18 years in Wall Street, left after finding out it was all horseshit. Founder/ Master and Commander: iBankCoin, finance news and commentary from the future.
Joined Nov 10, 2007
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Only Congress Can Stop Us Now

I am expecting a most absurd rally. Unfortunately, I am not focused on stocks this morning, due to the ongoing operations at Casa del Fly, this time of the flooring variety. Mrs. Fly has decided to ditch the remainder of the rugs in favor for wood, which is fine with me. The only problem that I have now is the 5 Mexicans upstairs banging on my floors with their little rubber hammers.

Regardless of whether we shoot higher today, tomorrow or next week, rest assured, we will shoot higher, led by housing related stocks.

Do your homework and buy the dips.

NOTE: Yes I see GOGO this morning.

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  1. xxxhuggiebearxxx

    I am going to refer to your most recent posts and refer to that as my guide. Might as well play the reflation trade until Turkey day, at least.

    Or an even better bet might be to play the reflation trade until the CPI actually registers unacceptable inflation. Eventually it will and then they may stop…maybe.

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  2. haveseenitall

    If you the like the builders does it follow that MTG , RDN , and MBI would follow the builders ?

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  3. matt_bear

    pre-market trading is nuts. who the heck bought gogo at 19.45? lol

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  4. TheHarper

    I buy RAD at 2.50 sell at 3.15 …FML.

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  5. clock

    “The only problem that I have now is the 5 Mexicans upstairs banging on my floors with their little rubber hammers.”

    No…..I won’t touch that one. ๐Ÿ˜€

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