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America: Gestapo Styled Voting

Argue the message, not the messenger.


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  1. frog

    There should be a transcript of this so that I don’t have to listen to Alex’s irritating voice.

    BTW, there was a Trump guy on the Bill Maher show Friday and he said that the deadline has already passed for Trump to register to run as an Independent. So apparently Trump has to either get the GOP nomination or he can’t run. in the general.

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    • Dr. Fly

      If I have to endure your essay styled comments, you can spend 15 mins to watch the video.

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    • hattery

      Libertarians already have done the work to get on the ballot.

      Trump’s fair trade (against the free trade position of Reagan’s cheif economic adviser Milton Friedman), authoritarian foreign policy and progressive health care and progressive tax plans hardly make him a fit for libertarian. Nevertheless, he could get on the ballot while finally raising libertarians to relevancy, so I wouldn’t rule it out.

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  2. ottnott

    “Argue the message, not the messenger.”

    No. Not with this one. This guy fills a giant dumpster full of “message” every single day. The more you listen to him, the less in touch with reality you become.

    If he was dispensing investment advice, you’d be ridiculing him and pointing out that his track record is of the sort that gets racehorses turned into dog food.

    You don’t argue the message when the message is full of crazy. You point out that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

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    • it is showtime

      And Scalia died peacefully & naturally

      Hippy skippy iw with an entry

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  3. Dr. Fly

    I reject your closed minded opinion wholly. Jones is 100% right.

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    • ottnott

      100% is for the wishy-washy.

      If you don’t admit that he is 110% right, Jones will stop warning us that the global elites take psychedelic drugs that the elites believe put them in contact with clockwork elves and inter-dimensional beings.

      You don’t want Jones to stop doing that, because only he will warn you about the plans the elites have for us, the plans that the elites believe are demanded by the clockwork elves, etc.

      Heck of a message.

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    • ottnott


      Jones is not to be taken seriously, nor is any post on his craziness. The nonsense comes straight from him.

      Jones has gone on at length with the claim that “elites” are doing what they are doing to us because the elites take psychedelic drugs and believe they are communicating with beings not of our dimension. Those promise wonderful things for the elites, and encourage the elites to gain total control over us, kill us, etc.

      Extraordinary claims. Evidence: gibberish.

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  4. joyous__ending

    Riveting ignorance.
    By the way, Mr. Jones left out the part about the Jew bankers controlling the Federal Reserve.

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  5. traderconfessions

    You really listen to these crazies? When I lived in NYC twenty years ago there was a homeless woman who sometimes took shelter in my apartment building’s exterior vestibule. She told me that she communicated with dolphins through satellites. Guess she’d have her own talk show now alongside Jones and your other favorites.

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    • Dr. Fly

      I’m somewhat surprised that you’ve bought the whole lie, hook, line and sinker without thinking outside the box. There is nothing he said in those two videos that were wrong. I am not an expert on Jones. I am merely posting what he mentioned in those vids, nothing else.

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      • traderconfessions

        Just can’t listen to a 9/11 truther. By definition that makes him batshit crazy. If you can’t find a more credible person to make your point then perhaps there’s no point at all.

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      • ottnott

        “There is nothing he said in those two videos that were wrong”

        There are huge numbers of factually incorrect statements, even setting aside his leaps of illogic and his insane world view that underlies everything he says.

        Let me give you some context about the cancellation of the Colorado GOP primary (the cancellation that Jones says is illegal, brings back Jim Crow voting or worse, etc.).

        The Colorado GOP canceled the primary way back in August 2015. The party previously held a non-binding preference poll, but national GOP rule changes after the 2012 election no longer allowed some of Colorado GOP’s procedures.

        The Colorado party couldn’t reach an internal agreement to hold a primary election in 2016, so they cancelled that plan and set up a process of district and state party conventions to select unbound delegates to the national convention.

        The Cruz campaign understood the rules, got their supporters to the Colorado conventions, and got their delegates elected to the national convention.

        What Cruz is doing is called campaigning to win.

