18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,441 Blog Posts

Answering Plebeian Questions from Twitter

I had an open forum on the Twitter, permitting the people a 5 minute window to ask me questions, to be answered here, on the blog, by yours truly.

Here goes.

@RaginCajun: Do you miss Staten Island? or prefer the country life in NJ? Favorite Rap song ever?

Answer: I fucking hated Staten Island. Each and every day I felt like killing people. That island is literally filled with the very worst people mankind has to offer. I’d rather live in Pakistan than Staten Island. My favorite rap song is this–

@Loomis66: Is Mrs. Fly talking to the housecleaners?

Answer: No, she is hiding in the basement.

@S0123456789123: why did Chess leave?

Answer: He must’ve lost faith in me. It will turn out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

@allstarcharts: who are your top 5 follows on the twittah?

Answer: @DowdEdward, @TheStalwart, @HowardLindzon, @Zerohedge, @GapandYap and anyone who makes me laugh. I would include @Tdansherrod, but then many of you would accuse me of choosing her because she’s pretty.

@Woodshedder: Why did the South lose the war of Northern Aggression?

Answer: Because they’re genetically inferior. The warmer climes, over time, warps the mind turns ordinary people into craven monsters. The brisk winds of the north preserve a man’s sanity and allow him to stay indoors and read, instead of racing through swamps attacking fish with crickets on the end of a fishing rod.

@Remixtrades: Favorite pizza place in NYC? BK specifically. Gracias

Answer: That’s a tough one. I’d go with Di Fara’s in Brooklyn. But the best pizza that I ever had is here, locally, a place called Nomad Pizza. If you’re ever in the Princeton area, give it a try.

@Lrrykeho: CHuck Norris v The_Real_Fly…who wins?

Answer: Chuck Norris is old as shit. I’d break his jaw for him in 5 minutes flat.

@Btcoininformer: do you think more money can be made shorting overpriced stocks or going long and holding like you do?

Answer: Considering one can only make 100% in a super successful short, the answer is the latter. Buy and hold good stocks; behave like a human being and stop looking for signs that the world is ending.

@Nautique99: Peeks and Valleys?

Answer: Yes, Cuban B. I take the peek, every single time.

@Andyswan: who is the elephant in the global room

Answer: The correct answer is me. I am always the elephant in any room, global or domestic.

@Stockcats:  best tasting burger of them all – and would you buy the stock based on that

Answer: Shake Shack has the best tasting burger, hands down. However, I’m not buying a fucking restaurant stock trading in excess of 20x sales.

@Whendri0: MFK: Mrs. Fly, cleaning lady, Yellen

Answer: I’m not sure what MFK means, since I do not practice acronyms like some of you younger punks. But I’m gonna blindly choose Mrs. Fly here.

@Kcsoultrain:  Im sure my answer will be STFU, but what happen to the battle? The kids, think of the kids.

Answer: No idea what this means. Maybe this is a follow up. My kids always come first.

@lrrykeho: Do you think your anonymity makes you more powerful?

Answer: What is a name, after all? “The Fly” is a celebration to the glory of man–an epic chant of affirmation. To answer your question, watch this video.

@CoderTrader: when will you kickstart up-and-comers?

Answer: NEVER! I hate kickstarter. I want equity.

@WesStull:  Biggest looming failure of a company due soley to the ass-hat who’s managing it

Answer: The guy from $ZNGA is a super retard.

@robsausafin:  crop spraying equipment

Answer: Big fan. I’d like to learn how to fly one so I could spray some gasoline on my neighbors homes and then shoot bottle rockets at them all day. Good times.

@trader1x:  would you buy here.

Answer: FEYE once raped me. I made about 12% on it in January and then fled like a little bitch, scared to be raped again. I would not buy it up here, mainly due to bad memories. I am long PANW.

@Treee50: Do you even lift?

Answer: I work out 4 times a week, have flat abs, and strong as shit muscles. I’m currently cutting and have lost about 10 pounds over the past 2 months. I intend to bulk after the summer.

@gregnb: feelings on 3D printers at this point /$DDD and when is the last time you had to punch someones eyebrows clean off?

