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Gartman: ‘I’m Too Old to Trade Silver’

There are so many ways to rip Gartman to shreds with this clip. I almost feel like a werewolf biting away at his shirt sleeves. He’s talking bull markets and silver-gold ratios–something that hasn’t been relevant since the Victorian Ages.

‘Gentlemen don’t trade oats or silver,’ says D. Gartman. You’ve got to be fucking kidding me, mate.

Moreover, Gartman declares he’s too old to trade silver and can only play this on the long side of gold. After all, we’re in a long term bull market in the metals and he’s long of them, in bullshit terms, until something deleterious falls upon his foot and shatters it in twelve places.

Note how Gartman holds his hands up in that funny manner. He may very well be a demon. By the way, I absolutely love the fake books in the background. Nothing says ‘I’m smart as shit’ as a background filled with fake books. Riveting stuff.

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  1. vampyr

    BK said ‘Gentlemen don’t trade oats or silver,’ ; hairsplitting, I know.

    Commodities, even ones that are now considered “currency” scare me. I don’t have the “temerity” to invest or trade right now. Other than industries the require it, and the ppl who are probably trading in it and using it as a currency, who backs it?

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    • vampyr

      Who knows this stuff? Is there a book that can explain it to me?

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      • btn

        The theory goes that becuase you can always take your gold and silver and move to another country (or excahnge it for the new currency), gold and silver hold their value.

        On the plus side, it’s much easier to stockpile gold then an equivalent worth of guns, ammo, food, and water.

        On the negative side, you never see gold being used as currency in disaster fiction (Walking dead, mad max, etc.) for a reason.

        In reality, they are just shiny rocks with limited usefulness, that don’t hold their value during defaltionary times or when the economy is doing well.

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      • vampyr

        btw, LOL. I get this and I agree. Gold is very heavy, literally, and exchange expenses are heavy and high. I think of it as probably being used as black-pool or black-market if actually used as currency. Most countries you would want to be caught alive in have a fiat currency;

        ;and yes I’m gaining a better understanding of international exchange rates and I think I even understand why Switzerland had to go to negative interest rate and why the USA interest rates are so low – – so much being poured into safe haven countries, inflation of certain assets skyrocket – Manhattan real estate for example.

        Italy, for all its problems, I wonder if there are villas to be had in Tuscany (Seinfeld, my apologies).

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  2. btn

    Fake books – classic blowhard prop. Also note the fake sky-scraper-window-office to match.

    It’s kind of like how American politicians use flags. “Oh, he’s got flags, so he must be a Patriot who puts country before himself.”

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  3. moosh

    A true gangster would have gold and silver and barrels of crude in yen terms hanging as a backdrop. Who is this dweeb?

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  4. in and out

    Sh@t I been stacking Silver past few months and now Gartman says there is a bull market in metals I’m probably screwed! Silver to $5

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  5. stockslueth

    I studied his genealogy and originally his family’s surname was Dartman.

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