        What Trump is doing is called whining and making excuses.

        What Jones is doing is just crazy.

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  6. t.c.

    Well, he has a point. The parties should not run around acting like undemocratic criminals. At the same time comparing the situation to the atheistic garbage heap in China is a stretch.

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  7. zheeeem

    Hubert Humphrey (remember him?) won the 1967 DNC nomination despite not winning a single primary. After that, the DNC reformed its processes to be somewhat more democratic. But the constitution doesn’t even mention political parties and how they should function (and some of the founding fathers objected to them). I tend to think of them as clubs of supposedly like-minded people who try to push someone who will advance their interests, visions, or hallucinations. They are not formally a part of american democracy, and they ought to follow whatever rules they want for themselves. A truly clever politician will use the existing rules to secure his or her nomination, not whine about the unfairness of the rules.

    The problem the RNC has is that its rank-and-file probably now want different rules, and this feeling may be strong enough such that the party will fracture if the majority vote getter does not get the nomination.

    We love being the greatest democracy on earth, and all that, but parliamentary systems tend to avoid this particular problem.

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    • ottnott

      Thank you, zheeeem. You understand the political institutions of our country and how those institutions shape political processes and behavior.

      Fly has some mistaken ideas about how things are supposed to work, sees that things aren’t working that way, and, unless he is just pulling our legs (I hope for his sake that he is), he is swallowing Jones’ crazy explanation that reality and expectations differ because “they” are “stealing” the election.

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  8. traderconfessions

    My guess the same political shenanigans have been going on since our country was founded and will continue forever. Did the Republican establishment steal the election from Gore with that hanging chad nonsense? Yup. But our country moved on and always will.

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    • Dr. Fly

      Where has the country gone since hanging chad? Has the globalization of america helped or hurt us?

      19 trill in debt and counting.

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      • traderconfessions

        Think we would have gone into Iraq again if Gore was elected? No. Not sure exactly what you mean by globalization. Wars? Hurt. Helping poor countries fight diseases. Help. Nations only confront thorny political issues like huge debts when their next step is over cliff’s edge. We certainly are close.

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      • frog

        Absolutely no one in Congress believes that the debt is a problem. Perhaps they are right. But both parties spend like drunken sailors– just on different things. And individuals who claim to be concerned about the debt always seem to want to have huge tax cuts that would greatly increase the debt in the real world– although not in the GOP fantasy world where tax cuts somehow decrease the debt. But the GOP folks can not do math, so what can one expect?

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  9. gorby

    As long as America can print its own money to pay
    its own debt we’re good.

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    • frog

      It certainly seems so. And all politicians in D.C. act as if that is true.

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      • frog

        I actually wonder if having the world’s reserve currency is what a country is awarded if they are willing to do the otherwise thankless and disastrous task of acting the world’s police force, which we are certainly doing. Of the other countries who are capable of doing that job, and who would be trusted by other countries to do it– I don’t think any of those other countries want this job.

        Watching us flounder around trying unsuccessfully to do it is certainly enough to dissuade any contenders for the position.

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  10. hattery

    Jones is in the tank for Trump because Trump and Trump’s pal Jessie Ventura went on his show and gave him a larger voice. Also because of Trump rejecting globalism… Also because covering Trump gives him more media exposure than if he were in the tank for Ted.

    Let’s pretend things were flipped. Let’s say Trump “stole” it from Cruz. This is how I think Jones would handle it…