Answer: I was talking about SSYS today. The valuation is the cheapest in many years; but they’re still not making money. In a bull market that is 6 years old, people want companies generating free cash flow. If SSYS can start generating profits, the stock can go up 4x. I haven’t gotten into a really bad fist fight since yesterday.

@Voltefaceinvest: do you think the whole oil complex is oversold and bottoming as the lone sector in all markets that’s actually washed out?

Answer: I think the oil sector is grossly overvalued at this stage, post run up. People are half-retarded and are ignoring the fact that oil is down 50% in recent months. I prefer to be long airlines here, especially SAVE.

@Bloom_trading: do we have a choice?

Answer: Great question. The smug answer is no, people are what they are and nothing can change that, which is 100% bullshit. I never apologize for my actions because I meant it when I did it–no matter how fucked up it was. You always have a choice. If you think life is pre-ordained or some sort of destiny awaits you, you are a moron and wrong.

@Crabitt1288: are real estate agents overpaid

Answer: No. Societies obsession with deflating other people’s wages is really macabre. Let people eat and enjoy life you greedy fucking bastards.

@Rodssmarts: Wall street 2.0

Answer: Marketing bullshit. Wall Street will always be 1.0. While the faces and players might change, the rules will remain constant.

@Affluenzavirus: who wins the election in 2016? When will rates get hiked? Celebrity death pool?

Answer: Hillary will win. Rates will never go up. Not sure what a celebrity death pool is, but I like the sound of it.

@mcampbell839: Who would you Kill, Fuck and Marry-GO

Answer: Here’s a man who gets straight down to brass tacks. I’d kill Jihad John over and over again if I could. Since I am married, I am hesitant to answer the next two questions. However, since Mrs. Fly despises the site and never reads it, I’ll go with Charlize Theron and Charlize Theron, mixed in with a little Sara Rafferty.

@Trading_Tuition:  what did you study in undergrad!

Answer: Economics.

@bottlehehigh: where the nickname Fly come from?

Answer: My first website was called FlyonWallstreet. I went under the name “Broker A”. People just started to call me “The Fly.” I think Howard Lindzon might’ve been the first person to call me that, actually.

@WesStull: favorite stock for a year, 5 years, & 10

Answer: That’s a tough one. I am a big fan of casual dining. I think SHAK and HABT will be huge one day. However, I think television content is truly king and like AMCX here and over the next 5 years.

@DavidRamsey: is now a good time to buy gold and silver stocks?

Answer: It is NEVER a good time to buy gold/silver. Find better avenues to make money.

@TrentjSmalley:  If programs and designations like CFP, CFA, CMT matter.

Answer: They matter if you’re in a corporate setting and need those titles to justify landing a billion dollar pension fund. However, for most people, all they care about is your ability to communicate clearly and make them money. I would never waste my time on those courses.

@TDLavergene: how margins will expand on gold miners since oil has fallen 50% vs gold!

Answer: Margins might improve, but not enough to offset the fuckery that persists in that space.

@AbiolaHP:  deindustrialisation in Northern England

Answer: The world is changing and economies shift. Adjust or get left behind.

@Spyder_crusher: how to comport one’s self with dignity in a bull market

Answer: By reading my blog and giving thanks to my advocacy of such a market.

@Chris_Hadrick:  how you would go about losing a vast fortune in todays bull market (without shorting)

Answer: I’d buy ice berg stocks and gold/silver.

@Crabitt1288: Taxes

Answer: I just finished them. I have a great tax attorney.

@Delangedotcom: Tomatoes.

Answer: Being half italian, I love them.

@Shareplanner: Meerkat

Answer: Periscope

@LillianAmbarella: venezuela

Answer: Horrible country. It should fall inside of a worm hole and be transferred to another galaxy, preferably Omicron Persei 8.

@JoshTGreenwood: “Why do humans talk to each other on Twitter?”

Answer: People take the path of least resistance. Twitter is fast, easy, incredibly stupid, and oddly informative.

@EdwardDowd: why are you anonymous.

