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Currency Wars: Japanese Yen Suspiciously Strong v Yuan

Back in January, following a very modest 3% move lower by the Yuan v the Dollar, all pandemonium broke loose. World markets plunged and the evil Chinese made a sundry of errors with their stock market that shook global markets to their core. Since then, the yuan has been firm v the dollar; but plunging lower, in a very suspicious manner v the yen.

Hmm, I wonder why?


Over the past 9 months, the yuan is down an astounding 15% v the yen. This move alone is likely to push the Japanese economy back into recession, yet no one is talking about it. The Chinese are still manipulating their currency. But instead of doing it against the dollar, they found an easier path to accomplish their needs v the yen.

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  1. speerothekid


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  2. blahblahblah

    zzzz….2049…..zzzz plenty of green and yet zzzz….Ark boarding on earth day and derby day….zzzz….bought HZNP….zzzz

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  3. sethster99

    I’ve been on the ark for weeks and am starving. I wish the pairs of animals would show up already so I can make a fire and enjoy some delicious aardvark meat.

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