    Jones:”Ladies and gentleman it’s an outrage of anyone to dare call the system broken! The same system that gave us Abe Lincoln who entered the brokered convention as an underdog! The same system who gave is Dwight D Eisenhower who opposed the unconstitutional, corrupt military industrial complex! It’s also outrageous for Cruz to wait until AFTER the fact to complain. The rules are the rules… You don’t like it… TOUGH! …and Cruz is now retroactively complaining… Sorry Cruz, it’s not a democracy… It’s not a representational democracy… Our founders knew we had to have a representative form of government…
    To prevent the majority from forcibly imposing their will on he minority.
    Cruz had his chance to try to change the rules or prepare for him…. Or if he’s such a great deal maker, make a deal… And now he’s saying not even his kids can vote in the election because they aren’t registered? Talk about unprepared and un knowledgable about the system. This system is built to prevent people who can’t prepare within the rulers provided, that aren’t knowledgable about delegates and electoral college to win.
    [jones makes mocking crybaby voice]Oh boo hoo… I’m Ted Cruz… The system is rigged…
    Oh boo hoo… I won the popular vote but not the delegates…
    It’s not fair that Trump could give delegates a resort on the Trump towers for no cost because Trump has been successful in business. Trump could bribe delegates with passes to the Trump resort golf course. It’s not fair!!!
    [end of fake whiny voice]
    this is constitutional republic Cruz is COmPLaIng??!?!gh)&:: (Alex pauses for mini heart attack)
    Ladies and gentlemen, this complaining is antiamerican rhetoric from Cruz…
    [insert video clip]
    [insert rant about the history of the Gestapo as the Nazi secret police of Germany and how dare the Cruz campain have the nerve to reference
    I’m sorry but if your an ignorant SCUM ignorant of the system that wanted gridlock, that wanted limited government, that wanted the representatives to prevent the foolish majority from tyrannicaly overrunning the minority, you are antiamerican!
    [insert mini heart attack]
    Ladies and gentleman, we gotta go to a commercial”

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    • frog

      By George, I think you’ve gawt it, Hattery. You’ve got Jones’ method of arguing down pat.

      Apparently Jones is a great listen for people addicted to their own adrenalin though, which a lot of traders are. All revved up constantly, full of fear and rage.

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      • frog

        It’s so incredibly interesting how in politics, whether something is bad or good, strong or weak– depends entirely on whether your candidate did it or the candidate you are against did it. Different rules for the different candidates.

        The candidate you don’t like does something, then he’s the Anti-Christ. If a candidate you like does the same thing, then that candidate is supposedly courageous, strong, moral– whatever is good.

        Different rules for the in group tribe vs. the out group tribe.

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      • hattery

        Very True… I think it is very hard for anyone to actually be objective as opposed to appearing that way.

        Especially how the system is set up for people to align themselves with groupthink and then plead their case to represent group think and appease group-thinkers and spend millions to convince people why their brand of groupthink is right and why people should vote accordingly.

        Because of this, politics devolves into character attacks. 30-40% on each side always vote for party regardless of candidate. The remaining 20-40% of independent/moderates/undecideds that swing elections are won with mostly character attacks and voter turnout and “lesser of two evil” voters.

        As traders it’s useful to identify where you are wrong and limit the damage bias can do.

        In politics how do we do that?

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      • frog

        That is an excellent question, if I ever heard one. It is so hard to do, though, that it’s possible that no one has done it yet.

        On most of the issues, you can’t directly get the info with your own eyes and ears. So you end up taking someone else’s word for it, on the TeeVee or the radio or the Internet. But then the question is: How do you know who is a trustworthy news source, as compared to a propaganda source?

        On the TeeVee, CNN came out the best– at least in the month sampled here– apparently September 2014. But then, CNN often doesn’t talk about anything substantive, so that is a consideration too.


        Right now, I like vox.com and also consortiumnews.com They have different perspectives (one progressive, one Libertarian) but they both seem to attempt to look for facts– rather than using the more common fact-free approaches.

        E.g. one of the fact-free approaches is to look at every news event as an opportunity to find a reason to bash a politician from a party you don’t like and/or to praise one from a party you do like. Another fact-free approach is trying to be “balanced”, or trying to entertain people with conflict. That is, you show “both sides” of an issue, even if one “side” is composed entirely of lies or paranoid delusions.

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  11. wordpoop

    Looking forward to the great Republican barn fire. Days are numbered for all these morons. The era of idiots is coming to a close. Fyea!

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  12. hattery


    Trump actually has a larger percentage of delegates than popular vote percentage would dictate.

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