18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Let’s Trade From the Lunatic Wing

Might as well go long here, following a thousand point run. Why not?

With the weak dollar, we get to sell all of our bullshit appliances and stocks to disoriented foreigners. Naturally, this is a big win for [[BDK]] and [[WHR]].

Quit being a dick, buy them!

With our stocks down huge, when factoring the dollar decline, everyone must get long [[MER]], [[MS]] and [[GS]].

Regarding housing:

Nothing goes down forever. We must stop jibber-jabbering about the decline in home values. Don’t you get it? It’s a self fulfilling prophecy. The way to get home prices up is to stop talking about them.

My picks are [[BZH]], [[HOV]] and [[PHM]].

Don’t be a dick, buy them!

Also, who can resist feeding billions of people? I mean, we all need to eat. It’s safe to buy [[MON]] at any price. They have seeds that magically turn into food. No kidding!

Also, farmers no longer throw cow shit on their crops. They use fertilizers. Buy [[POT]], [[MOS]] and [[CF]] forever, even when you’re dead. Just leave orders in your will to buy them. Trust me, your family will love you for it.

Finally, steel prices are going to the moon. Look around, steel is everywhere, except cars. Cars are made from plastic. But, aside from cars, everything has steel. Plus, there are billions of people who need it, around the world. And, don’t forget, we are in a war.

To fight a war, you need to buy steel.

My favorite steel stock is [[X]]. X marks the spot, get it? (geekily laughing)

I’d buy X at any price, even $500. I see no slowdown in anything, except jobs. But, people don’t need a lot of jobs, just a little.

Everyone I know has a job. Shoot, even I have a job. I don’t understand why everyone makes a fuss over jobs. If you lose your job, go look for a new one. It’s that simple.

Might as well buy [[MNST]] off of that news too.

More later.

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  1. lol

    “greater fool theory”… lol, excellent!

    I want to here this from my barber, so I know it’s really time to short.

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  2. Woodshedder

    The Michael Savage of the financial blogosphere….

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  3. hannamontanna

    now that’s some funny shiiite, right there.

    shorts will get paid later today

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  4. dumbguy

    um, are you being sarcastic?

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  5. The Fly

    DJ reports Nippon Steel is expected to agree to a proposed 200% increase in coal prices by BHP for fiscal 2008, The Nikkei reported in its Saturday morning edition. The hike, the first in three years, will push the price Nippon Steel pays for the material from $98 a ton to around $300 a ton. An official contract is slated to be signed soon. Other steelmakers, including JFE Steel and Sumitomo Metal Industries, are seen agreeing to the same markup.

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    FXP approaching KISS “Destroyer” which is my personal favorite in their catalog. Produced by Ezrin, lots of strings and has the hit “Beth.”

    My personal fav: “Shout it Out Loud”

    More appropriately, the KISS song Crazy Nights, although chock full of gay dance moves and fringe, works here:

    Lastly, this fan video demonstrates how the bulls are devouring the bears in “War Machine” fashion.

    This will be my last KISS post, as I do not want to desecrate this godly site with further gayness.

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  7. Cajun


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  8. todd

    I dont even need to think about it… I just put random letters into a hat and then reach in 4 times to build a stock symbol. If it comes up as a company, without hesitation I buy 10,000 shares. It’s a money making program that’s guaranteed to work every time. Just like todays tape.


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  9. ovtiboboy

    So when the market reverses, which stocks do you think will bounce the fastest?

    FXP (down from 120 to 75)
    SKF (down from 140 to 100)
    SMN (down from 46 to 33)

    My money is on fxp… although I think bottom is 70

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  10. The Fly

    Courrect [sic].

    The old dart trick is old hat (pun intended).

    Somethimes [sic], here in the office, we play scrabble and randomly select letter to build stock portfolio’s.

    Just today, accidentally, I bought POT because of it.

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  11. The Fly

    In a bull market, everything goes up—even inverse ETF’s!

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  12. Danny


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  13. MarketRaider

    The trading action today makes one just want to go and perform seppuku on oneself. MOLASSES.

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  14. TraderCaddy

    I would bet on a decline in commodities based upon the fact that the dollar should go up for awhile as the Fed is close to ending the rate decreases and the Euro Weenies will start to cut their rates.

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  15. Larry Kudlow

    Thats the spirit.
    If everyone would just take a positive approach, then stocks will go up forever.

    People don’t need jobs.

    Its the greatest story never told.

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  16. No One

    If they’re calling this a double bottom, I am calling this a triple top.

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  17. Snarkmaster Fresh
    Snarkmaster Fresh

    I will pay $1000 for X and 1 million for FSLR. So f u

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  18. BanD


    FXP May 95 calls.

