18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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I’m doing alright today. Stocks are getting fucking hammered into puzzle pieces. We’re at session lows right now; but I am okay, fully accepting with a ‘calm normality’ that the reason why Fed’s Dudely is asking for a series of rate hikes, after the obiovus December one, is because he’s a villain, wholly consumed with destroying the world.

Janet Yellen took over a Bernanke Fed with one job: don’t fuck it up. Since then, she’s done everything in her power to mess things up. Now the world is in a very hard spot. I get the fact the economies ebb and flow and we’re overdue a little ebbing now and then. But what I don’t get, for the life of me, is why the Fed feels it’s incumbent upon them to accelerate the drop by causing a stock market rout.

After thinking it over, fireside over a glass of brandy, I’ve concluded there could be just one reason.

The villainous Federal Reserve wants to bankrupt CHK and their stupid peers.

They are going to clear the market of weak balance sheets, exact a reset, cause financial anarchy, then try to pick up the puzzle pieces later and create a new economy.

You’d be wise to sell all of your weak balance sheet stocks now. The pain is here and it’s not leaving until CHK is dead.

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One comment

  1. nocturne

    I would agree with that. Now if only they could invent a car that runs on Werther’s Originals …..

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