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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Will Markets Surge Now That Emperor Trump Has Been Exonerated?

You know, it’s a damn shame people get emotionally invested in politics. Many of my family members get so worked up over it and I suppose when you get older it serves as entertainment — but it’s a poor form of entertainment, conducted by malefactors and caitiffs. I’d much rather spend my time learning how to properly drink whiskey, or perhaps how to make a good cocktail, or learning how to cook. But I suppose, once again, that’s my preference.

When I talk to people about reading classic literature, I can see it in their eyes the vacuous disinterest. Anything that requires objective analysis and thinking is often chided as being a waste of time. People will say “The Great Gatsby is a shitty book” and I will hit them in their face.

Ernest Hemingway was an avid skier. He talked about it in several of his books. In “A Moveable Feast” Hem talked about going to Switzerland with his mistress to enjoy the powder with a leather bag of red wine. This was before the faggotry of ski lifts when men had to hike up the mountain in order to ski down it. He said it made his legs stronger and he earned his enjoyment, through the agony of scaling up a mountain in the freezing temperatures, with a burlap hood and heavy wool pants to keep him warm.

It’s an allegory of sorts for the present day nuMale — a boy disinterested in putting in the work wanting to become a star instantly, rich and famous for no reason other than the fact that he’s a fool. To that end, the media has done a fantastic job GETTING RICH the past decade or two, telling fantastic tales, fables, to the American people. The ends never justified the means — but by the time people figured out they’d be long gone.

The Mueller business is over and this doesn’t mean Trump is a great guy. It only means a cloud of uncertainty has been lifted from the executive branch. Supposing once again, markets will likely favor this news, since Trump is a super easy money dork — who box watches stocks all day and really wants to get a trade deal done, a very beautiful one at that, in order to establish a legacy of being the best stock market promoter in the history of American politics.

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Wrapping Up Russiagate — The Neverending Farce That Made Everyone Look Stupid

This is, once again, a no politics zone. Believe me, I will not be getting into political intrigue again. But since I did dedicate nearly 2 years of content on Trump, politics, and my hopes to one day see Hillary rot inside prison, I wanted to share a treatise of sorts with you — from Matt Taibbi, who is an unbelievable investigative journalist.

He’s left leaning of course, but he’s not stupid. In this article he documents the Russiagate probe in his grande stupidity and how it became this generations WMD.

The sequence of events in that second week of January, 2017 will now need to be heavily re-examined. We now know, from his own testimony, that former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had some kind of role in helping CNN do its report, presumably by confirming part of the story, perhaps through an intermediary or two (there is some controversy over whom exactly was contacted, and when).

Why would real security officials litigate this grave matter through the media? Why were the world’s most powerful investigative agencies acting like they were trying to move a stock, pushing a private, unverified report that even Buzzfeed could see had factual issues? It made no sense at the time, and makes less now.


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POMP EET: U.S. – China Weeks Away From Trade Deal

This is what is going to happen.

You’re going to see futures lower on Monday and sell at the open. Then around 11am news will come out, the same news mind you, that Trump is really close to a deal with China. This news will spark a rally — you will chase said rally, and then we’ll fade into the bell. This circle of mistrust will continue and culminate until your brokerage accounts hit zero and you’re forced to divorce your wife, abandon your kids, and become a coal miner in the Congo.

While in the Congo, you’ll learn that the Trump administration finally etched out a deal, sending stocks soaring. You’ll fly back to the United States, reopen a brokerage account and go all in — only to immediately lose all of it after the Mueller report is leaked and it recommends the President be sent to an insane asylum.

“They are going to have to find a way to meet,” former U.S. Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky told CNBC’s Martin Soong on Saturday at the China Development Forum in Beijing.

While talks to resolve their differences are ongoing, China and the United States remain far apart, with a lack of progress on forced technology transfers and the actual implementation of any deal.

These stories are as old as time. It’s merely human behavior vapidly displayed in real time, affecting the pricing of equities. When intermingled with the emotions of traders, if not in sync, it is a lethal combination.

If you want to extricate yourselves from this tomfoolery — listen to me now. Take 75% of your money and designate it for long term capital appreciation. Do it not and you’ll be scratching rocks in the Congo before you know it.

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“The Fly” Shall Rise Again

My new occupation is also my destiny — to become a gentleman southerner of extreme qualities. This summer, amidst the stifling heat and the hazy pollen produced by the magnolia trees of the Deep South, Le Fly shall step into these once occupied territories and call them his own. Like the great General Tecumseh Sherman, I shall conquer the south and teach my neighbors to behave nicely, otherwise feel the backend of my sword — and I will also burn down their homes and businesses.

Ever since young, I was destined to be a Southern Man — white suite, handlebar mustache, an easy demeanor, and a sweet accent — both thick and delicious like a jar of black strapped molasses tipped over into a plate filled with corned bread.

