18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Breadth is Too High for Collapse

Fuck — we’ll just have to take what we can. I have no shorts at the moment and rather enjoy this long oil trade. I will tell you my vision now.

By August of 2023 the war in Ukraine will be at its worst state for the pride parade folks in Brussels. Then it will dawn on people that perhaps this time Europe can and will freeze. The Russian gas will be in short supply and the odds of a nice and balmy winter is remote. This will cause a panic — as European catamites struggle to fill their inventory to prepare for the winter to come.

Gas and oil prices will soar, all the while people begin to worry about the SPECTER of another inflation scare. This will in fact zero bid stocks and most of the bulls you see now will be skinned alive and tossed carelessly into boiling vats of oil.

The trade will be SHORT EQUITIES, LONG OIL and we’ll all be better for it.

As for today, it appears markets don’t want to believe in my grim tales and have instead opted to invested in homosexual tech companies. My entire life has been filled with choosing between my passion and what’s the right thing to do. Once again, I must follow my brain and invest long — since the time isn’t right to jump ship and swing merrily in the fiery waters of vengeance.

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