18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,552 Blog Posts


If you stepped into today with loser stocks, you’re being treated as such — as you deserve to be treated — a loser. Only losers buy stocks with market caps under $100b. If you want to make money, you buy tera caps. If you need tax losses and prefer to lose money, buy everything else.

The Tera caps are +0.666% while small caps are down 0.69%. This trend has repeated itself over and over and over and over and fucking over since Feb 2021. It’s over and it’s never coming back. Fuck you and your RIDE; only TSLA goes up.

We are all seeing BTC trade down and maxis are getting panicky thinking that’s over too. But it’s not. It’s simply resting lower you insufferable prick. These things take time and we first need to drink large bottles of wine before we worry about something like BTC or ETH. By the way, my final purchase of ETH will occur in December, for those following along.

Bottom line: It’s Friday and the market is being a dick again. Find safety, comfort, and solace inside of the larger caps and eschew the small one’s as shit — because that’s what they are and that’s how they trade.

REMINDER: The Stocklabs demo begins in 30 mins. If you want in, email [email protected] now.

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Great Tape

This is a much better tape than I originally suspected. I removed my hedges and allocated about 40% into some choice stocks chosen by Stocklabs and will now cavort with Mrs Fly amidst the North Carolina landscape. I am +1.7% for the session with little of my money exposed and although I haven’t made back all that I lost yesterday — it is a fine day.

I am not going all in because I am not sure if this is another trap from which is assault me with. You should always assume danger and expect rugs to be pulled, in order to temper your emotions from such eventualities.

We are having a live ZOOM call tomorrow between 12-1pm to discuss the professional features of Stocklabs. I greatly suggest all users and prospective users come. To be invited, please email [email protected]


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Nice bounce but I’m not trusting it. I have trust issues with the market dating way back to when I first got my series 7. I’ve been through one market calamity after the next and have seen and done too much to behave like many of you, abject morons diamond handing to zero.

That said, I’m participating, +115bps, and now I have an SQQQ hedge since gains seem to be concentrated in smaller caps. I’ll hold about 50% cash the whole day and will say no to most trades. For example, I really want to buy BBBY, but cannot because it’s up 7% and if the market reverses I’ll get clocked in bbby.

I’m a patient man because life is long and the market is always going to be around.

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CARNAGE: This is What Will Happen Next

Relax. You will survive this squall just like you’ve survived all the others. I bought the dip this morning, left for 3 hours, and was entreated to relentless selling and losses — with a drawdown peaking at -4.5%. I then doubled down and tripled down and cut those losses — but it wasn’t enough so I cleaned most out towards the end of the session, hedged with TZA and some NUGT, and left myself with 47% cash.


I’m still +1.7% for the month and if I rode into tomorrow with the lunatic portfolio I had — I risked losing those gains. Today was a very bad day, but predictable. I should’ve, could’ve done a million things differently — but here I am. I can only deal with tomorrow and my sense is — we are on the precipice of a scare. The market WILL NOT collapse — but a scare.

Look, we’re still 4% MTD for the IWM, more than 1% above the normal gain for the month.

Because of today’s insane 6.2% CPI numbers, rates and gold soared. I am not sure if this is the moment for gold — but the action today was constructive so I positioned into NUGT for tomorrow. If we bounce and all of the finest stocks ramp again, I’ll cut loose my TZA and commence to buy stocks near their highs. However, my sense is we draw down another 1-3% from here, especially in light of the over-performance of stocks like TSLA. Too many people are concentrated into too few places. If we drop another 3%, the IWM will be BELOW the average return, setting us up for a leisurely Xmas/Black Friday rally. Do not expect much of anything for December, a month renowned for fuckery and false starts.

Today’s move in cryptos was disconcerting. Nevertheless, I am long BITO calls for the holiday rampage to $100k and will stick with it no matter what.

NOTE: We are doing a Stocklabs live demo on Friday 12pm-1pm to showcase the pro features. This is open to non subs and subs alike. To be invited, email [email protected]

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The CPI came in hot at 6.2% for the month, highest in 30 yrs. What this means is, retards are out buying gold thinking the dollar will collapse. Remarkably, my BITO position was down pre market and shot higher thanks to a hockey stick run in BTC on this inflation news. That’s right, traders are treating BTC as a store of value.

I got caught flat footed at the open in several bad earnings plays. What can I do but hope? Losses were moderate at -40bps and within minutes ballooned to -2%. I have since stabilized, sold off the fuckers and bought some better stuff, and now I wait.

The market has a very funny tone to it and I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’m employing hope in my investment equation today. On paper, the gains for November have already been enjoyed. Anything more than this is gravy.

I like BTC for a push above $70k, ETH $5k. Mixed feelings on gold, moderately bullish on stocks.