Once I establish my plantation and take my position amongst southern society, I will treat all yankees as northern aggressors, behave unkind to them for destroying the crops of my forefathers, and for soiling the south with their very liberal digressions. Amidst the confusion and mystery of my sudden existence upon those lands, Le Fly will call himself “Colonel Fly of the 33rd Brigade” and host grandiose parties, serving the finest collard greens, fried chicken, and copious amount of lemonade — south of the Mason-Dixon. I shall sit on my porch, rocking back and forth, contemplating the sins and the plight of my forefathers — destroyed by great and monstrous armies who set fire to churches and schools. As I smoke my pipe and tip my hat to my wonderful neighbors, I will thank the lord for the gifts bestowed upon me and pray that I have the strength to defeat my new enemies — hordes of northern families relocating and occupying the south — expressly degrading a once proud land — steeped in rich and saccharine traditions.

I will tell these people: “Even though you walk upon these lands — you shall never be accepted, no different than a mosquito is accepted at a swimming hole, or a fly at a cookout.”

I bid thee a mighty fine weekend.

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Trump to Nominate Stephen Moore to Fed — Fresh After Calling for Firing of Entire Fed Board

Trump must be doing this shit on purpose — agent of chaos theory.

Enter idiot, Stephen Moore — supply side shill — permanent bull and regular retard on CNBC.

Just a short while ago, Moore was calling for the dismantling of the Fed due to their hawkish policy.

Let’s be clear. Stephen Moore will have ZERO friends at the Fed. Trump is using a fan-boy, a campaign advisor, to wrestle control of this corrupt organization. This will not end well.

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The Dow is down by ~400 points and the bond market is dislocated today, with the 10yr down more than 10 basis points to 2.43%. Just yesterday, stocks were invincible and could not go down. Today, we are enduring nothing but tragic horrors.

Most of my stocks are tanking, pausing for a few minutes, and then tanking again.

Unlike previous occurrences, I am not reacting to this pin action.

My course is action is simply to watch the market, eat intermittently, and then watch the market some more. I have no interest in betting against stocks, other than position long in TLT. I also have 20% of my account in cash, and another 20% in gold.

Am I enduring the pangs and the bangs?

Yes, of course I am. I own stocks like COUP and AYX. However, I’m not concerned — not even in the least.

My sense is today sucks — but the dips will be purchased next week and bears will be shredded again. My opinion can change, however, and I reserve the right to say the exact opposite of what I just said now.

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Fly Buy: $TLT

Playing my part in bringing forth the deflationary vortex to America — I stepped in and bought some TLT.

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The Global Deflationary Vortex is Here

On a global scale of epic proportions, the deflationary vortex is back. Look at bonds in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. LOOK AT THEM.

Now look at the Italians. We have divergence.

Futures are sharply lower — but I’m twisted in knots over the simple fact that stocks do not trade lower on Fridays.

Here are all of the Fridays for 2019, thus far.

Nasdaq % change

3/15 +0.76%

3/8 -0.18%

3/1 +0.83%

2/22 +0.91%

2/15 +0.61%

2/8 +0.14%

2/1 -0.25%

1/25 +1.29%

1/18 +1.03%

1/11 -0.21%

1/4 +4.26%

8 up Friday’s to just 3 down.

In other news, Maria Bartiromo interview Trump today.

Same China FUD news.

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Stocks Cannot Go Lower Now — Nothing Can Stop Us

The other day I stated we’d easily push to new highs, which of course was mocked and derided by the very worst person in the world — a horrible and vicious man, slavic and slovenly — a man who needs no introduction — insidiously venomous and unseasonable in every way imaginable.

Now with today’s feverish jump higher — everyone is all on board for more gains — the ascension to new highs is all but a foregone conclusion.

Exodus flagged overbought for QQQ today, a signal that has resulted in sharply higher prices for our 6 mo algorithm. Six up, zero down — as good as it gets. Will human behavior remain in line with recent history? I do believe so.

Playing devil’s advocate here, the QQQs could, potentially, be setting up for a head and shoulders top. These rabid analyses are always unpopular when markets are in bull mode. It’s only after the fact do we hear of these technical events. Look at it now and see it.

Same thing is setting up for gold. I’m a fan of gold — heavily long the commodity, but the technicals patterns of a sinister nature are lining up here.

On the bull side, big ass white candle today. View all recent big ass white candles and see it has brought nothing but gains. Prepare for higher prices.

Ignore the biotech grenades. Ignore the small cap gambles. This is melt up mode — the movement of big money is underway. You want to ensure that your portfolios participate with the market. The only way to do that is by buying stocks tightly correlated to the Nasdaq.



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How wonderful. Are you still bearish?

Markets are definitely heading back to record highs and there’s nothing you or your stupid friends can do about it. Look at MU — bad earnings, but not bad enough — rippage to the upside.

Try to stand in front of this freight train and find yourselves broken, stuck, forked, radish.

I bought CPG into the closing hour of trade, not because I like the company or ‘feel’ that it has good prospects. I couldn’t care less about that, frankly. I bought it because it’s going higher, and that’s all there is to it.

My biggest winners today were SOLY (+19.2% booked gain), HCLP, AYX, and COUP.

I also bought a little ACIA — for the glory and for God.

Over in my quantitative strategy, I enjoyed gains of nearly 200bps. Nothing you can do will ever compare to my level of winship. You might as well give up and go play video games, instead of feigning competition against the greatest trader in the history of the world.

Good day.

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