one is on the other side taking advantage of lower prices. Wow, that’s a statement. Lastly, the center of the global economic engine no longer belongs to the west. It has been ceded to Beijing.

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You didn’t think I’d let Lyin’ Ted Cruz get away with being booed off stage, like a moron, without opining on the matter, did you? Here’s what happened. Rafael made a great speech. The crowd was eating up his rhetoric. The speech started to drag on and people said ‘enough of this shit. Endorse Trump.’  Ted had two choices. He could either endorse Trump and abandon the infantile NEVERTRUMP cadre of losers. Or, he could’ve lifted his middle finger to the audience and the republican nominee, Donald Trump,  in front of millions of people–leaving his reputation in ruins.

He chose the latter.


Rafael chose to make another campaign speech about himself, his fucking stupid Cuban father with a hundred bucks still sowed into his trunks, and offered little in the way of basic decency and decorum. He would’ve been far better off not making a speech at all, than to humiliate himself and his crazed Father like he did tonight.

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Stocks Rally, Stocks Rally, Stocks Fucking Rally

I didn’t want to go there, inside of the bowels of the recent rally, a disgusting place filled with excessive greed and distortions, but someone had to do it. It has been a marvelous time in the markets. I hope 99% of you made some money into the teeth of a worldwide BREXIT induced panic. The other 1% of you can go fuck yourselves.

I’ve all but protested the market for the better part of 2016, and have been idled in mostly cash, TLT, and some trades here and there. At the moment, I am long EDZ, a trade that will expire by the end of this week.

The air has been flushed out of the utility sector in recent weeks. Investors are entirely justified for selling the utes, something I’ve pointed to on more than one occasion.

Over the past two weeks, the best gains have been found in tech, banks and services, mostly semis, auto dealerships, textiles, and foreign banks who were being priced for zero during the BREXIT panic.

The median return for all stocks has been +4.8% over the past two weeks.

Hitherto, energy and gold stocks fared well, but not anymore. Those fucking bastards have DIVERGED from the overall exclamatory statements of grandeur, readily found in all of the major indices. Nevertheless, no one cares about oil anymore, unless, of course, it rallies.

Biotech shares are leading today’s rally, higher by 2%. There are, however, a few dozen up greater than 5% for the session.

All in all, we’ve come to a place where news flow doesn’t directly affect the moods of robotic buyers of stocks. This is a common complaint, expressed by bears over the past two hundred years. One would be wise to ignore anyone who says “one day the fucking news will matter.” We’re all positioned for what we believe to be a future reality. What is the catalyst for higher or lower prices? One of the arch catalysts for lower prices was the BREXIT vote. How did that work out?

Stocks are at record highs.

Another catalyst was lower crude will lead to a panic on Wall Street. Well, thus far,  lower crude has only been ignored by traders. Stocks continue to climb the wall of worry.

From my vantage point, the very next catalyst to be tested will be the dollar rally and how it might deleteriously affect FOREX markets. No one is paying mind to it now. But if China devalues their yuan again and U.S. corporations start to bitch about their plight to export their fucking broken dishwashers overseas because the dollar is so awesome, we might run into some resistance soon.

Until the world ends, I remain, inexorably, aboard the S.S. ARK, eagerly in search for storms that might pose an ‘extinction level crisis’ for mankind.


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Dan Aykroyd: Leslie Jones Haters Are ‘Insignificant Gnats, Losers, Obese White People Who Can’t Afford WIFI’

Anyone else gonna go see the Ghostbuster’s flick?


In an interview with Entertainment Tonight Canada, Akroyd went full Stay Puff on people who’re shitting on Leslie Jones, the woman who’s Twitter feud with Milo led to his unceremonial ban from the platform.

For creative effect, please read his statement while listening to this little diddy on loop.

“These people, they’re insignificant gnats, they’re losers, they have no lives of their own, they can probably barely pay for the wifi they’re using,” Aykroyd said during an interview on Tuesday with Entertainment Tonight Canada. “Probably no jobs. I would say you’re looking at obese white men between 50 and 60 who are active Klan members or members of the Aryan Nation and there are millions of them.”

“I’m afraid to say that that contingency will be voting for the Republican ticket,” Aykroyd added.

“That’s what the statistics are indicating, that there’s a lot of white racist hatred out there that’s going to channel into a support for the Republican ticket. Maybe in the false belief that these people share their views,” he said.

Ackroyd says he doesn’t think Trump and his vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence “are as racist as the people who attacked Leslie Jones.”

But, he added: “Trump may be saying some things to go that way to get some votes but — well, I don’t know.”

The 64-year-old original Ghostbusters star’s comments about Republican voters come just one day after Twitter permanently banned Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos from the social media platform.


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Milo Yiannopoulos Defends Himself in Accusatory CNBC Interview

Okay, this is the last post on the topic of free speech. Promise. Very soon, we’ll get back to House DuPont and the seven dwarfs from Dow Chemical. In the interim, here is an interview, or as some might call it, an inquisition, with CNBC’s transgender host and Milo Yiannopoulos.


