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Robert Dinero Discusses Vaccines, Autism and the Movie Vaxxed

I don’t trust these vaccines, not in the least. There is overwhelming evidence that the pharmaceutical industry partakes in chicanery, in between helping save people’s lives. Perhaps this is the process by which we go through, in order to find good medicine and science? Perhaps we are all, or some of us are, guinea pigs for the benefit of mankind? Or, is there something much more insidious going on here?

From the research I’ve done, this Gardasil vaccine is particularly venomous. My advice to young parents is to do your research and don’t trust your asshole Doctor. Most of them are script writers and part time alcoholic pill poppers who haven’t picked up a medical journal since college.

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  1. t.c.

    Thanks for posting this. The autism epidemic is a disaster. About half the parents will say that their kid was normal until they got the MMR vaccine. I must have heard this 5 or 6 times. Personally it might be related to over fortifying our foods with iron. The countries and communities that don’t over fortify have much lower rates. Look at France and the Amish communities- very low rates in both populations. Note we double our iron fortification in the 1970’s, it takes a few years for the iron to build up in our bodies and boom by the 1990’s there’s autism everywhere.

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    • t.c.

      This is where I stole this theory from:

      Note that mothers who consume less iron while pregnant are more likely to have a baby with autism, which is contradictory to this theory.

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    • vampyr

      Late boomers and definitely Gen X kids were raised differently than generations before them. Could this be a problem? Our Society has changed rather suddenly, looking at the big picture, from an agrarian to a manufacturing, city, office, suburban sprawl, smog, etc etc etc society.

      The overnight change could be age related. Vaccines are given at a certain time developmentally, each child is different, a few months can make a big difference in brain development in a child (up to age 25). Is it the vaccine or has the child hit a developmental hurdle that the parent and teachers are at a loss to address.

      I have said that autism and aspbergers is a parent’s way of explaining their child’s individual needs which they are at a loss to provide. I recently worked with a 6th grade math teacher, extraordinary young woman, and it is shocking how parents just want to throw money at their children’s individual needs and immediately ask for a “tutor” when the teacher and the internet provide so many free tools for learning math at the sixth grade level.

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  2. mongoosereflexes

    I really hope that by “doing the research” you mean reading peer-reviewed scientific journal articles available on PubMed or Google Scholar. Most people do research by typing something like “do vaccines cause autism?” into Google and reading a wealth of misinformation. There is no evidence that vaccines cause autism. There could be other variables in play for the rise in autism, but they need to be studied and real, quantifiable results that are statistically significant need to be gathered and presented. It’s a shame that there is a rise in preventable disease because parents are not vaccinating their kids based on anecdotal evidence and celebrities.

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  3. traderconfessions

    Ha Ha. Add it to your list of conspiracy theories.

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  4. zephler

    it’s funny that the guy that made up the whole vaccines and autism thing admitted that he made the whole thing up yet people still believe it….so if vaccines cause autism, then why doesn’t everyone that has had vaccines have autism?

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    • vampyr

      Good point. Statistically, even if it is a parent’s determination, what percentage of those who are vaccinated become autistic or have developmental issues? Is it significant.

      My brother had brain surgery. Open the skull (very tricky part b/c the brain does not like blood and fluid and that is what the inner, velvety linings of the skull do); take a “melon baller” and take out a scoop of his brain.

      We trusted the neurosurgeon when he said that statistically, the greatest threat was infection at a rate of about 2% (he might have fudged that a bit, I’m not sure).

      My brother said, “Something in there is ruining my life. I want to know what it is.”

      Bravo and Brave “Brother Mine”.

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  5. longview


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  6. wordpoop

    Fly, can you do a report on Chemtrails?

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    • vampyr

      Try not to be offended, BUT SERIOUSLY, you are asking Master Fly to do a report!

      Maybe you mean a blog post?

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  7. frog

    This is the BIG issue in the world today with our humongous population and with having to deal with issues without firsthand experience. Probably none of us are ever going to Syria. Probably none of us are biologists studying the biology of vaccines and autism.

    It’s maddening in the modern world that so much of what we need to deal with, we are not going to be able to see and hear with our own eyes and ears. So we have to trust someone else to give us correct information. But who? That’s the big problem we all suffer from.

    I prefer to trust the consensus of the vast majority of scientists on global climate change.

    On autism and vaccines, this is difficult. I don’t want to just trust any opinion expressed over the Internet on some unknown person’s web site. OTOH, a lot of the research is done by pharmaceutical companies. And it’s not as if pharmaceutical companies have shown themselves to be beyond reproach, with the public’s best interests at heart. Many of them have tried to sell lots of drugs at prices as high as the market will bear, without any concern for side effects.

    Scientists not associated with pharmaceutical companies could be a trustworthy source of information.

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  8. emedtrader

    I’m a doctor and will guarantee you that vaccines do not cause autism, cancer or anything else. No studies have ever proven otherwise. The whole autism link began because the guy studying it made it up, he later recanted and admitted his research was all bullshit but morons in Hollywood and elsewhere keep perpetuating it. Yes, autism prevalence has increased dramatically- probably secondary to increased diagnosis rather than increased incidence. For those born in the 80’s and earlier, how many “weird” kids did you have in your classes growing up? Majority of them would now be diagnosed as being “on the spectrum”, rather than just being strange, or delayed, or whatever.

