18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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A Clarion Moment for the Black Community and Why I Support It

I grew up in a culturally diverse part of Brooklyn where many of my best friends were people of color. I’m married to a latina and my step-father is from Morocco. In spite of having 4 masters degrees and a Phd in mathematics, sadly, some people still probably look at him and wonder if he’s a terrorist.

In most parts of the world, we demonize one another for various reasons — mostly rooted in our own insecurities. Many of my white friends are reticent to support the Black Live Movement, not because they’re racist — but because of their own insecurities. It’s the same when women talk about women’s rights and some men are like “what about men?”

All of the looting being done is terrible and I view those people with malicious disdain. However, my heart breaks for the vast majority of black Americans out there, honorably trying to uplift their communities — who’ve been plagued by generations of poverty and disenfranchisement. Wouldn’t it be great to see that vibrant community free from the yoke of systemic crime and shine — displaying their talents without prejudice? Naturally. I don’t need to parrot what other’s have already said — the Floyd murder was unconscionable and that doesn’t mean all cops are bastards either. My sister works for the police and some of the best people I’ve ever known were cops. My brother in law is NYPD — tasked with breaking up human trafficking. Our world is filled with nuance — ebbing and flowing between good and evil is how most people end their lives — with very few saints amongst us.

Judging people should never be binary.

Here’s why everyone should support the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement. This is a unique chance of heightened awareness to help your neighbors uplift themselves and to make sure they’re treated fairly.

A question was posed to me today — regarding celebrities searching out black businesses to support them.

“Why are they only helping black businesses? What about the best product?”

I get that and do not think this person is a racist for asking it. We’re all too god damned fast to label one another on low information. And truthfully, I hate it altogether. People change and I’ve seen it with my own eyes — turning hatred rooted from insecurities to love from friendship.

I said, “I think it’s a terrific idea to support a black business to show appreciation to a community who needs help now.” And it isn’t pandering or me virtue signaling to make myself feel better or perpetuate an image that can be viewed progressive by people I am trying to impress. It is not progressive to be kind to others and that’s the way I always try to live my life.

But it hasn’t always been that way — growing up in a broken household, poor, and limited avenues for growth — I often resorted to anger to fuel my passions. I suppose we all evolve with age, some of us faster than others and some not at all.

I felt the need to make my opinions clear because I’ve been outspoken about the riots and have been highlighting them on my Twitter feed. I see you black America for what this moment is really about — and hope we can finally see some evolution in the way we treat one another.

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  1. warpig

    Well said as usual Ace. +1

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  2. jungleegirl


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  3. kidstock


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  4. trumpmeister

    One of the best posts that I have seen from you in a while.

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  5. cheesefries

    Nonsense.. the day I need to prove I’m not a racist by supporting a group that riots and loots is the day I will step off planet earth. MLK won hearts and minds by forgiving the people that persecuted him. Liberals are using Floyd’s death to advance their chances in the November election. Do you remember Occupy Walkstreet?

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      For what it’s worth – and I don’t love BLM either because I remember when they first got started they published this list of societal demands and probably 7/10 of it was just Marxism – they don’t appear to be advocating violence.

      I’m more afraid by the average insane white person at these rallies than the black ones. And everyone out after 9pm.

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    • traderconfessions

      Lumping together peaceful protesters with knucklehead looters to undermine the righteousness of their cause is sophomoric and ignorant. You know this.. but you can’t contain your racist anger. That’s sad.

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    • downtown

      I totally agree!

      And to say “Here’s why everyone should support the ‘Black Lives Matter’ movement” makes my blood boil! What a naive thing to say. I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions what movements I support and I think this one has been completely hijacked by the far left. Their stupid protest and IMO willingly allowing (with small exceptions) ANTIFA to join their protests turning into riots leaving a wake of destruction, death and downtowns burnt to the ground, isn’t turning anyone into fans.. in fact I’d be willing to guess we come out of this far worse off than ever before.

      If you feel the need to get your weight behind that movement, go for it.. don’t tell anyone else they should feel obligated to support it. Guess what, I can not be a racist and not support the BLM movement at the same time.. yes, that’s possible.

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      • numbersgame

        What a childish excuse. “I’m not supporting a movement against police brutality becuase i don’t like people telling me waht to do”,

        Of course, you can make your own decisions. Fly is just giving you reasons why that decsison shoudl be “support.”

        I’ll agree not caring about how society treats another race doesn’t ame you a racist. However, it does make you a sad excuse for a human being.

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        • peaches

          democracy and capitalism without any moral foundation has created a society where adultery, drug abuse, lewdness, etc are excused if you are “providing for the needs of society” aka making money and providing a service.

          adam smith basically argues that greed makes sure the bakery has the best bread money can buy because people want good bread and bakers want money

          for the most part this is true. but people also want drugs pornography and violent rap lyrics.

          nobody cares that the president of the united states clearly thinks women are objects, or cheats on his wife while she is pregnant, or shows 0 signs of humanity

          he has money and that makes him *good*

          you cant expect a society that gave that guy so many votes to have any idea of what it means to be a “human being”

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        • downtown

          first of all what you put in quotes is not what I said at all. I absolutely care how society treats every race. Duh! don’t be an idiot. What I disagree with is that supporting a movement in large part funded by George Soros OSF that has been completely hijacked by the far radical left and is actually getting good cops and civilians just minding their own business, killed nah, you go ahead and play that game pal.. not me!

