18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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The Ephemeral Days of The Summer of 2018

Seeing that everything in my account was on cruise control, steadily and gingerly sauntering higher, I ventured out into my backyard to have a cigarillo under a very large maple tree. It’s an old tree and is one of the many shaded areas in my yard, which is ensconced by countless hours of landscaping — done by my own hand — wild flowers, boxwoods, dozens of trees, plinths, urns, bird houses, and stone benches.

Under my maple tree is a country styled picnic table, wooden and strong. I sat there and drank my coffee and enjoyed my cigarillo, with the tunes of Bing Crosby haunting in the background. The leaves from the ash and the lime trees gently fell onto the ground, as a mild breeze passed through, illuminated by the sun, which was both strong and warm.

I have few cares that concern me, neatly wrapped in a bubble of my own making. The troubles of the world are distant to me, especially since I’m not really part of society. I own a successful business and with the money that’s generated from it I invest in the stock market, which is grand and easy — at least for me. It wasn’t always this easy. Back in 2014, I lamented the market and wanted to get out of the business. I was harangued by client phone calls throughout the day, subjugated to countless hours of toil, clerical duties not befitted for a man of my style and means. One of the best things I ever did with my life was giving up the money and instead pursuing something I enjoyed doing.

Nowadays, I get to do what I like, when I want, and have little to no regrets, other than the loss of income — which is not something to worry about since the market is more than generous and makes up for any burn that I might otherwise incur.

I go to work and I get to write, help ordinary people navigate the markets, making them extraordinary. I know it’s not always going to be like this. There will be a time when we’ll harken back to these days and pine for them — the jarring losses will be hateful and the market will, once again, be something to lament. Until then, enjoy the music as it plays and be grateful for the opportunity we have been given.

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  1. ferd

    Plinths and urns, the yard-bling equivalent of a man’s gold neck chain.

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  2. The Maven

    Left the corporate I.T. World in 2004 after 32 years. Saved me a death by heart attack or stroke. And once I analyzed the money saved by not commuting into NYC, the loss of income (and subsequent time now spent trading) is actually pretty rosy. I typed that under a huge old oak tree, of which there are many at Chez Maven. Salaam.

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    • ferd

      Yo Fly. WTF? 32 years in 2004 …shouldn’t Maven have been soylent greened years ago? Rules are rules.

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    • juice

      No wonder the Maven cannot stand Musk the Pedo-slayer — alas, he is too old for El Grande visions of saving humanity from itself, much less to act on those dreams, pushing the boringly accepted limit of law-abiding finance and political correctness past the age of ice.

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  3. s.k.

    I envy those who have managed to step off the hamster wheel. I make a good income by most standards, and still feel insecure about retirement, let alone putting the kids through school, etc

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