18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,551 Blog Posts


This isn’t rocket science. Every day some of you astound me with your impertinent stupidity. I am going to teach you the only lesson you will ever need to learn on Wall Street. Are you ready?


While it’s true, we all like to buy the underdog, in the hopes of catching lightening in a bottle: the 52 week high list is where the real money will be made. There’s a reason why those stocks aren’t at new 52 week highs: they suck.

YELP was at a new high when I bought it and now I am +40% in two days.

Stock prices are fueled by earnings. The earnings are extrapolated, taking the macro environment into account, and a multiple is affixed by investors. We are guided by analysts, who in large part are guided by us. They feed the mob what they like to eat.

When buying a stock at new highs, try to figure out what its earnings might be in a year, maybe two. Take a multiple or FPE that is average for its industry and set your price target. Naturally, this doesn’t apply to swing traders or the vagrant sort of day trader.

Price targets need to be justified, so the unwashed public can buy in. All too often these targets and rationale are ridiculous. Case in point: the dot com bubble. However, the gist of the dot com fervor was correct, was it not?

Look at AMZN, FB, YELP, Z, PCLN, AAPL, TRLA and the countless internet stocks killing it today.

Check your egos at the door when you come to play. This is a sport that requires dedication and focus. Learn from people who do it well and you will save yourself the agony of experiencing trial and error.

If you’re gonna do this, do it right. Read iBankCoin daily.

NOTE: I will be posting the iBankCoin logos that you submitted next week. If you want to create our logo and accomplish immortality, as well as a few hundred bucks, email it to me @ [email protected]. The winner will be decided by popular vote.

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Fly Buy: $POWI

I added to my POWI position on this dip. This is, without a doubt, one of my top picks for 2013.

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The Gods Must Be Crazy

How do I explain all of this money? When Mrs. Fly takes a gander at the statement, she might report me to the proper authorities, fearing I’ve gone over to the dark side and partaken in some Wall St. shenanigans. Mrs. Fly is not one to skirt the law and will certainly not be an accomplice to one, husband for 17 years or not.

Truth is, I’ve been blessed, following numerous offerings to the Gods (the old and the new). They’ve answered my prayers and slain my enemies, turning them into meat to be cooked and eaten (no cannibalism).

I know you look at YELP, IMMR and CXO and wonder “how could this be? How could one man, apparently mortal, be so right over a short period of time?” The answer to that question, my friends, as well as many others, is none of your concern.

As I write this, the market is coming in a bit and IMMR is a whole point off its highs. I do not fear the unknown because, quite frankly, I am in possession of a time machine. I zip through time with reckless abandon, making bets along the way.

As for Mrs. Fly, she will remain in the dark. I will hide the monthly statements and whenever the subject of ‘our accounts’ arises, I shall change the subject and distract her with things that appeal to her gender, such as gossip, vampire movies and/or the prospect of going to the Short Hills shopping mall for ‘fun.’

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$IMMR is On Track For 2nd Half Winship

I am very relieved by today’s earnings announcement and conference call. Some of you homosexuals are emotionally disturbed because the CEO didn’t announce they’ve discovered life on Europa. Retard, this is their slowest quarter of the year and are killing it.

They are building a war chest of cash, now upwards of 16% of the market cap, or $65 million. Their technology is recognized and paid for by all of the major players, except the stubborn AAPL. So this is a 4th qt play, on handsets and the new Xbox and Sony video game consoles.

This will be a “go-to” stock this holiday season. Write that down in your little notebook.

This is a stock trading under 20x next year’s earning, growing at a very reliable 45% per annum. Considering the upside potential in new product offerings and subsequent royalty payments, one could argue the stock deserves a multiple of 40x, putting the stock price at or around $30 per share.

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Another 3% Day

I am now pushing +45% for the year and can afford to take Congo sized risk.

My fleet of warships is purveying the seas, shooting grape into errant cargo vessels and sinking whole Navies of small, backward, nations.

“The Fly” reigns supreme, almost floating amidst the office with a cloud of incense shrouding his every move. DO NOT ATTEMPT to stop him now, for he will pimp smack you with his diamond rings and stomp you out like a weak gorilla in a pack of strong alpha-apes.

I am boastful because I am lucky. I am lucky because I have courage. And I have courage because I am smart.

Good day.

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BIG Earnings Day For IMMR

As you know, I pared back some of my IMMR position, but it’s still incredibly overweight. As a matter of fact, it still makes up 20% of my assets, making it one of my largest positions in years. I’ve had others, like WETF, WNR, YELP, FRO, FTK etc. But this is right up there with other big bets. Before yesterday, IMMR was just about my largest position in over a decade, which is why I had to reduce it.

The key driver for the company is royalties via Samsung. We all know Sammy said smartphone sales were a bit sluggish. Perhaps IMMR can make up the temporary lost ground on other fronts? Either way, I am not foaming at the mouth bullish on this particular earnings release. Instead, I love its prospects longer term.

Haptics technology is being adopted everywhere. It’s only a matter of time until this company receives a QCOM-like multiple, circa 1999.

My other earnings play is OPEN. I bought it based off the YELP numbers, and because TRLA left the station without me. If the company is really back on track, it’s going back to $100+ in short order. If they miss, the stock is likely heading back to $55. Either way, it’s not a very large position for me, as I am more focused on YELP, IMMR, POWI and CXO.

My only underperformer is AMBA. I’m a huge fan of the police state and believe AMBA’s technology will assist Homeland Security in locking down America, into a ‘prison planet.’ This is all very boolish for the shares.

If you are a firm believer in the illuminati seizing power and putting everyone under 24 hour surveillance, like me, this is the stock for you.

As for the reason why it’s lower today: more sellers than buyers.

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Enjoy the Cocaine Party

I am up a staggering amount of money today. Just today, from the money I made on YELP, I can pay down all of the US debt and wage war on 13 nations.

What else can I say but “thank you” to the new gods and the old for blessing me with stock market hedonism. I enter the arena with a chest full of courage, ready to embrace the earnings from IMMR today.

Only AMBA is down for me today. Other than that, it’s long lines of blow atop stacks of hundred dollar bills, piled high to the ceiling.

Due to the severity of today’s winship, I will be allocating funds shortly.

NOTE: Have you seen CXO today?

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I won again and you bozos never saw it coming. That sentence makes no sense, whatsoever, but is frighteningly belligerent. Hide the young children and the sensitive men, who wear shorts and drink frappacinos, for Le Fly is bowling tonight and he’s knocking down human skulls instead of pins.

Everything I own will trade higher tomorrow. Regretfully, I stand before you a humble man, 40% cash, 60% win. For those of you who doubted my pimp hand, you shall feel the wrath of my knuckles soon.

YELP smashed and will trade up frenetically tomorrow. AMBA, IMMR, POWI and maybe GPRE will move higher as well.

I’d like to circle back to POWI, because it’s my top under the radar pick for 2013. No one is monitoring them, which speaks volumes about my colleagues in the money management business. Yes, piker, I am talking to you directly, while blowing pipe smoke in your face (I dare you to say crack pipe). You don’t do the work; therefore, you shall not reap the rewards.

POWI will earn $3.00 in 2014 and deserves a 30 multiple because of their revolutionary smart phone strategy. As such, I declare the shares are worth nothing less than $90 per share. You may fool around all you want, playing checkers in the parlour, lighting fires in the forest. But rest assured, POWI trades to $90 by next year, this time.

I have another stock for the gentlemen in the money management business; but I will not provide you with a thesis. I want you to tell me why its shares are heading wayyy higher.

The ticker symbol is (brace yourself): CRS.

Good night.

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