18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,443 Blog Posts

My Top Ideas

First of all, my fucking super-duper expensive apple laptop is slow as shit. My son has been playing minecraft on it and all of a sudden it’s basically a useless piece of plastic.

Its been awhile since I’ve given a general update. With q1 in the books, “The Fly” living large, up 16% year-to-date, I’m gonna school you now and let you know some of my top ideas.

Gone are the days when I’ve relied on disgusting hamburgers and retarded helmet cameras to make a living. Life is too short to buy stocks like that in any size.

These are my largest positions. They are my largest because they are the best. They are the best, not because they make the most money or because people like them the most. They are the best because I said they are.











On the biotech side, I am long a pastiche of potentially mega-blockbuster drug companies: AGIO, ICPT, SGEN, JAZZ.

Listen to me: narcolepsy is real. Lots of lazy yam eaters napping during the day, fucking up productivity. JAZZ is gonna solve that issue and keep fuckers awake. Just when you thought it was safe to nap, JAZZ PHARMACEUTICAL steps into the fray and slaps the shit out of you with their new drug, yelling “WAKE UP SON; TIME TO GET BACK TO WORK, BITCH.”

I’ve been meaning to get that off my chest for a while.

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  1. tsmalley15

    I just did this to my 3 year old Macbook Pro, HUGE Difference: http://www.businessinsider.com/four-year-old-macbook-pro-run-like-new-2015-1

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  2. helicopter ben

    Growing up in the prime of my youth with a ps2 I can tell you videogames are one of the worst things for a child. Have him play sports or try more interesting coding based things with computers.

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  3. carolina

    Wake up, time to die. Roy Batty in Blade Runner

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