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          • numbersgame

            I was paraphrasing, but maybe shouldn’t have used quotes.

            The BLM movement – which is larger than the BLM *organization* – at it’s core is about reducing police brutality, particularly against minorites. It’s not perfect, but it’s got momentum and numbers.

            So if you don’t support BLM, what organization is it that you feel will do the job better?

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  6. cheesefries

    The minute you try to prove you aren’t a racist because XYZ wife, family, brother, is of color you lose.

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  7. cheesefries

    The Mayor of NYC is a perfect example is the failure.

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  8. Mr. Cain Thaler
    Mr. Cain Thaler

    Well said.

    Over policing in America is out of control. In Detroit in 2010, SWAT Teams pulling a no knock raid entered the wrong residence and murdered a 7 year old girl. A few years later in Georgia another SWAT team using a no knock raid chucked a flash bang grenade into a toddlers crib, setting him on fire and requiring complete skin grafts.

    It’s not really surprising things finally boiled over. Who wants to bury their kids? I even kind of support some aspects of the violence. Americans didn’t ask nicely when we finally got sick of the British, if you catch my drift. Burning down that precinct in Minnesota was nice imagery.

    But the riots are out of control and sadly I only see heavy police tactics restoring law & order. This is what riot squads are actually for, not enforcing petty drug charges.

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  9. purdy

    Support must be colorblind. Don’t patronize a business based on race. Don’t support or condemn another person based on race. Don’t enact a new institutional racism (“affirmative” action) in an attempt to correct institutional racism – it only perpetuates and expands racist feelings and uncletomism. Separately, don’t hire a VP based on genitalia – it’s insulting to women.

    Also, “Black Lives Matter” was and is a counterproductive name for this movement. While it signals virtue to the already-sympathetic, it alienates everyone not already on board. Half the country hears that name and remembers some white guy being beaten for holding an “All Lives Matter” sign. You call them insecure ..OK …so how does positioning yourself where you have to argue against the all in “All Lives Matter” help?

    Your step father is labeled a terrorist because of the programming done by MSM to get the average American to be suspect of anyone from the mid-east/north Africa. This was done in order to garner unquestioning support for our wars for oil and in support of Israeli expansionists. This is quite separate from the bigotry against black Americans that sparked this violence. But you, and anyone like you, who wants to keep their investor class audience, does not have the balls (or stupidity) to say so.

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    • tha pirate

      Right Purdy, don’t forget to work in a little dig on the Jews as you pretend to care about people of Middle Eastern origin (of which incidentally, the Jews also are). The Jihadist scum on 9/11 killed my friends. You can hate NAZIs and thats good, but you can NOT hate Germans. Hatred of Radical Islamic terror IS good. Hatred of Arabs and/or Jews is racist.

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      • purdy

        You are guilty of generalizing …of bigotry. “Israeli expansionists” is NOT all Jews. Unfortunately though, most are like you, and any eventual backlash against what we have done on behalf of “our greatest ally” will affect all Jews. BTW, who was dancing across the river while the planes hit? ..stop being a virtue-signalling, PC dupe.

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        • peaches

          He didn’t say anything about Jews.

          Just Israel.

          Purdy ain’t always right.

          But he’s not a racist.

          And 100% right about the middle East and Israel.

          If you care about Jewish people… AKA… the long term… You’d realize Likkud makes Trump look like JFK.

          And all of our wars help Israeli establishment more than the average American. That is clear, every major Arab oil power (except the jihadi bastards that bombed us on 9/11) has been wiped out

          Saudi Arabia is somehow NOT on Trump’s list of dangerous Muslim countries. We sell them (Saudi and Israel) bombs and guns and they fund terrorism to keep the middle East in a permanent war zone scenario.

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          • tha pirate

            I am an expert on Israel. Likud is a center-left party. center-right Yamina was pushed out by Bibi a few weeks ago. Go learn some facts

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          • tha pirate

            YES, people who come out with wild conspiracy theories about Israel even when I post VIDEOS FROM FOXNEWS SHOWING ‘palestinians’ dancing and NOT Israelis are almost ALWAYS Jew haters. Can you name a SINGLE Jew hater that LOVES Israel? Wow, you guys REALLY made my point.

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        • tha pirate

          Are you really that ignorant, or do you just hate Jews? Who was dancing?!? The JIHADISTS. The people calling themselves ‘palestinians’ were dancing in the streets of Ramallah.I can’t disclose details, but I know for a FACT Israel has provided our nation with INCREDIBLE amounts of intel on Russia, China, has helped US spec ops, has helped severl branches of the US military in ways you CAN’T imagine.

          As to ‘expansion’, maybe you ought to look at a MAP. Israel GAVE AWAY Gaza in 2005 at the behest of Prez Bush as a gesture, and has recieved rockets from Islamic Jihad & Hamas as thanks.Israel is 3300 years old and is TINY, There are 57 Muslim states many huge with oil. Let the Jews have their one, tiny nation

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          • purdy

            Mossad agents were dancing for fuck’s sake. If indeed you are an expert, you know this and are merely a lying propagandist.

