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Dr. Fly

18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.

Greetings From Romania

I must make this note brief, for there is much work to be done.

I’ll have you know, I have successfully convinced the impoverished townspeople here to put their “low-end” life savings into MVIS shares.

I told them “you will be able to feed your goats gold” by investing in this company.

Being that I do not have access to a computer, I have no idea where it is trading. If it is higher today, send your greetings to Romania.

Without having access to any sort of 21st century technology, it’s hard for me to make market calls. However, I can tell you the people here think the subprime shit is comedic.

When I tell them how much money our bankers are losing, they throw mashed potatoes at me (here, throwing potatoes is a term of endearment).

In short, I need to get out of this shit hole. They do not have rib-eyes, rich man’s whiskey or high speed internet access.



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Soros Takes a Piece of the Tanned One

After today’s trading, billionaire fucktard, George Soros disclosed a 1.78 million share stake in CFC.

As you already know, this stake only increases George’s irrelevancy– and is sure to send CFC spiraling into a “tropical oblivion,” created by the “tanned one” — Angelo Mozilo.

NOTE: In addition to George’s CFC stake, he reported an interest in XMSR.

Even more irrelevancy.


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Fuck This: Off to Romania

Apparently, Mother Market didn’t get my “Don’t Tank” memo.

I’m over here, walking around the office, like a chicken in a coup, amazed to see all of these fuckface stocks knifing lower.

I’m better off herding goat, in the mountainous regions of Romania, than betting on stocks, “waiting for shoes to drop.”

The bears won. Big reversals and losses could be found in VMW, GOOG, AAPL, RIMM etc.

You name it; it went down.

Once again, recession proof stocks were bullet proof, such as GD, CLX, PG and UN.

Without a doubt, tomorrow is the most important trading day of 2007.

Should we recover from this foolishness, we may get the seasonal “Santa Claus rally.”

If not, feel free to join me in Romania. I’ll have plenty of work for you to do.

NOTE: John Thain is the ‘American Psycho.”

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Fly Buy: XFML

I bought 10,000 XFML @ $7.20.

Disclaimer: If you buy XFML because of this post, iBankCoin.com will add three more columns to the main page. And, you may lose money.

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Don’t Tank

Leadership stocks are being sold, all day long. However, for the most part, they’re still green.

It’s ok if they trade down a bit, but not tank.

Should AAPL, RIMM, VMW, GOOG, BIDU start getting “machine gunned,” the whole warm and fuzzy good feeling of yesterday’s rally will be replaced with panic and complete asshattery.

In addition to the above concerns, “The Fly” is quite busy yelling at his monitor, due to precipitous declines in XFML and VMI.

In other “newz,” MCHX goes higher, everyday.

Who would have thought?

Finally, there is a lot of selling pressure in MVIS. Personally, I know a lot of people who are throwing in the towel, preferring to go long some of the beaten down leaders.

As you know, upon stock market recovery, the leaders go up first, then the 2nd tier names. Finally, the lower tier speculative stocks, like MVIS, go up last.

I’m not selling until CES.

NOTE: Old man Ducati just posted, in “The Peanut Gallery,” delusionally exclaiming: “US markets have been in a de facto bear market since the year 2000.”

Har. Har. Har.

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I Smell Blood

If the bearshitters are unable to mount a raid, with the next hour, they will be flattened out like a sheet of looseleaf paper.

Look around, the signs are everywhere.

Understand, the onus is on them. Yesterday, the bulls cocked back and punched them in the mouth–brass knuckles and all. If the sellers cannot make a statement today, via driving the DOW or Naz lower, you will see a furious short squeeze ensue.

I know these people (bearshitters). They are scared.

As the financials, oils and metals serve as strong underpinnings, it’s hard to imagine the bulls can lose, today. Aside from marginal weakness in retail, those old hatfuckers have nothing to hang their hats on.

Therefore, I believe it makes sense going long some high quality, discounted names, like RIMM, RS, VMI (again), LZ, VMW and LFT.

If I was forced, via shotgun, to choose one, I’d say: “go long LFT.”

Their quiet period is about to end. You know their lead underwriter, Goldman Sachs, will beat the jungle drums of initiation–first chance they can.

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Go Eat a Sandwich

Chill out, drink a few pints of disgusting beer, while throwing cracker jacks at CNBC.

After a 300 point up day, do not expect the market to do more than mark time.

The old momo plays are back in action, namely VMW, RIMM, AAPL, DECK, amongst others. However, looking at the DOW 30 and most heavily weighted nasdaq stocks, it looks like we may head lower.

Already, the sellers are abundant in ORCL, SYMC, EBAY, SHLD, DIS, MSFT and INTC.

Additionally, the “wheel barrow dollar” is taking another hit, while gold and oil spike.

Within prescious metals, NG, AUY and KGC look good.

Aside from the momo names, the financials are offering good leadership, with big dicked gains in TMA, ABK, C, LEH, ITG, MER, AMG, ACR, CCRT and ETFC.

CFC reversed and is now getting its ass tanned.

Basically, “The Fly” will walk around today, eating sandwiches, drinking Monster’s, while throwing large statues at his trader/servant.

I will probably sit on my hands and do nothing.


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