18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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A Fine Week

So we lost a little coin today, at least some of us mortals did. I know Option Addict has been cheating with his picks, seeking advice vis a vis the company time machine–leaving the rest of us in awe. His latest pick, YGE, is nothing less than staggering.

The solars are a funny sector. I was buying YGE in the $2’s, putting a price target of $6 on it, based upon an apples to apples comparison of its peers. Lo and behold, he we are at $6.

The PPT scores have been very gloomy as of late, reminiscent of a cold war. We’re not oversold, not overbought. We are simply floating aimlessly, losing a little here and a little there. I’ve been fortunate to escape the latest sell off, save today’s 1.5% drubbing. However, I am not complacent and understand that all good things end, at least temporarily, so I better be prepared for that eventuality.

‘Tis the season for market catastrophes and government shut downs. Over the weekend, I am going to comb all of my favourite screens for the very best of stocks and post them, exclusively for the top hatted, white glove wearing, gents inside of The PPT.

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  1. The Equalizer


    That is all.

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  2. xxxhuggiebearxxx

    Well, i am for the first time in probably two years 100% long, with no easy escape.

    You know what that means.

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  3. weegoody

    a first…i made coin today and the fly didn’t. you get credit for it though (BALT intra-day play).

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  4. matt_bear

    The Internet is a funny place. Amidst a looming gov shutdown and economic chaos, I had almost 30% of my life savings and means of survival inside a handful of front month options on shitty stocks at the advice of some random unknown guy with a blunt smoking avatar.

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  5. matt_bear

    LOL! Yeah, I guess you could say that.

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  6. matt_bear

    Fly- is there a story in fly stories about how you acquired your handle/nickname?

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  7. tradercaddy

    I think it may have something to do with his first stock purchase, but I’m not sure.
    I seem to recall the Fly’s first purchase was about 100 shares of Corel software (as a youth).

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  8. ironbird

    The Julio Cesar Chavez Jr fight tonight sums up, the fucked up reality of the tape, right now. IT IS RIGGED. Thank god IBC is available for the plebs to ride the coaster. The polluted landscape is meaningless when one has the cure. God bless IBC.

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