    If vaccines caused autism there would certainly be a shit ton more people with autism considering the percentage of the population exposed to vaccines. I also find it funny that in a world where we are exposed to chemicals, preservatives, and contaminants in basically everything we breath, touch, eat, and drink, they decide to blame vaccines. Sure lets not get vaccinated and leave ourselves open to getting diseases from the middle ages, but in the meantime we can eat some more fast food and install our lumber liquidators flooring.

    Great idea, but don’t start blaming medicine when grandpa is tubed in the ICU with pneumococcal pneumonia or your kid dies of diphtheria because your dumbass didn’t get them immunized. Assuming most of you talk about this nonsense on the internet but have gotten your vaccinations, read a bit about herd immunity and see how a few idiots who don’t could fuck it all up for the rest of us.

    As far as the evil drug companies go, if there was actually a link don’t you think someone would have patented the only autism free vaccine medium and tried to corner the market? I’m surprised no one has tried to parlay your irrational fears into a windfall.

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    • jmac

      Great post. The most frustrating thing about this ridiculous debate it that the findings of the scientific community are written off as biased or even evil, and then some pseudo-science asshat who heard about three kids that “caught the autism” are trotted out as unassailable experts. Then I send my kids to school with an unvaccinated kid whose dumbshit parents acted on a conspiracy theory they read about on a Yahoo Answers comment board.

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    • btn

      As always, the problem comes down to trust.

      Question: Can we explicitly trust pharamceutical companies?
      Answer: No, they are mainly out for profit. High price clearly show that maximizing profit trump savings lives at a lower profti level. Also, the fact that many spend more on advertisign thatn R&D is not comforting

      Question: Can we explicitly trust doctors and hospital?
      Answer: No, many have a financial conflict of interest and make more money by offering certain products from pharm companies

      Question: Can we explicitly studies?
      Answer: No, as again there is a conflcit of interest. Also, their is selective bais as we don’t have access to all the studies, such as internal studies that shownegative results.

      Question: Can we explicitly trust the governement (CDC, FDA)?
      Answer; Sadly, nom once again. While there are many ethical members in thes agencies (and also the previous groups), it is clear that corporate influence is very eveident at these levels (see Zohydro).

      This is an unfortunate situation, but leaves the consumer in a bind and is the breeding ground for the anti-vaccine movement. The solution is to remove corporate influence from regualtory body by elimianting the revolving doors.

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      • emedtrader

        The majority of doctors are doctors because they legitimately want to help people. I started out life as a trader at one of the biggest hedge funds on the street and left to go to med school, I sure as shit didn’t do it for the money. Sure there are the shady docs, but there are shady preschool teachers too. Also, doctors are some of the most vaccinated people on the face of the earth. I’m literally vaccinated for every fucking disease that has a vaccination, I am required to get yearly flu shots, and have titers drawn regularly to ensure I don’t need boosters for any of the diseases. Guess what, I’m not fucking autistic.

        Pharm companies…yeah they are in it for the bucks but the vaccines they produce have been studied by many outside sources and no one has found anything wrong. This isn’t big tobacco in the 50’s when it was easy to sweep things under the rug, if something stunk these days it would get leaked. More, importantly the money to be had in having “clean” vaccines would drive someone to capitalize on it. Look at the BPA fiasco and all the plastics companies, they were tripping over each other to advertise BPA free wares.

        Society has advanced to the point that we can nitpick over this bullshit only because we have figured out how to avoid the diseases that would have struck us down before we accomplished anything. I don’t particularly want to worry about the plague, living in an iron lung, or any of that thank you; I will take my chances with vaccines.

        I have no idea what causes autism, it might be a normal human variant for all we know. Or it could be from shampoo, auto upholstery, lumber liquidators, or your dog collar….I certainly wouldn’t be surprised if China was to blame. But blaming the one that benefits the entire human race is fucking retarded given the complete lack of evidence.

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  9. frog

    Thanks, Emedtrader for your information and perspective. It’s good to have a medical doctor on the thread here.

    Some drug companies have indeed done immoral things. But that doesn’t mean that many of them don’t do good and important work too. I’ve been vaccinated against most normal things myself, except that I don’t take the flu shots.

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  10. stries

    It’s all fun to trash till your daughter gets cervical cancer.
    No proof at all that vaccines cause autism- zero. Nothing has saved more life’s in history than clean water and vaccines. Anyone who doesn’t vaccinate their kids is a lunatic, and relies on everyone else. I saw many babies die of Hemophilus meningitis- now none do. Gone are smallpox, measles, polio, rubella, etc. when we get a deadly pandemic, and we will, all you vaccine lunatics will be the first fuckers in line to get vaccinated.

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  11. Dr. Fly

    For all of you scientists out there.


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  12. Dr. Fly

    FYI: All of my kids have taken their vaccines, with exception to Gardisil. I am 100% convinced it’s bad news. Please stop with the Merck sales pitch, discussing cervical cancer.

    Pap smears will suffice.

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