18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,445 Blog Posts

Dear Stock Market Gods…

I’d like very much to make some money today. If I am being honest with you, I really feel like I deserve it. I’ve been though so much and have worked so hard. It would BEHOOVE the Lord to ignore my plight and punish me with yet another bad tape.

I’d like for the market to just continue up for the balance of the session without any scary jolts — just a relaxing time and place for me to gently trade, very softly, and finish the day with joy.

I am +65bps as I write this and still have a 10% SOXS hedge, even thought it’s down 3%. Why am I still holding it? FEAR.

I am 105% long and reticent to touch anything. I do not want to be bold or conservative or anything at all. I just want to coast for a day, and then maybe coast again tomorrow. I feel I deserve a break.

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