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          • tha pirate

            You don’t get to just make up facts cause you don’t like Jews. Enough. AlQaeda, isis, Hamas, Hezbullah, Islamic Jihad – Israel’s enemies. These are also OUR enemies. There were no ‘dancing Israelis’ on 9/11, they were horrified, but I DID see (and it was on ABC & NBC before the leftists stopped showing it) video of fakestinains dancing and cursing America & Israel. If you hate Jews at least be a man and be honest about it and don’t hide behind making up lies about Israel.

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          • tha pirate

            Here’s the video of ‘palestinians’ celebrating 9/11, you are BUSTED: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UucjbGmJILk

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          • tha pirate

            -and ANOTHER: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uj9MJPHobF4

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          • purdy

            As you likely KNOW, I’m talking about the Mossad agents dancing in NJ – you know the “moving company” guys. They were set up to film BEFORE the planes hit. Accessories BEFORE the fact?? So fuck off traitor. And don’t pretend to give a shit about “friends” who were killed that day. And isn’t it curious that people here can criticize America all day long and no one calls them out as a bigot – – but criticize Israel and you’re called a Jew hater. BTW, I part Jewish. Once again, fuck off.

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          • tha pirate

            “I part Jewish” = “I have black friends” SO WHAT? Where is your PROOF? I gave you two DOCUMENTED videos from major news outlets of the dancing, what do you give? no evidence, just something you heard where? At your BUNDT meeting?? As far as ‘traitor’, You have NO idea who you speak to and where I was that day. Give facts, not insults & anti-Israel conspiracy theories, thats what I did

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          • peaches

            Third world people were dancing around the world when America gets attacked.

            I’m a Us citizen, Panamanian citizen, Israeli citizen.

            Everyone hates America.


            Everyone danced on that day guys.

            It wasn’t Palestinians or Israelis.

            It was Saudis.

            Saudi Aramco funded religious fundamentalists.

            And Likkud is way more DIVISIVE than Trump is. Trump gets called racist for being dumb and old and white…

            Reality is he’s probably as racist as Biden is.

            Bibi plays on the supreme race narrative all the time.

            Nobody disputes this besides the party themselves.

            Bibi tried to get the Muslim call to prayer banned. He’s trying to develop and flip real estate to religious nutbags

            They’re growing these useless idiots over here in Brooklyn who are excused from the public school system.

            They have to get GEDs and then struggled to find work if they can’t find it inside the community. Then they ship them out to Israel to populate the desert.

            All Bibi is doing is convincing the world that maybe the protocols of the elders of Zion may be a real plan.


            Selling real estate for his friends.

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          • purdy

            “DOCUMENTED videos from major news outlets”, so now MSM is suddenly the holy grail??? ..Hypocrite and a fucking liar.

            Anyway, if you know how to search the internet, just input “Mossad agents dancing in NJ” …even Google will likely give you at lease SOME vetted hits. But I’ll give you one thing ..yeah, I forgot the ‘m …congrats on that.

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          • purdy

            ..and no, you will not see the Mossad agents dancing on MSM. Hmm.

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          • peaches

            “There are 57 Muslim states many huge with oil. Let the Jews have their one, tiny nation.”

            Nobody here said anything about getting Jews out of Israel.

            It also appears you are getting very riled up defending Likkud or Mossad, and conflating this with a Jewish claim to land in Israel.

            Christianity gets hard to defend when you also choose to defend every action every pope ever took

            Islam gets hard to defend when you also choose to defend every fatwa made by every sheik

            Mossad isnt Jewish. They’re a 21st century Intelligence agency.

            They cannot possibly have God on their side. If you think that they do you have GOT to read your Torah more. “Israel” is a political machine, like the USA, or the vatican, or the caliphate.

            There is no Jewish caliphate with a Knesset of Israeli businessmen voted in by a population that eats pork and does whatever they want on shabbat in the Torah bro.

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        • peaches

          stop conflating Mossad and machine guns with the Torah sent to change the world for the better.

          Jewish people have laws sent down by God. We have books that say that the world will worship our God and follow these laws. These books were written during times where other gods had millions of followers throughout the world and our God was worshiped by a few men in the desert.

          Since the advent of Judaism the world has gone from worshiping multiple gods to today 54% of the human population now worshiping the single God of a small middle eastern tribe. 54% of the population agrees that God gave the Jews laws whose purpose was to let humans live better. This is a slow process but it is steady and it is undeniable.

          Bringing Mossad into this story makes it a shitty story.

          Most of the guys who want to bring Mossad into the story do not believe that God gave us laws on a mountain so that we could change the world.

          Most of the people who want to bring Mossad into the story are afraid of Nazis and they think Mossad will keep them safe from them.

          The only thing anyone needs to be afraid of is God.

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          • peaches

            “Israel is 3300 years old”


            “Israel is 72 years old”

            any argument that brings up the Torah to claim land in Israel also brings up the diasporah.

            Its a divine circular logic trap.

