18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Markets Dance Atop Sharpened Knives

I left the session in a fully long book, capitulated to the trans-gendered bulls. How else would you expect me to comport myself in a tape as ribald as this one — as markets dance atop an endless array of sharpened blades? It has, the market, all of the hallmarks, all of the tenets of disaster — yet remains afloat like a giant blimp atop a war zone with structures collapsing on all sides.

Pax Americana started its expeditious retreat after the JFK assassination. Some might argue we lost World War 2, after surveying the landscape of America today — a bloated and sinful land of caitiffs and swindlers who only care about profit — zero regard for the people who built this nation from the marshes and swamps it once was — inhabited a long time ago by nomadic morons.

A great fall is coming — but perhaps not tomorrow. My zealotry for resolution is only checked by my insatiable greed — for knowledge and for coin. I chanced upon the stock market as a venue to express my intellect — navigating the interminable waters in a life long journey to make a difference.

The whole point of this is to matter, after all. Some of us live 100 years without this desire and it befuddles me to know that there are people out there amongst me who simply do not care. I care about everything, even things that I sometimes get wrong. I feel a great wave of prosperity for me is not too far in the future and I’ve always felt this way before enjoying a modicum of success.

The world is both terrible and beautiful — graceful and filled with evil. We all have choices, whether to side with the light or the dark. Some of us do not know the difference, sometimes at no fault of our own. We are subjugated in a whirlwind of lies and misdirection — meandering truths hidden in the crevices of governmental offices who just want to get away with the things they want to get away with.

To be good is to be happy, but naturally, and to both protect and enhance our people as a species to new levels of wealth and health. Anything that works against these things aren’t in our best interest. Freedom is an inherent right of all men and those who wish to take that from you are usually checked by violence.

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