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Reminder (Totally Off Topic): Always Buy Dips of Well Run SAAS

If there is one thing I have pounded into your thick skulls for the past 6+ years is to embrace the science of SAAS. Data analytics in a manner to control consumer trends will only get better. That being said, I am seeing some fine software stocks down in the AHs and many glib fucked for faces on Twitter are declaring them to be dead. Let me tell you something now — you see dips in stocks like EVBG, ZEN, HUBS or CRM — you buy. You do not time them or worry about the conference calls. You rely upon the management to figure it out — because it is their job. Your job is to position your money wisely to grow in a manner that conforms with data analytics.

We are probably in the 5th inning of moving IT departments out of corporations and into the hands of various SAAS companies. Their revenues are, by design, predictable. Valuations are high because they’ve proven to be able to deliver. So when you see dips and fathom yourselves to be gurus for avoiding the ongoing death knell in XYZ trading at 25x sales — just know you’re an idiot and instead of eschewing XYZ you should be buying.

I closed the day +1.05%, fully long again with an LABD hedge.

NOTE: We are doing a Stocklabs live demo on Friday 12pm-1pm to showcase the pro features. This is open to non subs and subs alike. To be invited, email [email protected].


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Massive FOMO into Afternoon Hours — However Keeping at Bay

Each day I commit the same mistakes and today I am finally going to learn. I sell the open like a champion, only to get lured back in because stocks always looks so good to me. I want to be lied to, dream the dream, capture the BIG MOVE and be a BIG BOY in a small pond. Alas and this goes without saying, more often than not I am bled out like a zebra on the dry grass, left for dead until I limp away back into cash and reserve my energy for the final half hour.

I am +1% for the session and there are many many stocks providing me with FOMO — shit like LIDR and MNDY — but I shall not look at them for too long otherwise they might hypnotize me.

If forced to take a position, I’d tell you we’re due for a sell off. We’re due for a sell off, not because stocks are bad, but because we’re due for a sell off.

My position will be clear into the closing hour. Small size and hedged, attempting to add onto present gains but not in a greedy way.

NOTE: We are doing a Stocklabs live demo on Friday 12pm-1pm to showcase the pro features. This is open to non subs and subs alike. To be invited, email [email protected].

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All of those grandiloquent gains are quickly slipping down the wayside. Stocks like TSLA and PYPL are being beaten to death. I, again, sold every single stock at the open, held my TZA for a little bit and sold it too, and sit handsomely atop my crest +1% on a day when stocks are in miserable dive mode.

My advice to you is to run. I TOLD YOU this shit could not last. We already had the gains for November and now we’re moderating them, which is good for potential dip buyers — but not yet.

We need a little zero-hedging — dip buyers punished brutally under a cavalcade of sell orders. The first big dicked green candle will be sopped up by them and then they’ll be trapped for the eventual table collapse onto their hands, chopping off their fingers down to the knuckles.

I am only long BITO calls now and reserve the right to completely change my mind based upon market themes. The point here is to comport oneself with dignity and to behave moderately in the face of exuberance.

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Big Day For Biden Stocks

It was a who’s who of Biden plays taking off following the passage of his fucking infrastructure bill. Back in the old days things like this were priced in and stocks would trade lower after the news hit. But today, since everyone is dumb, shit pops after news hits we already knew about. This dichotomy of markets makes it difficult for people with IQs higher than 110 to trade — which is why MEME stocks and the dumbest people on the planet are getting rich, carelessly.

Today’s winning themes, via Stocklabs.

I made just 61bps today, repeating what I have been repeating for months now, which is selling the open, trying my hand at lunch time trade only to drawdown into it and forced to pare down losses into the bell. I had gains of 110bps and said gains were halved for a numbers of reasons, namely the desire to participate in the depravity. Perhaps I shouldn’t. Perhaps this market is too glib to conform with my personality? I feel very strongly about markets and personalities and how some tapes meld well with some and perfect with others.

I went heavily long into the close besides my better judgement, hedged with some TZA — because the intelligence algos in SL said to do so. Sometimes it helps have advanced algorithms at your finger tips, to guide you though and out of troubling tapes.

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Risk Averse

With gains of 6.5% in the IWM for the month of November, I am beginning to sour on the idea of chasing stocks into National Festival. This is most likely a losers bet and I’ll be sure not to let my imagination run away with itself — but I am likely to really sell the open fast and sit on the sidelines until the afternoon hours from now until then.

I was leveraged long into today and sold out of everything but two things — locking in a gain of 1.07%. I am still long CND (crypto play) and BITO calls. I am thinking if the lunatics running the asylum can jimmy $BTC to $100k by New Year’s, these options will make me a decent sum of money. This is only my second options play in many years, having retired from the world of derivatives after realizing it was bad for my health.

The market is middling today and I am sure a great many of you are sucking your own dicks, proud of yourselves for making coin in a market with AMD +10%. I will take a more sober view of things and position for the overnight trade.

Good day.

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