18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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American GDP Smashes Through 3% Again; Endless Gains for Stocks in Sight

God damned clowns. Since when was CNBC such a stupid outlet for financial news and information? They’ve always been annoying and their talking heads wrong; but, more or less, their news department was always dependable, or at least competent enough to not brazenly lie or behave in a manner which is, universally, considered to be stupid. Donald Trump is an Orange Monster, a plague for the CIA and other American institutions who’ve been having their way with tax payer dollars for the past 50 years. But his claim that we could and should grow at 3% GDP was never outlandish when the Chinese grow at 7% without trying.

US GDP, yet again, grew at 3% for the quarter that passed — exceeding the 2.5% estimates. Nasdaq futures are way up and the market is expected to becoming a cup brimming with exuberance and profit as soon as they open.

CNBC, won’t you have a sip?

There isn’t an end, per se, in sight for market gains. Even the most ardent of bears know that to jump in front of a runaway market, heading into Turkey Day, is sheer madness. It won’t be long now when we’re all discussing the specter of rivers of turkey gravy flowing throughout America — as national feast day approaches. I will have you know, I did not swap out of OSTK yesterday for UVXY, but instead HMNY — because the destruction of the movie theatre industry is on my bucket list of things to do during my lifetime.

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  1. gappingandyapping

    When does the next round of QE begin? We must cut rates ASAP!

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  2. sarcrilege

    Estimates are estimates; nothing but pie in the sky. Ignore.

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