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Yearly Archives: 2018

Bounce Day — Tech Lagging But Firming Up

Tech was doing worse earlier, but has since picked up. For the Nasdaq, today’s +55 is pedestrian. Many tech stocks are barely up, but 80% of them are up. This is a tenuous lift in tech, nothing energetic about it.

I still have 10% cash in active account. There isn’t anything that yells out buy to me now, although this ROKU looks pretty sweet.

I regret not selling TLRY when it opened +5% this morning. Seeing it down now makes me want to kill myself.

Moving on, I have to go walk the coyote now, so that she can menace the neighborhood and square up against the local deer and fox. Truth be told, the suburban life wears thin on me, people jogging around like sweaty hogs — me having to dodge lawnmowers every block.

When the kids are all in college, I am the fuck out of here.

The Exodus Quant is +100bps today. Ergo, I am somewhat happy, in a milqetoasty sort of way.

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The News You’ve All Been Waiting For: Sortino Ratios Added to Exodus Screener

Not only can you access our suite of Sharpe ratio tools — but starting today you can access Sortino too.

Does it get any better than this, folks?

Call your clients up and make yourselves look and feel smart, by giving him quotes on ratios that he has no idea what they are or what they mean.

You asked for it, so Exodus delivered.

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Time to Get Long Chinese Burritos on Trade Talk News

There’s plenty of time for these stocks to marinate and run higher, before Trump rejects their trade talk proposals. In the meantime, I bought PDD — a Goldman backed Chinese e-commerce play in China — down nearly $10 from its recent IPO price.

That’s an absurd draw-down from pricing and whoever priced this deal should be shot. Nevertheless, they have a chance to redeem themselves now. Perhaps the analyst department can gin up some demand for shares, now that China and the US are besties again.

The situation is fluid — but stocks are breaking necks to the upside again — higher by 300.

Top picks: TLRY, PDD, ZS

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Futures Skyrocket on News that China is Coming to US to Negotiate Out of Trade War

Who’s tired of winning, folks?

Late Night Bonus: China Has Never Been More Oversold

The price action for Chinese stocks has been abysmal in recent weeks. I keep them all quarantined in one place in Exodus and I measure the elasticity of the group. As you can see from the chart above, which is our Hybrid score — the predictive element of Exodus — the group has NEVER been more oversold. This dates back to 2008.

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Here Are the Oversold Tech Stocks in Exodus Right Now

Good evening.

I speak to you a very full man, having stuffed my face with potato fondant and mojo steak. I’ll have you know, “The Fly” is a chef now — well versed in the culinary arts of France, Italy, and Latin America. I am a renaissance man’s renaissance man.

I have Steinbeck on my nightstand and Max Richter on loop.

A slew of stocks flagged oversold in Exodus today. Here is one page of tech stocks. If you want the rest — take a free trial. If you already took a trial, fucking join you miser. I give live 1 on 1 demos — and will beat you senseless until you trade better. We’re active, smart, and focused. You cannot do this shit by yourselves.

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In the Land of Whistle Blowers, This Man Stole the Cake

Everyone is a snitch these days. I am certain former iBC employees will soon discuss the details of my leadership, where I’d regularly whip employees for making grammatical mishaps. Just yesterday, the fagLORD Peter Strzok launched a “Go Fund Me” page to defend himself against evil Trump and raised $500,000 in hours.

Tonight a former employee of Tesla took to twitter in order to snitch, so that he could cast a pall upon Elon Musk and all of his employees. To that end, he’d like you to now donate money into his Go Fund Me page.

Thus far, he’s only looking for $500k, to fight against the evil Tesla car machine company. This seems like a good gig and being a small business owner in need to financing to further our growth, I might as well skip the VC funding phase and go straight to the internet with a Go Fund Me page of my own.

At any rate, here are some of the things this lad, Martin Tripp, is saying tonight. All of the Tesla bearshitters are literally and figuratively circle jerking over this info.

