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Societe Generale: Expect Less Dovishness by the Fed

This managing director, dubbed Stephen Gallagher, is straight up fodder in the investment banking world. He doesn’t really know what to say, in order to warrant his appearance. Therefore, he says something slightly ominous in order to draw the interest from the cocaine addled producers at CNBC.

Ahead of the Fed, the sages at Societe Generale are maybe expecting slightly more hawkish commentary, more than what the market is forecasting.

If pressed with what to say about the Fed on a CNBC teevee interview, I might suggest they “batten down the hatches because all holy hell is about to bust loose, centaurs and dragons will soon inhabit the earth, laying waste to catamite filled teevee networks, such as the one televising this interview right now.”

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  1. frog

    “He doesn’t really know what to say, in order to warrant his appearance. Therefore, he says something slightly ominous in order to draw the interest from the cocaine addled producers at CNBC.”

    LOL, you understand the financial TeeVee game well, Fly.

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  2. jacked rabbit

    Wherein the oranged wonder Joe Kernan will smirk and extol the virtues of Cincinnati chili and how Obama created this with 50 million new regulations, none of which he can recite if asked.

    Becky Quick gives Joe the stink eye while announcing the network’s 5th exclusive interview with someone they had on last week and Aaron (I know it’s Andrew dammit) Ross Sorkin asks yet another multi-layered question about rates, Davos and pin-striped suits.

    Zerohedge from the Chicago pits is looking at his pencil sway from side to side while Steve Liesman yells about models, but not those models, because that would be interesting…

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  3. vandamme

    Dear god, I hope the cocaine snorting hosts put him in his place!

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