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Milo Responds to Permanent Ban From Twitter

I won’t even try to spell his last name from memory. The Breitbart reporter, who is known for two things, mainly: his support for Trump and the fact that he’s gay, has been permanently banned from the dark overlords at Twitter.

This all happened after he had a little back and forth with the very unfunny star of the horrible new Ghostbusters movie.

Here she is.


During his heated debate with Lesdoggg, the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, took the time out of his day, away from destroying shareholder value, to ask her to DM him.


Shortly thereafter, Milo was banned.

In a comment, Milo said “With the cowardly suspension of my account, Twitter has confirmed itself as a safe space for Muslim terrorists and Black Lives Matter extremists, but a no-go zone for conservatives.”

“Twitter is holding me responsible for the actions of fans and trolls using the special pretzel logic of the left. Where are the Twitter police when Justin Bieber’s fans cut themselves on his behalf?”

“Like all acts of the totalitarian regressive left, this will blow up in their faces, netting me more adoring fans. We’re winning the culture war, and Twitter just shot themselves in the foot.”

“This is the end for Twitter. Anyone who cares about free speech has been sent a clear message: you’re not welcome on Twitter.”

Technically, Twitter and Facebook can ban and censor whoever they like, I suppose. They are, however, a public companies beholden to its shareholders, which includes conservatives too. It’s worth noting, all of our prominent, beloved, social media darlings eagerly cooperate with governments to suppress free speech and to monitor the comments of dissidents. That being said, it’s important that investors know that a company like Twitter, with a dreadful balance sheet, to go along with its garish stock price performance, is actively using their platform for political purposes.

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Analyst: Anarchy Benefits Papa John’s

I guess this makes a lot of sense. Afraid of getting shot? Order in. Papa John’s will come to your home with fresh, delicious, artery clogging pizza, saving you the trouble of getting shot or axed to death by a deranged lunatic.

Keybanc is out with a note, suggesting that Papa John’s might be benefitting from the recent drop in casual dining, due to civil unrest.

The analyst upgraded the stock to “overweight” from “sector weight” and upped his price target to $80, which is the highest among analysts surveyed by Bloomberg.

“After speaking with several large operators and industry contacts, we believe the recent decline in casual dining restaurant segment fundamentals—traffic down 3-5 percent the past several weeks—may be the result of consumers eating more at home amid the current political/social backdrop, which we believe could last through the November election,” he writes. “We do not believe the consumer has ‘entrenched,’ but has likely shifted more in favor of convenience, benefiting pizza delivery operators like Papa John’s.”

While Americans may be bitterly divided on partisan lines, O’Cull thinks inexpensive Italian fare is something that transcends political affiliations.

Both PZZA and DPZ are at year to date highs.



The restaurant sector has been a mixed bag this year, up only 1.8% thus far.

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Oops: U.S. Backed Rebels in Syria Cite ‘Individual Errors’ for Beheading 10 Year Old Boy

I don’t know if any of you saw the video that was floating around yesterday. I didn’t have the stomach to watch it. I did see some still images of a very young boy, about 10 years old, being mistreated by several Syrian savages. They beheaded the boy in the back of a pick up truck for being an alleged spy.

Apparently, he wasn’t a spy, just a small boy, impoverished, living with his parents.

The rebel leaders now admit this was a mistake. At the same time, they’d like to remind all of you infidels how horrible Assad is and how no one is talking shit about him anymore.

The group is engaged in a bloody war against forces loyal to President Bashar al-Assad.

The statement added that such abuses are “individual errors that represent neither our typical practices nor our general policies.” It added that the men involved had been detained and turned over to a “judicial committee” appointed to lead the investigation.

‘Regime’s killing machine’
The group, however, went on to denounce the international community over “its silence with regards to the war crimes perpetuated by the Assad regime, even though these crimes have reached the pinnacle of criminality and brutality before the eyes of the world.”

It added that the “regime’s killing machine has claimed the lives of thousands of civilians and has placed a suffocating siege on the liberated areas of Aleppo City.”

The Syrian National Coalition, which represents a number of rebel groups aligned against Assad forces, said it was “deeply shocked” by the images. Though it praised Nour al-Din Zenky for condemning the killing, the coalition said it would follow up on “all legal procedures the movement pledged it will take to punish the perpetrators of this crime that must not be tolerated.”

But Amnesty International said the boy’s murder was the latest “abhorrent signal that some such groups are carrying out serious abuses with impunity.”

“This horrific video showing the beheading of a boy suggests some members of armed groups have truly plumbed the depths of depravity. It is yet another gruesome example of the summary killing of captives, which amounts to a war crime,” said Philip Luther, Director of Amnesty International’s Middle East and North Africa Program.

There are our allies, the ones Obama is mad at Russia for bombing.

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