            “God gave it to us… see page 1, don’t check page 3”

            this is followed by Christians (rightfully) calling you a propagandist.

            everyone is too tribal


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  10. RaginCajun


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  11. Dr. Fly

    Stop getting defensive you fucks, I’m not saying those rioters are my people. I’m only suggesting that now more than ever is a good chance to help people. I didn’t say anything about special rights.

    Do you fucks even read what I wrote?

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    • narcist

      Please don’t just *say* things. An occasional essay doesn’t effect any change.

      Find a worthy cause or two that you (and/or you or family) can engage. It doesn’t have to be political at all–I’m sure there are GED programs in the Raleigh-Durham area that can use your help, just to give an example.

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      • narcist

        *your family

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        • peaches

          Dude runs a blog. It’s his job to “say” things.

          White people can’t go lynch the bad cops.

          Abraham Lincoln is dead. Sorta like Moses.

          Besides Moses and Abraham Lincoln… People who are oppressed need to fight back.

          Kill bad cops. Form a “terrorist organization” and get your freedom. Find the cops at their homes and shoot them in between the eyes during dinner time.

          Im not black or I’d be doing something about the pigs.

          Fly is just pointing out that there are good guys out there

          He’s doing what trump did for the Nazis and clearly it’s pissing some white people off.

          150,000 gangbangers in Chicago alone and nobody can get in a car, do 10 minutes of Google and Facebook stalking… And execute cops?

          Do what Mossad did. Find the killers. Kill ’em.

          No need to burn Germany down and beat up random people.

          Just find the killers. Shoot them.

          Start rifle clubs. Malcolm X

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          • narcist

            Don’t JUST *say* things. ACTIONS speak louder than words.

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          • narcist

            And I’m NOT asking him to shoot bad cops. We had a BPP (for Self-Defense) back then and it will return when we see the need for it.

            America is less and less white everyday–the new demos will take care of these problems.

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    • fiaj

      Because the government is so great at helping people.

      If you want to help them, convince black leaders to start changing the toxic culture that permeates their community instead of reinforcing it. Blaming the police isn’t working.

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    • overseas investor
      overseas investor

      Good Luck with that… the first thing that needs to be done is get rid of corruption which leads to systemic issues and brings out the tribal roots in the African Community… Let’s take Baltimore for instance… It is one corrupt shithole that dates back to Tommy D’Alesandrio (Nancy Pelosi’s father) , the Dockyard deals and Lucky Luciano… fast forward to today and the morons that are “Placed” in the mayor’s office by the wealthy white powerbrokers from the suburbs with their bogus book deals and other shenanigans they effectively leave the black community and become one of the club members while the blacks continue to toil in rat infested poverty that will never change despite continual promises from the elected… whether it is Jack Young or (maybe) Sheila Dixon was Cummings or Pugh it never changes… Maryland is as corrupt as it gets… I could go on but some things are…
      … Donald Trump is their best hope to become free…

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    • ezthere

      Listen here. I take offense of Jane Fonda and all the other over paid Hollywood wing nuts and that whiney Warren calling me white privilege. Screw them. Bernie “I never did a damn thing Sanders” you don’t know what its like to be poor if your White, jam it pal. Take your guilt trip catchy phrases and jam them..All the other guilt ridden, I’m sorry I’m smarter then you, work harder then you so I need to blame myself for your failure. … To all those that got arrested in a show of solidarity. Congrats you have an arrest record for rioting trespassing looting. You get to explain that on every job interview you’ll ever see. Long after this is forgotten. Peace out.

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    • traderconfessions

      Hope you didn’t expect the dolts here to understand and appreciate your thoughts. One doesn’t have to be bright to trade stocks.

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  12. heckler


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  13. moosh

    Basically, be kind. It’s sometimes more of a challenge to be kind than others, but when you start to get the being kind thing in habit…it is hard not to see results, not only in you’re own sense of well being but also in the action of whomever it is aimed at x times over. You nailed it Fly. Thanks!

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    • Mr. Cain Thaler
      Mr. Cain Thaler

      Mattis’ idea of unity is young white men and young black men coming together…in the armed forces where he can send them off to die in wars not essential to America’s defense.

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      • s.k.

        Mattis has more integrity in his morning shit than Trump will have in his entire lifetime.

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        • Mr. Cain Thaler
          Mr. Cain Thaler

          He’s honest about his desire to occupy Syria with our soldiers despite it being unessential to our national defense.

          Yes that is a form of integrity but I wouldn’t call him decent.

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      • peaches

        Mattis is a soldier. Soldiers fight wars. They don’t start or end them.

        Bush (R) started the wars.

        Most (Ds) except the good commies were down with the Bush wars also.

        Peace is not a popular platform.

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        • Mr. Cain Thaler
          Mr. Cain Thaler

          Not even two years ago you guys were screaming that Mattis was a butcher who’d start wars and Trump would just go along with them. Then, Mattis tried to keep our troops in extended combat started under the Obama Administration and instead Trump fired him. Today, you’re all covering for him or outright sucking Mattis’ dick like CNN who labeled him ‘revered’.

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          • peaches

            I never called Mattis a butcher. i was really happy to see him and McMaster’s in the game. and was not surprised to see them give up.

