18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
23,445 Blog Posts

Most of My Stocks Will Trade Up Today — And That’s All There Is To It

It must be getting annoying for you to bear witness to this unprecedented level of winship. You sit there in your indecorously hideous and disheveled chair, a defeated man, dispatched by the man in the time capsule zipping thru outer-fucking-space. Sure, you’ve got your charts and your work, keeping you busy for 10 hours per day combing through dog-shit, whilst I simply carelessly toss 20% winner after winner onto the internets like I was feeding bread to a pack of pigeons.

Taking an early gander, it appears most of my positions are up a genteel 2% this morning, merely child’s play for the day to come. Based upon the laws of probability and ‘big numbers’, I am long overdue a loss — a hideous one to offset all of these wins; but that isn’t going to happen today. I have momentum on my side now and there’s literally nothing that can be done to stop me.

Bear that in mind please.

Peace in N. Korea has been achieved. Very soon we will all visit N. Korea and enjoy their beach resorts. Futures are marginally higher on this news. Some stocks are really lighting up bears this morning, such as RH, TSLA, PLAY, and GLMD.

Off to eat some break-fast.

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