18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Morning Poppers (you know the Germans make good stuff edition)

Global markets have exploded to the upside, one day removed from an ISIS attack in NYC. Very well. The DAX is roaring by 1.6% and the Dow futures are +133. Bitcoin is higher by yet another 2.3% and now approaches 6,600.

WTI is +1.2% to $55 and Copper is +1.8%.

Everything that you thought you knew about stocks and finance is wrong. We’re on a rollercoaster that never ends, going higher. Zero dips or pauses, just ascension.

ROK told EME to fuck itself and rebuffed its takeover bid.

There’s lots of other stuff happening — but you’ll just have to sit there and wait for markets to open.

We’re living through horrible times, not interesting at all. Sure, markets are up and hedonism is at a record; but all of the excess has resulted in a bunch of assholes running around acting like gigantic faggots. Nevertheless, let’s keep our eyes on the ball son and enjoy it while it lasts.

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  1. sarcrilege

    Is there anything that would prevent these BTC hard forks ad infinitum and the price of it going up ad infinitum? No? Btw, I am trying to hard fork my gold..not having much success.

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    • sarcrilege

      Well, I may not be succeeding in ‘hard forking’ my gold but I wonder if the chineez are planning to ‘hack’ my gold w/ their quantum computer on the heels of the world’s first video call made via quantum-encrypted communications and the completion of a quantum-encrypted fiber optic trunk cable. Those bastards. But surely they are going to ignore BTC as well as not going to practice decryption on the BTC, …. right? Right?

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  2. gappingandyapping

    Market loves a good terrorist attack.

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  3. rigged game

    What the fuck is “hard fork”? Speak ENGLISH if you want to0 be noticed.

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