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  14. fiaj

    You are just enabling the victimhood mentality, which is itself another form of slavery. The vast, vast majority of white americans aren’t racist. The vast majority bend over backwards to do anything they can to avoid being seen as racist, constantly walking on eggshells. All the racism is coming from the left against whites, demonizing them to the point it’s okay to loot and attack them.

    Blacks are not disproportionately killed by police. 9 unarmed blacks were killed by police last year. 19 whites were. You are perpetuating a false narrative

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    • peaches

      That is half as many but they make up way less than half the population.

      There are better statistics you could have used to make your otherwise weak argument.

      How many of these people were already in police custody?

      How many of the total black or white or green people killed by cops could have been prevented?

      Why do police departments in poor southern towns with schools that have no pencils have armored cars?

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  15. og

    Best post in awhile and you still have idiots fighting the message.

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  16. gsofield

    The riots got everyone’s attention. That’s a start. IMO this has been brewing for a long time and not only does it have to do with systemic racism but poverty as well. The poor in this country have been pressed into dust. Pull up a chart on wealth disparity from the 70’s onward and it looks like an alligator’s mouth…wide the fuck open. How much is too much for the fucks at the top? Trickle down economics my ass. Nothing trickles down. The Fed and the Treasury have lost their fucking minds. During the GFC Hank Paulson was asked how he came up with his $700 billion figure for TARP and he said some bullshit about thinking a trillion would be a tough sell. Well now that $700 billion is pocket change to these fucks. You could probably find that much in the seat cushions at the Treasury. Mother fuckers are spraying Wall Street with dollars and Main Street gets crumbs. I am convinced they tossed that $1200 to the serfs just to stave off an uprising. Floyd’s murder was the snowflake that set off the avalanche. We are the richest nation in the World and do nothing to address poverty. If you aren’t at the top of the food chain you are on the menu. You know what minimum age is? It means we’d pay you less but the government is making me pay you this much. If we were to seriously address poverty in this nation we might just have less jails, more schools, and a much healthier populous. Would that be such a bad thing? It’s dog eat dog. Being a minority and poor in a racist society is a double kick in the balls. The disparities are many between the top and bottom and it is even greater for those of color. I love it when I hear some rich fuck say lift yourself up by your boot straps and git-er-done. MLK says it better than I ever can. If you don’t want to watch the whole video at least watch from 14 min mark.

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    • fiaj

      I support the black community. I do not support BLM.

      Once BLM starts handing out math textbooks to kids instead of race baiting and pitting us against each other I’ll give them my full support.

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      • numbersgame

        The whole point is that these place **can’t afford the fucking math books**.

        Also, education eqaulity (priamry + secondary) is an important issue, but it isn’t the only handicap faced by monirty communities..

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        • Mr. Cain Thaler
          Mr. Cain Thaler

          Eh…the Michigan experience with Detroit Public Schools suggests that many of these places COULD afford books and things if the corrupt officials who kept getting voted in would like stop stealing all of the money.

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          • numbersgame

            You found one of the biggest scandals, and it cost the schools $2.7M in ill-gotten gaisn, over 13 years. With ~50,000 students, That’s about $50/ student (or $4/student/year). At *1* school district.

            Maybe you should read one of those Math books if you think corruption is the biggest problem with inner-city primary and secondary education.

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  17. quietstorm

    BLM movement, like #metoo, is all about dividing the country so the new “cambridge analytica” can group the persuadables to douse them for votes, or worse inevitable civil war. We are under attack and have been since Trumps first election, look how polarizing the sentiment of our country. Watch the “Great Hack” on Netflix-Anarchists using facebook data to fuck our country up.

    For me, I support human equal rights and yes black people get a raw deal, but so do all other minorities in the US. I pose the question where is their accountability. Being poor is a disease, being uneducated is a disease passed down from one generation to the other. I am 3rd generation american of asian decent. DO you know what my 1st and 2nd generation ancestor did when they came to America, worked their ass off, shut the fuck up, and gave every chance to level up the next generation. We were taught to become doctors or professionals since we could speak and write.

    What does all that have to do with BLM, the black community in the US have a choice just like my ancestors. They can change their people future by simply stop playing victim and be accountable. Yes, what happen to floyd is unforgivable, but why does that continually happen, is it because everyone hates black people? Or are police conditioned with majority of calls in inner cities across US with “black male, blah blah blah”, and that happens because every generation follows the same behavior. Level up your people, and not by becoming rappers or athletes, teach the young black to lose their street cred and go to school, build the black middle class, then rise. Until this happens it will stay the same. BLM does nothing for change, just so people on internet can feel apart of something important, and post something right next to their ass&titties post.

    Disclaimer: I’ve had a few drinks, so it may not make sense or be genius. Not sure yet, and i have to pour me another.

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    • tha pirate

      Perfectly said Quietstorm. Big thumbs up! The answer is hard work, education, economic empowerment NOT whining and complaining endlessly and blaming everyone – until that is done, this shit will NEVER end.

