18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Here’s Why the Market is Up Today

Good afternoon —

After I published my blog yesterday a round table of the most powerful people in the country got together and hashed out ways to rig the market higher. I don’t have an exact transcript of what occurred — but it went something like this.

“Ok people we’ve got work to do. The fucking yields are too high and so is oil. In order to jimmy this market back up we’re gonna need to fix some things here.”

“You — what’s your name?”

“Me, Sir, I am Joe.”

“Joe who?”

“Biden, Sir, sorry.”

“Well Biden — I want you to get out their and crush the dollar. Do you think you can handle that son?”

“Oh yes Sir, thank you for this privilege.”

“Next I need the fucking price of oil to come down. You over there — Chuck Shmuck right.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Crush it.”

“Consider it done.”

“Finally we need rates to fall. That we’ll give to our good friend Mr. Powell.”

“It would be my honor Sir.”

And voila — today the price of oil is down nearly 5%, the US 10yr down 7bps, and the dollar is down 0.45% vs the Euro.

The NASDAQ is +125, but the small caps are still weak and they’re lower by 0.3%.

As for me, I bailed out of many of my shorts at the opening tick and hold some TZA, eagerly waiting in the tall grass, like all lions should, for some prey to prance about me. When I see it, I will pounce on it and lock jaw — tearing it limb from limb until satiated. My losses are 40bps and I blame them almost entirely on my dog — who kept me up last night for sojourns into the night with an upset stomach. I might’ve slept 2hrs when the market opened and then I decided to take what we call a “power nap” in America also known as “going back to sleep” and when I woke up — markets had turned against me.

No matters — the fucking dog is ok now and I am feeling good. My health is once again fantastic and my mood very fine.

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