Love the fact he put TSLAQ on it, assuming the company is going bust.


Okay then.

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Everything I get kitschy with my investments, I get smoked the fuck out. Full disclosure: I’m doing it again.

I own SPOT. Quite happy with it, lovely.

I own SONO. It’s King and I know it trades higher.

I haven’t smoked pot since I was in my early 20s. Shit makes me paranoid and I used to hallucinate on it. Maybe I bought some really bad stuff — or maybe pot sucks. Either way, I prefer alcohol.

But, I do like the action in pot stocks today — with CGC, TLRY, CRON, and NEPT leading the way higher. Canada has a bunch of stupid pot stocks screaming higher. That country is truly without honor.

But I’m in — because I like the idea of streaming my $SPOT on my $SONO whilst smoking blunts, much to the chagrin of Mrs. Fly.

I’m long TLRY here at $29.49, thinking it’s gonna smoke the fuck higher tomorrow.

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When in doubt, buy SONO.

This is a double down from my purchase last week. King Sonos reigns supreme and everything about this market screams bullshit.

I have 15% cash and heart filled with unbridled rage.

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New Fronts on the Currency Wars Have Opened Up: Mexico, Russia, India

We don’t care much for Russia anymore, or ever have. As far as the United States popular opinion is concerned, all of Russia can go extinct, the way the Mongols intended, and we wouldn’t bat an eye. Xenophobia is bad, really bad, with exception to the villains living in Mother Russia. It’s open season on them, all the time, without pause.

Let’s take a look at their currency today.

Oh they suck. It must be really hard for them to buy bread, or milk. Not our problem, right? That’s what you get for hacking into John Podesta’s email box — famine.

Moving on to our good friends down in Mexico. I love everything about them: Chipotle, avocados, and drugs. They import the best fucking fentanyl in the world and even better: cocaine. Man is that stuff good. Plus, they’re providing pharmaceutical jobs across the United States, especially in urban centers — keeping the streets live and vibrant, prisons bustling with new members, and gangs are unified more than ever. The NRA is a BIG FAN of Mexico and you should be too.

Unfortunately, their currency is getting whacked today and millions of people down in Mexico City are having a difficult time buying their morning glass of cocaine.

Last but not least are the job stealers in India. Thanks to the wonderful H1B visa program, we’re able to extract the very best from India — the good bloodlines who are intelligent and honorable. We leave behind the hair thieves and street shitters; but the Rupee hits them all the same. Logically, the nation of India cannot continue to rape itself in such a manner — permitting their future to come to America and work in tech to build our country and make it great again. Eventually, THIS WILL HAPPEN.

It’s a slow burn to hell for citizens of Mumbai. The Rupee is at record lows and there is nothing to be done about it. Simple as that. King Dollar reigns supreme throughout the world. We are waging war on numerous fronts, winning all the time — causing people to turn to cannibalism for sustenance. Frankly, I hear human leg is a delicious meal. You can nibble on the grizzle of the ankle and really get to enjoy it.

Aside from Turkey, there are other nations to keep track of, in this new and exciting narrative of currency wars. Be grateful you live here and do not have to get smoked out by US malevolence. You can, instead, enjoy the beachside over a few cocktails, as Russians lose their entire savings and all of Mexico goes without their daily glasses of cocaine.

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CRISIS OVER: Qatar Pledges $15 Billion to Save Turkey

One could expect to see headlines like this soon, helping Mother Turkey from falling into the sea.


Is the crisis actually over? Maybe not for today. The ball is already rolling downhill and people can’t help but to vomit on themselves. Expect downside pin action throughout the day, culminating into the close which might haunt people into selling it all. An enterprising man would sell non-essential longs now — raise cash — and then prepare to buy high quality stocks with all of their might tomorrow morning.

Are you man enough to do it?

In the meantime, old man stocks are bucking the trend.

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