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    • reagan12

      You should have a couple of drinks more often when posting. Very well said. Over the last ten days I have yet to hear ONE pol, or black “leader” say one thing about root cause. Lets start with a 75% out-of-wedlock birth rate. Multiple dads of multiple children that are absent, leaving their auto-spreading leg mothers left to put forth varying degrees of effort to raise their offspring. Until this stops, nothing changes. If the entire black population changed their culture overnight to one of achievement we would still be at least two generations away from true reform. This aint getting better soon. Oh by the way….do we hear anything from BLM until their is a crisis of opportunity…?…No, we do not. They are built on maintaining the status quo. Very similar to the most liberal on the Left….

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  18. The Next New Cat Thing
    The Next New Cat Thing

    I honestly see the discussion of race as a topic for a prior century. Man will flounder in his evolution with this even greater emphasis on racial classification and the accompanying emotional triggering moments that so many now try to evoke. Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal, what more do you need?

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  19. moneybagz

    Everyone is racist. Human beings lived in small enclaves for 10k years and were conditioned to be weary of anyone that looks different from them because sometimes the different looking people killed them. This lead to an evolution of heightened awareness and is why people make assumptions when they meet people, it’s a human reaction. We judge people we meet based on their shoes for god sakes. To pretend we are going to “root out systemic racism” in a generation, is scientifically impossible and frankly Eugenics. So ask what the real goal of this “movement”. Everyone needs to shut the fuck up and love everyone, cops are your fucking neighbors. Remember seeing my dad scared out of his mind driving to work as a deputy in Newark NJ during the watts riots. Cops have kids too.

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    • peaches

      Black people in jail for smoking weed without a dorm room have kids too.

      Add up the millions and it becomes obvious how anyone coming from a neighborhood where perfectly normal people get beat up and thrown in jail doesn’t give a shit what happens to cops

      All it takes is one event. One bad cop. One bad hoodrat. One cousin you see get beat up by cops all by accident. One hoodrat beating up a Trump supporter.

      Then your hooked.

      Them and you.

      I think it’s stupid if we can’t put ourselves in the cage. Things are not so clear in the cage

      It’s perfectly natural for people in the projects to act and feel this way given what is going on.

      Nobody cares about cops dying if cops get to murder you on Facebook live.

      Nobody guarding their house cares about accidentally shooting some 50 year old single moms 19 year old gangbanger son.

      Nobody cares. Everyone wants blood. Super wealthy caused all of it.

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  20. moneybagz

    Go mentor some kids if you want to do something, race baiting will only get more people killed.

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  21. tha pirate

    I picked the name ‘Pirate’ – so I figure most of you assume I am so old 100% White Anglo Aaxon on my yacht trading stocks while having a Martinni with Carter Braxton Worth. Guess what? You are WRONG. I am from a mixed family too Fly, I am well educated too Fly, I am from the inner city too fly. I LOVE all people – but I do NOT excuse bad behavior from ANYONE because of what they look like.I have personally faced racism from whites AND blacks.

    I HATE racism – but if you are BLINDING yourself to the white racism of the limousine liberals OR the BLACK racism (and antisemitism) of the radical left nothing will be solved. The decent black folk duped by the FRAUDS of Al Sharpton, Black Lives matter, ignorant black political leaders etc are now the “useless idiots” (see Karl Marx) for the far left of Soros, ANTIFA, CAIR, Radical Islamist Sharia movements etc. They hate and are jealous of others success who DESPITE the unfairness, have struggled and made it.

    Did anyone just ‘give’ everything to the Korean grocer immigrants? To the Jamaican & West Indian immigrants working 3 jobs? To the Jews who have faced quotas limiting their admissions to ivy league schools but got educated anyway?To the Latinos who busted their ass to build bodegas & work in Law enforcement? To the Chinese ‘tiger moms’ who do not tolerate failure to educate and support their children? NO. These groups didn’t sit around bitching, they worked HARD and achieved DESPITE the discrimination and hate they faced.

    Life IS unfair – always was and always WILL BE. Bitching solves NOTHING. Economic empowerment, hard work and NO EXCUSES for the few truly racist whites, the black fathers who don’t marry their ‘baby mommas’, the racial racketeers who have black skin, but exploit it to make cash by using divisiveness and extorting white guilt. Did you all see the youtube of random white folk bowing to black people?? WTF is this shit! This is demeaning to EVERYONE.

    Enough of the ‘skin color’ and white guilt horseshit.. FUCK IT. Judge people based on what they DO, not how they look and let’s ALL look FORWARD. We know that Floyd was basically murdered, however, do we KNOW it was a color thing? There is growing evidence THAT IT IS POSSIBLE HE & THE COPS KNEW EACH OTHER & HAD PERSONAL BEEF! Can you imagine? If that’s true, the cops are STILL guilty of killing him, but the motive, the presumed ‘race’ element may or may NOT be why. That would mean that the ‘spark’ which set off all this shit that CNN has JOYFULLY incited was a LIE. I think the REAL racist was that white liberal bitch in Central park (you know the Hillary Clinton supporter who threatened to call the cops on a black man because he politely asked her to leash her dog)? Now THAT was REAL racism. She KNEW or believed he would be in big trouble and used her white privilege to threaten to call the cops. She is EXACTLY the type, the white guilt ridden liberal who always votes Dem, supports BLM etc etc who is the true racist, as are many of the brainwashed masses, black AND white, who buy into the bullshit of CNN, MsDNC and the racial racketeers stirring hate and lies between all Americans. There are also black villans who prey on this wickedness to advance their political careers and bank accounts and don’t give a DAMN about their ‘people’. They divide and slander ALL white people as racist and keep the hate going, just as the white liberal who virtue signals with their Biden “You ain’t black” or “they wanna keep y’all in chains”… buuut that was LAST week. THEY WANT US TO FORGET ALL THAT as we head to the voting booth November; to FORGET the sham impeachment, Russia Hoax, Ukraine Hoax, Dr ‘Slouchie’ etc. We all forget that NOW though thanks to the brick pallets delivered by ANTIFA, SOROS, BLM and the con artists didn’t we? WHAT a “coincidence”

    We must HEAL as a nation, love one another and STOP talking about this shit. Judge people ONLY on what they DO, not on who they are!

