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Savage Asks, ‘Is Trump’s War Over?’

Here’s a little gallows humor by conservative talk show host, Michael Savage.

‘Is Trump’s war over?’, asks Savage. He did, however, claim a small victory in the N. Carolina bathroom case being tossed out by the DOJ.

Moreover, Savage lamented with a dispirited tonality to expect ‘small wins’ during the Trump reign — humorously saying we’d have ‘small wars’ — ‘here a lunch, there a launch, everywhere a launch launch.’

If you’re eating something while listening to the clip, please swallow your food first. At around the 2:55 mark, Savage described our missiles as being ‘beautiful missiles’ and then our submarines as ‘beautiful, big submarines, very beautiful, very big submarines’ — an obvious attempt to mock President Trump’s repetitive cadence and syntax.

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  1. soupbone

    If you have a military and don’t use it, then why have it? (Trump). A few exercises will quickly show the President where the dead wood is, both home and abroad. Shit disturber nations being the easy target. What baffles me is how Europe allowed such a influx from Syria/Mid-east before crying bloody murder long ago. Ideologues are bad news. (sp?).

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  2. heaterman

    I think we expected too much.
    Trump is president, this is true…but he is just one man, one voice (with lousy speaking skills) one solitary individual, trying upend something larger than he or anyone outside it realizes.
    That “something” is the combination of the following.

    An enormous and largely left leaning bureaucracy which has built up over the course of decades. This is inertia that is difficult to comprehend for anyone who has not had the wonderful opportunity to work “in” a government position. The large majority of these soulless automatons have long since ceased to provide any meaningful service and exist only to perpetuate their “job” through the production of ever more onerous rules and regulations.

    Various monied interests which operate by providing succor to entities and individuals they deem worthy. Typically these will be issues, projects, and causes which appear to be harmless or even “righteous” but in reality serve to erode individualism and the rights associated with it.

    A media, in all it’s forms other than small town newspapers, that is decidedly “progressive” in every negative connotation of the term. In fact, the most recent iterations of said media are so progressive they actively and openly engage in social engineering and propaganda which serves to further the “global” cause and purpose. Truth is not a criteria given much consideration and must take a back seat to ratings and politically correct opinions.

    So Trump, a man who seems to hold few deeply rooted moral convictions personally, finds himself buffeted on all sides by the legislative and judicial branch of the government, certain members of his own family, said media and monied interests and of course the snowflakes.

    It is more than any one person can be expected to overcome, at least in any prompt fashion.
    He has however accomplished one major blow which will resound through the next couple decades and that is the appointment of a Supreme Court judge who is literal in terms of his interpretation of the Constitution. This man realizes there are absolute truths and they must be adhered to or society will default into lawlessness.

    Lawlessness…that is the ultimate goal of the progressive mind.
    No boundaries for behavior.
    No borders which ensure orderly society.
    No laws which impinge on the wishes (any wishes) of the individual.
    No extra recompense or reward for outstanding personal effort or initiative.
    Everyone gets a trophy and those who play computer games in their parents basements are economically supported by those who actually provide economic output.
    Morality totally up to the individual. If you want to have sex with a 6 year old that is just fine.
    If you wish to be a sperm donor but not a dad…hey that’s no problem at all.
    Aberrant and abhorrent religions deserve the same deference as those which truly promote peace and good will toward all mankind.

    These are the true hallmarks of the progressive nature.

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  3. mushroomz

    Trump did say he was going to bomb the shit out of ISIS in his campaign. https://youtu.be/aWejiXvd-P8

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  4. heckler

    I’m a little pissed at savage nation. Hasn’t put out a podcast in 9 days. Wtf?

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