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And Here’s ‘Football Head’ Jack Ma Trying to Sell You the Virtues of Globalization

Jack Ma, CEO of Alibaba, is one of a handful of autocrats running the globalized economy. There are very few people in this world as bad as Jack Ma. But his head is shaped like a football and he speaks with a disarming Chinese accent. He looks like a rice farmer and his words are soft, docile and peaceful. Meanwhile, he’s a devil motherfucker who wants your kids to starve, as he employs your child in one of his slave labor camps.

But here’s the argument that the globalists will sell you, the layman.

“You can do it too.”

No you cannot.

The globalists are entrenched by a moat of lawyers, regulations, patents, and uncompetitive tax law.

But if you think you can do it too, well, you might just go along for the ride a little while longer.

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One comment

  1. lplongo

    Yep, soon when you come up with the next big thing you will have to hope the powers that be allow you prosper (IP theft, unfair business practices, whatever). But I doubt they let you get too rich, probably buy you out then run with it to make the big money (e.g., Victoria’s Secret).

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