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    • tha pirate

      BTW, You are STILL not allowed to work, go to school and run a business in NYC, but Komrade DeBlasio has no problem with riots? Democrat liberals & their media lapdogs will say and do ANYTHING – and I mean ANYTHING to win votes. They prefer Americans at each other’s throats than another 4 years of ‘bad Orange man’.

      A Biden victory will be the END of America.

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    • peaches

      How is Soros and radical religious right wing nutbags on the same page?

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  22. spinthathamster

    Blacks are disenfranchised anywhere in the world. Mostly in their native homeland, Africa.
    Gang wars, canibalism, rape… black lives matter least in Africa, their own black continent.

    So. When you see that, the question comes naturally: “Could it be them? Their worst problem and biggest enemy?”

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    • tha pirate

      Completely disagree Spinthathamster. Africans were exploited by Muslim slave traders and Europeans for a long time. EVEN NOW TODAY there is Islamic slavery by lighter skinned Muslims in Libya of dark skinned Africans.
      Humans are ALL the same, but look differently based on what part of the planet their descendants live in. This does NOT have anything to do with what they do, say, or think. It is a persons actions, not looks, that make them good or bad. Ideology, NOT genealogy!

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      • spinthathamster

        We are all enslaved. Taxes, laws, governemt regimes, etc… if you really want, you can see slavery everywhere.

        But what made me think was a documentary on youtube, where a guy visits Monrovia (Liberia) and stories from a educated guy who worked a bit in Ivory Coast and Nigeria. I don’t know about any external slavemasters there and the countries are absolute shitholes.

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        • tha pirate

          To a DEGREE, but I just saw a video taken THIS YEAR of young Black African girls in a CAGE in Libya being sold by Islamists to the highest bidder in horrific fashion.
          Here is a FUKING PICTURE OF IT:


          In any case, there is no comparison.
          Nor Is the comparison to the Africans sold by them to Europeans 170 years ago in chains to be used hellishly like property . This, the persecution & murders of the American Indians, the persecutions & murders of the Jews.. You can not compare these types of things to mere taxes.

          That said, the victimhood mentality is an excuse and people MUST work hard and lift themselves – and this rioting has 3 types of people:
          1 People who genuinely are upset at this stuff
          2 Leftist & Anarchists who HATE the USA and are hyping this to help Biden
          3 People who were cooped up for 3 months and will use any excuse to loot & tear shit up.
          The media in any case LOVES this and won’t stop hyping it.

          Why not complain about the African Islamic slave market that is GOING ON RIGHT NOW? Simple: It won’t help Biden.

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          • peaches


            That isn’t our country and we don’t pay taxes there.

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  23. bareb52090

    I am making a good salary online from home.I’ve made 97,999 dollar.s so for last 5 months working online and I’m a full time student. I’m using an online business opportunity I’m just so happy that I found out about it…

    ====>>> SeeMore here

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  24. juice

    All the racism, racial profiling, etc. is completely overblown in this country.


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  25. narwhal

    How about showing black people respect by not treating them like they’re impoverished and need help. Don’t ask a black person to tell you about their hardships, ask a black person for advice, that’s respect.

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  26. tha pirate

    Race obsession is UNHEALTHY – for EVERYONE. Enough ‘conversations’. Fuck the racists AND the ‘professional victims’. Let’s move on

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    • spinthathamster

      Haha, this might be the most spot on commentary re these racial matters 🙂

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    • peaches

      Talking is pointless. You’re right.

      Black people need to buy guns. An eye for an eye won’t leave the whole world blind.

      Pacifism is anarchy.

      If someone kills someone you love, and the law does nothing about it, you can kill that person.

      That is why we gave the law the ability to kill and apprehend murderers.

      And if you don’t think “we” matters you’re just slaves with Stockholm syndrome.

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    • numbersgame

      “Let’s move on” = “let’s keep the status quo and my privileged position within it”

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  27. Raul3

    YES. This is great to read.

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  28. numbersgame

    Great post, Fly,

    Here some facts that I think everyone can agree on:
    – Evrybody (black, whites, and others) hasinherent biases and stereotypes, racail and otherwise.
    – These bias control our behavior to some extent. This is the way Intelligence works you observe and gather Knowledge, then use this knowledge to adjust your behavior.

    More controversial but easily proven:
    – White men have the power in the US and always have had it. Look at a photgraphs of CEOs and COngress through the ages – and even today. It’s fuckign obvious.