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  19. lol

    fly, I think this was supposed to be posted by “the government”

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  20. SatanicChihuahua

    In a perfect world, Bob Pisani would be a fire hydrant and I’d really be a dog.

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  21. PoorOkie

    Don’t forget to sell the SKF and buy the banks before they report earnings in a couple of weeks.

    As everyone knows, they will lose billions, forcast doom and gloom, and announce dilutive offerings and deals. As a result, their share prices will scream higher, effectivly deballing the shorts.

    Isn’t it obvious?

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  22. calvino

    You are ignorant and missed the crox of the argument.

    1) The bottom is in
    2) The stockmarket is a forward looking mechanism.
    3) The recession, if there will be one, will last one or two quarters and will be shallow. Even if we have one.
    4) The tax lending package to ourselves will kick in profits to China in the third quareter, and that will benefit YUM and lift the S&P 500 because of YUM’s heavy weight.
    5) The Fed is on our side, and you should NEVER fight the fed, while it’s selling off assets to Foreign sovereign funds.

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  23. Dead Man Walking
    Dead Man Walking

    This week with SMN… Haven’t had this much fun since owning SUNW in ’05.

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  24. The Fly

    UBS to writedown another 20 billion. Mark my words.

    On that news, the stock should gap 30% higher, as investors “look ahead.”

    Next time any of you fuckers are late on a bill, tell the creditor to “look ahead,” and that things look great.

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  25. Big Mike

    Fly, stop freaking out, woman!

    To restore some confidence, I’m beginning to create a position in SRS(Dougie Kass as well)…possibly some SKF… adjusting 85/15 short/long into the weekend.

    Although we bounced from the bottoms, what makes you think we are breaking the triple resistance? that awesome non-farm payroll #’s?

    It’s good that people are loading up, it means for more downside potential as relative to before where 70% of the people were short.

    I’m very bearish right now…

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  26. hannamontanna

    Fly, if you bot pot, you got not.

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  27. lol

    SKF and SRS have already peaked… I hear my employee talking to another employee about hosues and how
    “You’re never going to get anything more out of it.”and
    “Wells fargo says it’s not going to recover (he might have said bottom) until 09, I think it’s going to be longer”

    However, he did offer a ray of hope for short sides saying “I know we’ve lost money in our home…
    “I don’t care what they value it at, I’m not planning on selling it, or buying a new house anytime soon, they can value it lower, I’ll just pay less taxes”
    He also said how “my son works at Wells Fargo, and you wouldn’t beleieve how underhanded that company is, and they’re probably all like that. He can just have a guy come in, he can write a few thigns on the paper, let the guy have a loan, and get the commission. And what do the people getting commission care about their companies risk?”

    At least he was actually using some information to validate it, but usually, when uttered in public about how bad things are, the market says, “yep… and it couldn’t get worse” and the ggay bull says “YAY!!!!! WHEEEE!!! HERE WE GO!!!”

    So, I’ll give him an extra week, because his son works with the mortgage industries, but next bounce I’m selling SKF and going long UYG and URE

    Cmon, how much more sellers of SKF can their be? Even if it does take until 2011 to recover, the stock market will trade ahead of it to anticipate it, and there’s more inside information being passed around from advanced technology. Heck, people could post anonymously on a private blog in a special code about insider information, and no one would ever know. The market trades much more ahead of things than it ever used to, that’s why everything is so rediculous to most people, and that’s why fast money did a segment on whoever that guy was that did mortgage security swaps who used to work with Bear Sterns and broke Soros’s reccord for most cash claimed or whatever they said, I don’t know I was listening with one ear.

    If you don’t think out of all the CEOs, and major hedge funds, there’s not going to be a significant amount that would use insider information to trade if they knew they probably wouldn’t get caught,and people who know who probably has the information and just follows their lead… I think you’re completely wrong.
    Guess I’m becoming a conspiracy theorists of some sort…
    But the golden rule is “he who has the gold (and wealth) makes the rules”

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  28. Mushroom Stamp

    everyone know someone who works at a freaking bank, I wouldn’t try to pin the marker down with something someone said from Wells.

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  29. Dick Bove

    Did I say buy the banks?

    Fuck me. Senior moment.

    I meant sell.

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  30. mrkcbill

    Jibber Jabber Bottom!

    Just ate a $13 salad. And liked it.

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  31. JakeGint

    LOL —

    Didn’t you get the memo?

    Only Calvin is allowed to speak in “garrulous ramble” on this site.

    Come back with a license from Fly, but until then, your posts must make sense.

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  32. The Chad

    I have a question for those on this site whose IQ be[six] higher than mine.

    If the markets “look ahead” when the economy is falling off a cliff by going higher… why doesn’t the market “look ahead” during a rising economy and crash?

    Just a late Friday thought for you to ponder…

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  33. alphadawgg

    I’m hearing $50 Bills total for UBS is about right.

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