18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
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From the very beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States and its vassals have treated this event as if it were an attack on a vital American interest. The sperging out of the “deep state” and neocon scum is indicative of their schemes and those that were foiled. Whilst many Americans do as they’re told and shut up abut it, a very large faction do not think the risk-reward benefit favors the every day 9 to 5’er — risking total war with a large military power over a principality of Russia’s in their sphere of influence.

In short, I don’t give a fuck about Ukraine — not because I dislike the Ukrainian people — but because the Ukrainian government is aligned with what I know to be inherently evil forces. I am 99% sure most Ukrainians do not know the dark side of America and only see the fairy tale they were sold — iced cream trucks and Disney movies and all of the comforts and luxury that good old fashioned grift could buy.

Initially, “the west” applied harsh sanctions to Russia in an attempt to break their economy. They attempted to recruit China into their schemes and when that failed — they provoked China via Taiwan and then upped sanctions on them and prohibited the sale of semiconductors.

Then the west tempted fate by sending weapons to Ukraine, first a little and now just about everything they’ve got. They’ve been providing the UKR army with real time intelligence from day 1, helping and assisting them fight the Russians. Peace talks were discouraged by the UK and US; and apparently there was a deal in place that was nixed by US-UK, in favor of boxing Putin into a corner and creating a quagmire via a highly motivated Ukrainian army using all of America’s best and most advanced weapons.

There seems to be this fantasy in America to topple Russia and fly the rainbow flag on top of the Kremlin, perhaps commingled with new migration policies to import diversity. Both the hard left and right agree on just one thing: destroy Russia at all costs. After all, they steal elections.

But what do I get out of it? If Putin is as crazy as they say he is — maybe I’ll get a nuclear detonation at my local army base, or perhaps a long drawn out war in Europe accompanied by a draft so my sons get to see all of the splendor of European culture through the barrel of a gun.

Last week they destroyed the Nord-Stream pipelines and blamed Russia for it. Last night they destroyed part of Russia’s largest bridge, the Kerch bridge which connected mainland Russia to Crimea. Zelensky just said the “Russians had a hand in it”.

I used to believe the media was biased and simply spoke their book. But in the past decade or so I’ve come to understand it’s far more insidious than just left v right. They just make stuff up and lie — almost all the time.

The writing is on the wall. Russia might’ve invaded Ukraine, but the west is making sure there could be no peace ever. The UKR fantasy writers on Twitter believe this ends with Ukraine recapturing Crimea. If so, it might also be met with large scale tactical deployment of nuclear warheads aimed at decapitating your entire army.

There has to be a better way than this course of action. It’s not my job to figure it out — but I know that sharply lower stocks prices against sharply higher inflation and crippling energy costs, alongside the potentiality of world ending war, is not exactly the path I wanted my children to walk down in this fucking country.

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  1. purdy

    We spent $trillions to kill millions, as we worked down the already-written PNAC enemies list after the 9/11 false flag. And we Americans, along with our NATO whores, quietly nodded along.

    This fact has made the people who run the place rightfully cocky. No tax increase to pay for our warmongering …no draft …no problem. The average American doesn’t give enough of a shit to learn what’s going on because they haven’t yet seen a cost. Yeah, somebody else’s 19 year old son had their legs blown off …”but no one I know …and he volunteered …my pronouns are…”

    In a democracy, those who control the media control the country.

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  2. roguewave

    “In short, I don’t give a fuck about Ukraine — not because I dislike the Ukrainian people”
    My sentiments exactly and probably 99%+ of the country and the world.

    Stupid Americans keep taking the bait again and again.
    1) Regime change will solve our problems i.e. getting rid of Putin will solve everything. In a word, WRONG! How did that work in Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq? It just created hell holes for the poor bastards living there and blew off arms, legs and minds of the “freedom fighters” someone sent there to kill “bad guys”, their wives, their children, wedding parties, etc.
    2) Voting in a new loser will solve our problems. WRONG!
    There is absolutely nothing the average guy can do to stop it. We are headed to WW3. (Well it could all be stopped, today, with 1 phone call – that will never be made.)
    Take evasive action, best you can. Good luck.

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    • roguewave

      To be more accurate, it’s not just Americans. It’s virtually all people who are being manipulated by some of the smartest, well paid (real) data scientists, psychologists, etc.

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  3. Mr. Cain Thaler

    Yep. This country is finished. Our leaders are monsters playing a game. They have no national identity, no love of their fellow citizens, and it’s all a series of self-interested moves to maintain and promote a decadent subculture no one can really relate to.

    And everyone sees through it. Citizen trust and approval has never been lower. No one will fight for America because we understand our countries greatest benefactors don’t really believe in America. Honestly I won’t even answer the call to arms.

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  4. bob smith

    I’m not nihilistic as many of the posters here appear to be. I’m pretty sure we could take Putin out with a drone with little difficulty. If he goes nuclear, that is what I expect to happen. Will that solve the world’s problems? Not entirely, but at least the next Hitler will be eliminated.

    I know, I know, there’s still Iran, N. Korea etc. but the are just annoying fleas and aren’t real threats to the USA or to the world at large.

    If Putin can’t even take out middle-aged/retired Ukrainian civilians, many of them women, he’s going to have some real problems fighting combat-ready soldiers from the west.

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    • purdy

      How many people has that Russian Hitler killed and maimed? How many brown people? How many people who dress a little differently …who worship differently? How many has he impoverished and starved with sanctions and embargos?

      Using your analogy, we are the Hitler. And you are the nihilist ignoring objective truths.

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    • urb8181

      Hey Bob,

      Pull your head outta your ass, there’s little Hitlers running around thick as cockroaches in Washington DC, we need a big can of Raid.

      The problems that currently exist in Ukraine were created by our corrupt leaders
      of both parties protecting their looting of the American taxpayer.

      This gets solved only one way and it ain’t voting harder.

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  5. roguewave

    N.KOREA LEADER KIM takes a page from Senator Magoo’s book:
    SAYS NO NEED TO HAVE DIALOGUE WITH ENEMY, besides that no sprecken sie Ingles. (During the campaign, Magoo thought he was running for the Senate.)

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