    This is why white men feel assaulted: because they *are* beign assaulted. You can’t have an equal society withot white men losing soem of their power. Of course, a true American Patriot would welcome this change, as a founding principle of America is the ability to earn your palce in society isntead of being given one (althoug this ideal is far from being fulfilled when ti comes to to wealth). It’s only peoepl that can’t compete on eqaul footing that favor the status quo.

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    • peaches

      well put.

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    • tjnyt

      Survival of the fittest, in my 47 yrs in the US I have seen WASP giving way to Jewish people and now East Indians moving to the front. As for the black people; in 1973, my first year as an intern in Brooklyn, I heard a black LPN joking ” Italians built it, Jews own it and we just live here”.
      My parents had 8th-grade education, we are 5 brothers and 3 sisters. I have 6 MDs and 2 lawers among the second generation. Stable marriages, no one screws around even 2nd generation.
      Black people have a great alliance with Jewish people under the banner of the Democrat Party. But as people ( having seen both from a close distance) they are polar apart. One of the most glaring differences I have noted is that rich and poor jews live in the same neighborhood, it has benefits beyond imagination.

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      • numbersgame

        Looks like you are leaving something out of your story..

        What did your parents do? An 8th grade education in 1920 went a lot farther than it does in 2020, so that’s not really that relevant. Did they own a business, buy a house? Great, how did they save up all that cash? Inheritance? Oh, they got loans? Do you honestly think it was just as easy for a black person and a Jew to get loans?

        Also, poor and rich living together need to have more rich than poor. How do the poor jews afford it?

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  29. numbersgame

    “German” doesn’t equal “Nazi”
    “White” doesn’t equal “Racist”
    “Protester” doesn’t equal “Rioter”
    “LEO” doesn’t equal “assailant”

    Sltill doesn’t mean that we don’t need major societla change, starting with citizen boards in charge of disciplinary actiosn for police officers.

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  30. yossarian

    My friend, you’re ok, but we’ll have to agree to disagree.

    I, too, grew up in a culturally diverse neighborhood, then graduated to four years with an all-expense paid international tours courtesy of the US Navy. I owe my life to my non-white brethren. ‘Nuff said.

    Two little data points: In 2018, a black cop inexplicably shot and killed a young white bride-to-be in Minneapolis. There were no demonstrations, no riots, and no politicians, actors or athletes making incomprehensibly stupid public statements in pathetic attempts to appear to be with in the media and otherwise self-appointed in-crowd. Why? Because black cops had attained equality with white cops maybe? Go away.

    It happens to be a fact that since 1980 about 10% of murders in the US were interracial.
    Of that 10%, approximately 2/3 involved white victims. Outraged yet? It’s kinda quiet. In 2015, there were about three dozen murders of unarmed blacks by whites. Last year, there were nine. What happened? Better cop training? Nope. More stringent laws? Nope. Better leaders? Knock yourself out. Try and think of three things our society could do now, post-Floyd, that haven’t been tried since 1980 to correct the PERCEPTION that whites and white cops hunt down blacks. And put them out here on your website so we can see them all.

    Hate to tell you this, pal, but people who are perceived to be targeted don’t want your sympathy, friendship, website platitudes or handouts. They want respect, and that starts with a job and a path to economic success. When you walk out of a jungle together, that’s really all it’s about.

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    • numbersgame

      Two little data points, indeed:
      1) “On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond, née Ruszczyk,[2][3] a 40-year-old Australian-American woman, was fatally shot by Mohamed Noor, a Somali-American Minneapolis Police Department officer….In June 2019, Noor was sentenced to 12.5 years in prison.”
      2) “On July 6, 2016, Philando Castile,[a] a 32-year-old African American man, was stopped while driving and fatally shot by Jeronimo Yanez, a 29-year-old Hispanic-American police officer from St. Anthony, Minnesota….After five days of deliberation, he was acquitted of all charges on June 16, 2017 in a jury trial”

      So now we know that the Blue shield doesn’t work for Black cops that kill White women. Is that the point you were trying to make

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      • numbersgame

        Also, White cops aren’t the problem, it is Bad cops and the Blue shield that protects them.

        Most regualtiosn and laws are very police friendly: police can usually get off as long as they say that they perceived a threat, which is why they don’t go to prison. Of course, white women are rearely perceived as threats…

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    • numbersgame

      As for 2/3 of interracial victims were white, in case you ahven’t notice, there are alot of white people in the US: 75-83% depednign on the year.

      Besides, this isn’t **just** about murder of minorities, it is about general misttreatment and police brutality against minorities. It’s not OK to beat someone for no reason as long as you don’t kill them.

      Also, now that a lot of Whites got addicted to Oxy and then Heroine, the US all of a sudden realized that maybe we shouldn’t make addiction a crime. How many minorites lost opportunities (jobs, loans, etc.) because they smoked a few ounces of weeds and got a criminal record out of it? How much money did investors in Private Prisons make from this?

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  31. wopic38918

    I am now making extra 18k $ or more every month from home by doing very simple and easy job online from home. I have received exactly $16k last month from this home job. Very easy to do and earning from this are just awesome. Join now this job and start making extra cash online by follow instruction on the given website…….. . Read More     

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