Answer: Two reasons. 1. I used to run a moderately popular political blog and had assholes call my house and mail me shit. 2. There is power and a sense of liberation in being able to talk without having to account for them, personally. I am all about expression and transparency. However, when it comes to my creative writing and running the world’s finest finance blog ever known to mankind, one man cannot simply fill those shoes. It has to be an ideal, something more than a name. That person is “The Fly.”

@Kcsoultrain: you once said you would stop cussing, for posterity, for the kids.

Answer: Ah, here’s that guy from before. I actually went 1.5 years on the site without uttering a single curse. Since then, I’ve concluded that such restrictions only hurt my ability to communicate. I do not, however, post profanity on the headlines, something I used to do often in the old days. But, I think if done with style and a little creativity, words of a hugely profane nature can be fun to read. Did I answer your fucking question?

@Wy3134: Federal student loan debt.

Answer: It is a major concern for the nation. Somehow this get kicked down the road. But it is a major problem for us over the next 2 years.

This was fun, but fucking a pain in the ass to do. God damn it.





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  1. djmarcus

    Charlize Theron looked really good in a thousand ways to die in the west.

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    • Dr. Fly

      She looks good in every movie, EXCEPT MONSTER. What the fuck?

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      • djmarcus

        Meant to add especially for a 39?!?!?! year old.

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        • mx2101

          Hah ! Wait until a few years go by and you find yourself optimistically appraising the looks of women in their fifties.

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    • it is showtime

      Trapped had her all vulnerable and shaking
      if ya like that shit

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  2. tsmalley15

    1. This is awesome every time you take questions. I email the posts to myself and reread them every so often.
    2. I hope to the heavens there is an iBankCoin conference again.

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  3. bexpo


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  4. gapfiller

    This is great. To the extent opportunity allows, please consider cursing in headlines.

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  5. Mr. Cain Thaler

    Hillary for the win, huh? Ballsy. Do you think Democrats won’t upset her in the primary?

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    • tradercaddy

      I don’t think they want her- too moderate for the left.
      They want to continue the hard core socialist Marxist trend such as going with Pocahontas (Elizabeth Warren).

      • 0
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      • it is showtime

        Hillary will not win, again.

        With any luck, prosecutors actually hold her accountable for the procedural violations which equate to an actual crime

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  6. ajbaker

    Very enjoyable read. I hope you find it worth your time to do it again soon.

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  7. bonobo smores

    She really knew how to wear those pants in ‘2 Days in the Valley’

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  8. RaginCajun


    I can confirm it is a bitch to do. Thanks for the time, love these insightful posts.

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  9. tradercaddy

    Interesting read.
    I may have to get one of those twitter things.

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  10. UncleBuccs

    Loved reading….. and I’m willing to wager my left testicle the cover photo is of the real Fly! Does anyone that attended the iBC Investors Conference recognize?

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  11. lesurgeon

    Yo. Read do this shit tonight! I missed my opportunity

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  12. smartestone

    Considering one can only make 100% in a super successful short, the answer is the latter. Buy and hold good stocks; behave like a human being and stop looking for signs that the world is ending.

    not quite. you can always add more to your short using the profits as margin . Imagine you cover your short, take the profits, and re-short.

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  13. smartestone

    Will rates go up? Probably not this year. And of things get bad, all bets are off. But the bigger question is: if they go up, will they go all they way to 3-5% like in the past or will she stop at .25 or so?

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    • it is showtime

      10 yr yield goes sub-1 when the cascade begins

      The current 6 month unsustainability?
      6 month increases: Dax 50% Nikkei 50% Hangseng 25% Shanghai 100%

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  14. halfbloodpope

    Have you received your own VeryKool Quantum SL5000 yet?

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  15. ironbird

    Senor Fly. When do you take the money? Permanently bullish only makes sense for the already rich. Corrections must be dodged for traders to survive.

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    • Dr. Fly

      The Fly has balls made from iron. I do not take anything out. I add to positions.

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  16. doubleplus

    Best single post I’ve read on the internet since RC fielded questions. Wildly entertaining. Bluestar and OA next!

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  17. sloop

    GREAT STUFF!! Mr. Fly

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  18. berserker


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