18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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“HOT STOCKS” Fuck Off For the Session; Fly Closes At Another Fresh Recourd High

You hate to see it you bastards; but you cannot stop me. You try to stop me — but it inevitably fails. I get it — it’s annoying to see someone, such as myself, sashay through every god damned market with ease and poise — and yet there you are fucked in your lowly positions and confused about what to do next.

Let me show you something now.

Here is the industry page inside Cocklabs and what it basically is telling you is all of the coolest and best “hot stocks” got blown the fuck out today. Before you head off making assumptions, I will tell you that more than 200 stocks fell more than 5% today. It was a drubbing for anyone stacked with risk and patience.

Does this mean it’s over?

No. It’s just one day. But every market tops the fuck out somewhere. This is as good a place as anywhere else, as Jim Biden cavorts brainlessly sniffing children and ordering American reserves to Europe.

When I said “recourd high” I meant it.

I closed with 10% TZA, 5% UVIX up against what I determine to be a risk averse portfolio stacked with low beta. By the way, this is how I both avoid massive drawdowns and miss out on major rallies. I simply remove risk when things get dicey. More often than not the market rallies huge and we’re back to fresh highs. But sometimes, every so often, PANDEMONIUM busts loose and we dive lower amidst angst and fear. Since I live for those days, I rarely, if ever, miss out on the opportune to get involved on the downside pin action fun.

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